/* Lossless_UDP.c * * An implementation of the Lossless_UDP protocol as seen in http://wiki.tox.im/index.php/Lossless_UDP * * Copyright (C) 2013 Tox project All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of Tox. * * Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tox. If not, see . * */ /* * TODO: clean this file a bit. * There are a couple of useless variables to get rid of. */ #include "Lossless_UDP.h" /* Functions */ /* * Get connection id from IP_Port * Return -1 if there are no connections like we are looking for * Return id if it found it */ int getconnection_id(Lossless_UDP *ludp, IP_Port ip_port) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[i].ip_port.ip.i == ip_port.ip.i && ludp->connections[i].ip_port.port == ip_port.port && ludp->connections[i].status > 0) return i; } return -1; } /* * Generate a handshake_id which depends on the ip_port. * This function will always give one unique handshake_id per ip_port. * * TODO: make this better */ static uint32_t handshake_id(Lossless_UDP *ludp, IP_Port source) { uint32_t id = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if (ludp->randtable[i][((uint8_t *)&source)[i]] == 0) ludp->randtable[i][((uint8_t *)&source)[i]] = random_int(); id ^= ludp->randtable[i][((uint8_t *)&source)[i]]; } if (id == 0) /* id can't be zero */ id = 1; return id; } /* * Change the hanshake id associated with that ip_port * * TODO: make this better */ static void change_handshake(Lossless_UDP *ludp, IP_Port source) { uint8_t rand = random_int() % 4; ludp->randtable[rand][((uint8_t *)&source)[rand]] = random_int(); } /* * Initialize a new connection to ip_port * Returns an integer corresponding to the connection idt * Return -1 if it could not initialize the connectiont * If there already was an existing connection to that ip_port return its number. */ int new_connection(Lossless_UDP *ludp, IP_Port ip_port) { int connect = getconnection_id(ludp, ip_port); if (connect != -1) return connect; if (ludp->connections_number == ludp->connections_length) { Connection *temp; temp = realloc(ludp->connections, sizeof(Connection) * (ludp->connections_length + 1)); if (temp == NULL) return -1; memset(&temp[ludp->connections_length], 0, sizeof(Connection)); ++ludp->connections_length; ludp->connections = temp; } uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[i].status == 0) { memset(&ludp->connections[i], 0, sizeof(Connection)); uint32_t handshake_id1 = handshake_id(ludp, ip_port); ludp->connections[i] = (Connection) { .ip_port = ip_port, .status = 1, .inbound = 0, .handshake_id1 = handshake_id1, .sent_packetnum = handshake_id1, .sendbuff_packetnum = handshake_id1, .successful_sent = handshake_id1, .SYNC_rate = SYNC_RATE, .data_rate = DATA_SYNC_RATE, .last_recvSYNC = current_time(), .last_sent = current_time(), .killat = ~0, .send_counter = 0, /* add randomness to timeout to prevent connections getting stuck in a loop. */ .timeout = CONNEXION_TIMEOUT + rand() % CONNEXION_TIMEOUT }; ++ludp->connections_number; return i; } } return -1; } /* * Initialize a new inbound connection from ip_port * Returns an integer corresponding to the connection id. * Return -1 if it could not initialize the connection. */ static int new_inconnection(Lossless_UDP *ludp, IP_Port ip_port) { if (getconnection_id(ludp, ip_port) != -1) return -1; if (ludp->connections_number == ludp->connections_length) { Connection *temp; temp = realloc(ludp->connections, sizeof(Connection) * (ludp->connections_length + 1)); if (temp == NULL) return -1; memset(&temp[ludp->connections_length], 0, sizeof(Connection)); ++ludp->connections_length; ludp->connections = temp; } uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[i].status == 0) { memset(&ludp->connections[i], 0, sizeof(Connection)); uint64_t timeout = CONNEXION_TIMEOUT + rand() % CONNEXION_TIMEOUT; ludp->connections[i] = (Connection) { .ip_port = ip_port, .status = 2, .inbound = 2, .SYNC_rate = SYNC_RATE, .data_rate = DATA_SYNC_RATE, .last_recvSYNC = current_time(), .last_sent = current_time(), .send_counter = 127, /* add randomness to timeout to prevent connections getting stuck in a loop. */ .timeout = timeout, /* if this connection isn't handled within the timeout kill it. */ .killat = current_time() + 1000000UL * timeout }; ++ludp->connections_number; return i; } } return -1; } /* * Returns an integer corresponding to the next connection in our incoming connection list. * Return -1 if there are no new incoming connections in the list. */ int incoming_connection(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[i].inbound == 2) { ludp->connections[i].inbound = 1; return i; } } return -1; } /* Try to free some memory from the