#!/bin/sh # Common variables and functions NPROC=$(nproc) SCREEN_SESSION=freebsd SSH_PORT=10022 FREEBSD_VERSION="12.1" IMAGE_NAME=FreeBSD-${FREEBSD_VERSION}-RELEASE-amd64.raw # https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/VM-IMAGES/12.1-RELEASE/amd64/Latest/ IMAGE_SHA512="a65da6260f5f894fc86fbe1f27dad7800906da7cffaa5077f82682ab74b6dd46c4ce87158c14b726d74ca3c6d611bea3bb336164da3f1cb990550310b110da22" RUN() { ssh -t -o ConnectionAttempts=120 -o ConnectTimeout=2 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@localhost -p $SSH_PORT "$@" } start_vm() { screen -d -m qemu-system-x86_64 -curses -m 2048 -smp $NPROC -net user,hostfwd=tcp::${SSH_PORT}-:22 -net nic "$IMAGE_NAME" # Wait for ssh to start listening on the port while ! echo "exit" | nc localhost ${SSH_PORT} | grep 'OpenSSH'; do sleep 5 done # Test that ssh works RUN uname -a RUN last } stop_vm() { # Turn it off # We use this contraption because for some reason `shutdown -h now` and # `poweroff` result in FreeBSD not shutting down on Travis (they work on my # machine though) RUN "shutdown -p +5sec && sleep 30" || true # Wait for the qemu process to terminate while pgrep qemu; do sleep 5 done }