/* Try to overflow the net_crypto packet buffer. */ #ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #endif #include "check_compat.h" #include "../toxcore/tox.h" typedef struct State { uint32_t index; } State; #include "run_auto_test.h" #define NUM_MSGS 40000 static void net_crypto_overflow_test(Tox **toxes, State *state) { const uint8_t message[] = {0}; bool errored = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_MSGS; i++) { TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE err; tox_friend_send_message(toxes[0], 0, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, message, sizeof message, &err); if (err != TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE_OK) { errored = true; } if (errored) { // As soon as we get the first error, we expect the same error (SENDQ) // every time we try to send. ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE_SENDQ, "expected SENDQ error on message %u, but got %d", i, err); } else { ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE_OK, "failed to send message number %u: %d", i, err); } } ck_assert_msg(errored, "expected SENDQ error at some point (increase NUM_MSGS?)"); } int main(void) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); run_auto_test(2, net_crypto_overflow_test); return 0; }