#!/bin/bash ACTION="$1" set -eu CACHEDIR="$HOME/cache" NPROC=`nproc` ASTYLE="$CACHEDIR/astyle/build/gcc/bin/astyle" ASTYLE_VERSION=3.1 TRAVIS_TOOL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TokTok/ci-tools/master/bin/travis-haskell" travis_install() { bash <(curl -s "$TRAVIS_TOOL") download travis-haskell download TokTok/hs-tokstyle tokstyle "$HOME/.local" which coveralls || { # Install cpp-coveralls to upload test coverage results. pip install --user ndg-httpsclient urllib3[secure] cpp-coveralls # Work around https://github.com/eddyxu/cpp-coveralls/issues/108 by manually # installing the pyOpenSSL module and injecting it into urllib3 as per # https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide.html#ssl-py2 sed -i -e '/^import sys$/a import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl\nurllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3()' `which coveralls` } # Install astyle (version in ubuntu-precise too old). ([ -f "$ASTYLE" ] && "$ASTYLE" --version | grep "$ASTYLE_VERSION" >/dev/null) || { wget -O ../astyle.tar.gz "https://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/astyle/astyle_$ASTYLE_VERSION.orig.tar.gz" tar -xf ../astyle.tar.gz -C "$CACHEDIR" make -C "$CACHEDIR/astyle/build/gcc" clean make -C "$CACHEDIR/astyle/build/gcc" "-j$NPROC" } } run_static_analysis() { pylint -E other/analysis/check_recursion export CPPFLAGS="-isystem $CACHEDIR/include" export LDFLAGS="-L$CACHEDIR/lib" cat toxav/*.c toxcore/*.c toxencryptsave/*.c \ | clang `pkg-config --cflags libsodium opus vpx` \ -Itoxav -Itoxcore -Itoxencryptsave -S -emit-llvm -xc - -o- \ | opt -analyze -print-callgraph 2>&1 \ | other/analysis/check_recursion other/analysis/run-clang other/analysis/run-clang-analyze } travis_script() { . ".travis/flags-$CC.sh" add_ld_flag -Wl,-z,defs # Make compilation error on a warning add_flag -Werror # Coverage flags. add_flag -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage "$ASTYLE" --version other/astyle/format-source . "$ASTYLE" echo "Running TokTok style checker" "$HOME/.local/bin/check-cimple" # Use () to run in a separate process so the exports are local. (run_static_analysis) other/analysis/check_logger_levels cmake -B_build -H. -GNinja \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$CXX_FLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="$LD_FLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="$LD_FLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$PWD/_install" \ -DMIN_LOGGER_LEVEL=TRACE \ -DMUST_BUILD_TOXAV=ON \ -DSTRICT_ABI=ON \ -DTEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=120 \ -DUSE_IPV6=OFF \ -DAUTOTEST=ON cmake --build _build --parallel "$NPROC" --target install -- -k 0 cd _build # pushd ctest -j50 --output-on-failure || \ ctest -j50 --output-on-failure --rerun-failed cd - # popd } if [ "-z" "$ACTION" ]; then "travis_script" else "travis_$ACTION" fi