AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-08-26+ Document rest of module.Sam T
2013-08-26+ Documentation to the dictionary extraction sectionSam T
2013-08-26~ Simplify dictionary building.Sam T
2013-08-26~ Document the Predicates section.Sam T
2013-08-26+ Document dictionay builders.Sam T
2013-08-26+ Added tests for generic decode & record selectors.Sam T
2013-08-26+ Added generic decode.Sam T
2013-08-26+ Add todo list.Sam T
2013-08-26+ Added test for generics.Sam T
2013-08-26- Remove unused extensions.Sam T
2013-08-26+ Add generics support.Sam T
2013-08-26~ Obey 80 columns rule.Sam T
2013-06-28~ Fix deps, bump version.Sam T
2013-06-28~ Use older bytestring.Sam T
2013-06-09~ Fix package category in cabal.Sam T
2013-06-09~ Prepare for hackage.Sam T
2013-06-03~ Ignore html file diffs.Sam T
2013-06-02~ Add extra source files section.Sam T
2013-06-02~ Prettify section headings.Sam T
2013-06-02~ Use pretty package instead of ansi-wl-pprint.Sam T
2013-05-20~ Avoid backtracking in list and integer parsing.Sam T
2013-05-19~ Add some links to readme.Sam T
2013-05-19~ Fix cabal.Sam T
2013-05-19+ Complete readme.Sam T
2013-05-19~ Relax dependencies.Sam T
2013-05-19~ Fix integer encoding.Sam T
2013-05-19+ Add benchmarks for long int lists.Sam T
2013-05-19+ Add instances for Version and Set.Sam T
2013-05-12+ Add instance for tuples.Sam T
2013-04-18~ Empty commit; just to hook travis.Sam T
2013-04-18~ Update urls.Sam T
2013-04-18+ Fix travis config.Sam T
2013-04-18+ Add build status to readme.Sam T
2013-04-18~ Fix broken dependency.Sam T
2013-04-18+ Add custom integration testing script.Sam T
2013-04-18~ Fix dependencies to avoid ambiguious deps.Sam T
2013-04-17~ Prettify module a bit.Sam T
2013-04-17+ Add description in readme.Sam T
2013-04-17+ Add module documentation.Sam T
2013-04-05+ instances for wordsSam T
2013-04-03cosmetic changesSam T
2013-04-01+ instance for textSam T
2013-04-01fix error messageSam T
2013-04-01fix required field extractionSam T
2013-04-01add dict buildersSam T
2013-04-01+ better errorsSam T
2013-04-01+ instance for boolSam T
2013-04-01+ BEncodableSam T
2013-04-01add some metainfoSam T
2013-03-31fix cabal check hintsSam T