language: c compiler: - gcc - clang before_script: # installing libsodium, needed for Core - git clone git:// - cd libsodium - git checkout tags/0.4.2 - ./ - ./configure && make check -j3 - sudo make install - cd .. # installing libconfig, needed for DHT_bootstrap_daemon - wget - tar -xvzf libconfig-1.4.9.tar.gz - cd libconfig-1.4.9 - ./configure && make -j3 - sudo make install - cd .. # installing libopus, needed for audio encoding/decoding - wget - tar xzvf opus-1.0.3.tar.gz - cd opus-1.0.3 - ./configure && make -j3 - sudo make install - cd .. # installing libsdl1.2, needed for displaying video frames - wget - tar -xvzf SDL-1.2.15.tar.gz - cd SDL-1.2.15 - ./configure && make -j3 - sudo make install - cd .. # installing libopenal, needed for audio capture/playback - sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev # installing yasm, needed for compiling ffmpeg - sudo apt-get install yasm # installing ffmpeg, needed for capturing and encoding/decoding video - wget - tar -xvzf ffmpeg-2.0.2.tar.gz - cd ffmpeg-2.0.2 - ./configure && make -j3 - sudo make install - cd .. # creating librarys' links and updating cache - sudo ldconfig # installing check, needed for unit tests - sudo apt-get install check script: - autoreconf -i - ./configure - make -j3 - make check - make dist notifications: email: false irc: channels: - "" on_success: always on_failure: always