{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} module AlsaSeq (withAlsaInit, parseAlsaEvents, parseAlsaEvents', forwardNoteEvent, cmdlineAlsaConnect, printChordLn, showChord, pitchList, showPitch, unPitch, unChannel, MidiHook, MidiPitchSet) where import qualified Sound.ALSA.Exception as AlsaExc import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Address as Addr import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer as SndSeq import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Client as Client import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Client.Info as ClientInfo import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Port.Info as PortInfo import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Connect as Connect import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event as Event import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event.RemoveMonad as Remove import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Port as Port import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Port.InfoMonad as PortInfoM import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Queue as Queue import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.RealTime as RealTime import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Time as Time import qualified System.Exit as Exit import qualified System.IO as IO import System.Environment (getArgs, ) import Text.Printf import Control.Monad (when, forM_, forM) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.List (group, sort) import Haskore.Basic.Pitch import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno)) import Control.Exception.Base (try) unPitch = Event.unPitch unChannel = Event.unChannel printChordLn set = printWords $ pitchWords set joinWords [] = "" joinWords ls = foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ls printWords [] = return () -- print nothing if no words (not an empty line) printWords ls = putStrLn $ joinWords ls showChord ls = joinWords $ pitchWords ls showPitch x = let (octave, pitch) = Haskore.Basic.Pitch.fromInt $ fromIntegral x in Haskore.Basic.Pitch.classFormat pitch (show octave) pitchWords set = map showPitch $ pitchList set pitchList set = map Event.unPitch $ map (\ (c, n) -> n) $ Set.toList set pitchLists set = map (\ (c, n) -> (Event.unChannel c, Event.unPitch n)) $ Set.toList set prettyNote :: Event.Note -> String prettyNote (Event.Note noteChannel noteNote noteVelocity noteOffVelocity noteDuration) = let pitch = Event.unPitch noteNote vlcty = Event.unVelocity noteVelocity in printf "%d(%d)" pitch vlcty showPorts ls = joinWords $ map (show . head) $ group $ sort ls showAlsaPorts h = do c <- alsaClients h putStrLn "" printf "%15s %s\n" "Ports" "Names" printf "%15s %s\n" "=====" "=====" forM c (\(name, ports) -> printf "%15s %s\n" (showPorts ports) name) putStrLn "" alsaClients h = do portsNames <- ClientInfo.queryLoop h $ \cinfo -> do ports <- alsaClientPorts h cinfo name <- ClientInfo.getName cinfo return (name, ports) return portsNames alsaClientPorts h cinfo = do client <- ClientInfo.getClient cinfo ports <- PortInfo.queryLoop h client $ \pinfo -> do c <- PortInfo.getClient pinfo let (Client.Cons p) = c in return p return ports withAlsaInit k = do SndSeq.withDefault SndSeq.Nonblock $ \h -> do Client.setName (h :: SndSeq.T SndSeq.DuplexMode) "Haskell Beats" -- In imperative language MIDI sequencer, you rock beat. In Haskell language MIDI sequencer, rock beat you! Port.withSimple h "inout" (Port.caps [Port.capRead, Port.capSubsRead, Port.capWrite, Port.capSubsWrite]) (Port.types [Port.typeMidiGeneric, Port.typeApplication]) $ \public -> do Port.withSimple h "private" (Port.caps [Port.capRead, Port.capWrite]) (Port.types [Port.typeMidiGeneric]) $ \private -> do Queue.with h $ \q -> do PortInfoM.modify h public $ do PortInfoM.setTimestamping True PortInfoM.setTimestampReal True PortInfoM.setTimestampQueue q c <- Client.getId h let publicAddr = Addr.Cons c public privateAddr = Addr.Cons c private Queue.control h q Event.QueueStart Nothing k h public private q publicAddr privateAddr cmdlineAlsaConnect h public = do args <- getArgs case args of ["0"] -> do return () ["0", output] -> do (Connect.createTo h public =<< Addr.parse h output) return () [input] -> do (Connect.createFrom h public =<< Addr.parse h input) return () [input, output] -> do (Connect.createFrom h public =<< Addr.parse h input) (Connect.createTo h public =<< Addr.parse h output) return () _ -> do showAlsaPorts h IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr "need arguments: [output-port]" IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr " (use port 0 for no input)" Exit.exitFailure inputPendingLoop h b = do mres <- try (Event.inputPending h b >>= return) case mres of (Left e) -> case e of (AlsaExc.Cons _ _ (Errno 4)) -> inputPendingLoop h b >>= return -- axis: AlsaException.Cons "inputPending" "Interrupted system call" (Errno 4) (AlsaExc.Cons location _ code) -> do putStrLn $ "alsa_exception: " ++ AlsaExc.show e -- TODO: log this to a file AlsaExc.throw location code (Right result) -> return result type MidiPitchSet = Set.Set (Event.Channel, Event.Pitch) parseAlsaEvents :: SndSeq.AllowInput mode => SndSeq.T mode -> Set.Set (Event.Channel, Event.Pitch) -> (Event.T -> IO a) -> IO MidiPitchSet parseAlsaEvents h keysDown immediate = loop keysDown where loop keysDown = do pending <- inputPendingLoop h True if (pending == 0) then return keysDown else do ev <- Event.input h immediate ev case Event.body ev of Event.NoteEv Event.NoteOn n -> if (Event.unVelocity (Event.noteVelocity n) == 0) then loop (Set.delete (Event.noteChannel n, Event.noteNote n) keysDown) else loop (Set.insert (Event.noteChannel n, Event.noteNote n) keysDown) Event.NoteEv Event.NoteOff n -> loop (Set.delete (Event.noteChannel n, Event.noteNote n) keysDown) _ -> loop keysDown parseAlsaEvents' h keysDown immediate = loop [] keysDown where loop events keysDown = do pending <- inputPendingLoop h True if (pending == 0) then return (events, keysDown) else do ev <- Event.input h immediate ev case Event.body ev of Event.NoteEv Event.NoteOn n -> if (Event.unVelocity (Event.noteVelocity n) == 0) then loop (ev:events) (Set.delete (Event.noteChannel n, Event.noteNote n) keysDown) else loop (ev:events) (Set.insert (Event.noteChannel n, Event.noteNote n) keysDown) Event.NoteEv Event.NoteOff n -> loop (ev:events) (Set.delete (Event.noteChannel n, Event.noteNote n) keysDown) _ -> loop (ev:events) keysDown type MidiHook = Event.T -> IO () forwardNoteEvent :: SndSeq.AllowOutput mode => SndSeq.T mode -> Queue.T -> Addr.T -> MidiHook forwardNoteEvent h q publicAddr ev = do --let immediate = \a b c -> do { Event.output h $ mkEv $ a b c; _ <- Event.drainOutput h; return (); } -- data T = Cons { highPriority :: !Bool , tag :: !Tag , queue :: !Queue.T , time :: !Time.T , source :: !Addr.T , dest :: !Addr.T , body :: !Data } deriving Show let (Event.Cons highPriority tag _ time _ _ body) = ev in Event.output h (Event.Cons highPriority tag q time publicAddr Addr.subscribers body) Event.drainOutput h return ()