{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} import FRP.Netwire hiding (when) import Prelude hiding ((.), id, null, filter) import Data.Time.Clock import Control.Wire hiding (when) import Control.Wire.Session import Control.Monad import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL import AlsaSeq import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF as SDL.TTF import Data.String import Graphics.UI.SDL.Keysym as SDL.Keysym netwireIsCool :: (Monad m) => Wire (Timed NominalDiffTime ()) () m a String netwireIsCool = for 2.5 . pure "Once upon a time..." --> for 3 . pure "... games were completely imperative..." --> for 2 . pure "... but then..." --> for 10 . (pure "Netwire 5! " <> anim) --> netwireIsCool where anim = holdFor 0.5 . periodic 1 . pure "Hoo..." <|> pure "...ray!" main = withAlsaInit $ \h public private q publicAddr privateAddr -> do cmdlineAlsaConnect h public -- fail early if bad command lines SDL.withInit [SDL.InitVideo, SDL.InitTimer, SDL.InitJoystick] $ do info <- SDL.getVideoInfo let width = SDL.videoInfoWidth info height = SDL.videoInfoHeight info warpMouse = do _ <- SDL.warpMouse (fromIntegral (width `div` 2)) (fromIntegral (height `div` 2)) return () --screen <- SDL.setVideoMode width height 32 [SDL.SWSurface, SDL.Fullscreen] screen <- SDL.setVideoMode width height 32 [SDL.SWSurface] _ <- SDL.TTF.init font <- SDL.TTF.openFont "LiberationMono-Bold.ttf" 30 videoSurface <- SDL.getVideoSurface videoClipRect <- SDL.getClipRect videoSurface _ <- SDL.showCursor False _ <- SDL.grabInput True warpMouse -- _ <- SDL.setRelativeMouseMode True -- SDL2. Should I use it? putStrLn "Initialized." let parseAlsa keysDown = parseAlsaEvents h keysDown (forwardNoteEvent h q publicAddr) let loop midiKeysDown keysDown s w x = do keysDown' <- parseSDLEvents keysDown midiKeysDown' <- parseAlsa midiKeysDown (ds, s') <- stepSession s (ex, w') <- stepWire w ds (Right x) let x' = either (const "") id ex Control.Monad.when (x /= x' && x' /= "") $ do putStrLn x' textBand videoSurface videoClipRect (SDL.Rect 0 0 0 70) font x' return () Control.Monad.when (midiKeysDown' /= midiKeysDown) $ do let chord = showChord midiKeysDown' Control.Monad.when (chord /= "") $ putStrLn chord textBand videoSurface videoClipRect (SDL.Rect 0 70 0 70) font chord return () Control.Monad.when (keysDown' /= keysDown) $ do let chord = unwords $ map (\k -> drop 5 (show k)) $ Set.toList keysDown' Control.Monad.when (chord /= "") $ putStrLn chord textBand videoSurface videoClipRect (SDL.Rect 0 210 0 70) font chord return () mouse <- SDL.getRelativeMouseState let (x, y, button) = mouse textBand videoSurface videoClipRect (SDL.Rect 0 140 0 70) font ((show x) ++ " " ++ (show y) ++ " " ++ (show button)) Control.Monad.when (x /= 0 || y /= 0) warpMouse _ <- SDL.updateRect videoSurface videoClipRect let framerate = 30 let delay = 1000 `div` framerate - 1000 * (floor $ dtime ds) SDL.delay (delay) Control.Monad.when (not $ keyDown SDL.SDLK_ESCAPE keysDown) $ loop midiKeysDown' keysDown' s' w' x' loop Set.empty Set.empty clockSession_ netwireIsCool "" -- clear a band the width of the videoClipRect and print the text within it, centered textBand videoSurface videoClipRect (SDL.Rect _ y _ h) font text = do let (SDL.Rect vx _ vw _) = videoClipRect _ <- SDL.fillRect videoSurface (Just (SDL.Rect 0 y vw h)) (SDL.Pixel 0) Control.Monad.when (text /= "") $ do fontSurface <- SDL.TTF.renderUTF8Blended font text (SDL.Color 0 255 0) fontClipRect <- SDL.getClipRect fontSurface let (SDL.Rect _ fy fw _) = fontClipRect _ <- SDL.blitSurface fontSurface (Just fontClipRect) videoSurface (Just (SDL.Rect ((vw - fw) `div` 2) y vw h)) return () return () parseSDLEvents :: Set.Set SDL.SDLKey -> IO (Set.Set SDL.Keysym.SDLKey) parseSDLEvents keysDown = do event <- SDL.pollEvent case event of SDL.NoEvent -> return keysDown SDL.KeyDown (SDL.Keysym k _ _) -> parseSDLEvents (Set.insert k keysDown) SDL.KeyUp (SDL.Keysym k _ _) -> parseSDLEvents (Set.delete k keysDown) _ -> parseSDLEvents keysDown keyDown :: SDL.Keysym.SDLKey -> Set.Set SDL.Keysym.SDLKey -> Bool keyDown k s = Set.member k s deriving instance Ord SDL.Keysym