#!/bin/sh set -exu tar c $(git ls-files) | docker build -f other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/Dockerfile -t toxchat/bootstrap-node - sudo useradd \ --home-dir /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd \ --create-home \ --system \ --shell /sbin/nologin \ --comment "Account to run Tox's DHT bootstrap daemon" \ --user-group tox-bootstrapd sudo chmod 700 /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd docker run -d --name tox-bootstrapd \ -v /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/:/var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/ \ --ulimit nofile=32768:32768 \ -p 443:443 \ -p 3389:3389 \ -p 33445:33445 \ -p 33445:33445/udp \ toxchat/bootstrap-node sudo ls -lbh /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd if sudo [ ! -f /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/keys ]; then echo "Error: File /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/keys doesn't exist" exit 1 fi COUNTER=0 COUNTER_END=120 while [ $COUNTER -lt $COUNTER_END ]; do if docker logs tox-bootstrapd | grep -q "Connected to another bootstrap node successfully" ; then break fi sleep 1 COUNTER=$(($COUNTER+1)) done docker logs tox-bootstrapd if [ "$COUNTER" = "$COUNTER_END" ]; then echo "Error: Didn't connect to any nodes" exit 1 fi # Wait a bit befrore testing if the container is still running sleep 30 docker ps -a if [ "`docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} tox-bootstrapd`" != "true" ]; then echo "Error: Container is not running" exit 1 fi cat /proc/$(pidof tox-bootstrapd)/limits if ! cat /proc/$(pidof tox-bootstrapd)/limits | grep -P '^Max open files(\s+)32768(\s+)32768(\s+)files'; then echo "Error: ulimit is not set to the expected value" exit 1 fi if ! other/fun/bootstrap_node_info.py ipv4 localhost 33445 ; then echo "Error: Unable to get bootstrap node info" exit 1 fi