connections array. */ static void free_connections(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { uint32_t i; for (i = ludp->connections_length; i != 0; --i) if (ludp->connections[i - 1].status != 0) break; if (ludp->connections_length == i) return; if (i == 0) { free(ludp->connections); ludp->connections = NULL; ludp->connections_length = i; return; } Connection *temp; temp = realloc(ludp->connections, sizeof(Connection) * i); if (temp == NULL && i != 0) return; ludp->connections = temp; ludp->connections_length = i; } /* * Return -1 if it could not kill the connection. * Return 0 if killed successfully */ int kill_connection(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id) { if (connection_id >= 0 && connection_id < ludp->connections_length) { if (ludp->connections[connection_id].status > 0) { ludp->connections[connection_id].status = 0; change_handshake(ludp, ludp->connections[connection_id].ip_port); --ludp->connections_number; free_connections(ludp); return 0; } } return -1; } /* * Kill connection in seconds. * Return -1 if it can not kill the connection. * Return 0 if it will kill it. */ int kill_connection_in(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id, uint32_t seconds) { if (connection_id >= 0 && connection_id < ludp->connections_length) { if (ludp->connections[connection_id].status > 0) { ludp->connections[connection_id].killat = current_time() + 1000000UL * seconds; return 0; } } return -1; } /* * Check if connection is connected: * Return 0 no. * Return 1 if attempting handshake. * Return 2 if handshake is done. * Return 3 if fully connected. * Return 4 if timed out and waiting to be killed. */ int is_connected(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id) { if (connection_id >= 0 && connection_id < ludp->connections_length) return ludp->connections[connection_id].status; return 0; } /* returns the ip_port of the corresponding connection. */ IP_Port connection_ip(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id) { if (connection_id >= 0 && connection_id < ludp->connections_length) return ludp->connections[connection_id].ip_port; IP_Port zero = {{{0}}, 0}; return zero; } /* returns the number of packets in the queue waiting to be successfully sent. */ uint32_t sendqueue(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id) { if (connection_id < 0 || connection_id >= ludp->connections_length) return 0; return ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuff_packetnum - ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_sent; } /* returns the number of packets in the queue waiting to be successfully read with read_packet(...) */ uint32_t recvqueue(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id) { if (connection_id < 0 || connection_id >= ludp->connections_length) return 0; return ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_packetnum - ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_read; } /* returns the id of the next packet in the queue return -1 if no packet in queue */ char id_packet(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id) { if (connection_id < 0 || connection_id >= ludp->connections_length) return -1; if (recvqueue(ludp, connection_id) != 0 && ludp->connections[connection_id].status != 0) return ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_read % MAX_QUEUE_NUM].data[0]; return -1; } /* return 0 if there is no received data in the buffer. return length of received packet if successful */ int read_packet(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id, uint8_t *data) { if (recvqueue(ludp, connection_id) != 0) { uint16_t index = ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_read % MAX_QUEUE_NUM; uint16_t size = ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[index].size; memcpy(data, ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[index].data, size); ++ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_read; ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[index].size = 0; return size; } return 0; } /* * Return 0 if data could not be put in packet queue * Return 1 if data was put into the queue */ int write_packet(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (length > MAX_DATA_SIZE || length == 0) return 0; if (sendqueue(ludp, connection_id) < BUFFER_PACKET_NUM) { uint32_t index = ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuff_packetnum % MAX_QUEUE_NUM; memcpy(ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuffer[index].data, data, length); ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuffer[index].size = length; ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuff_packetnum++; return 1; } return 0; } /* put the packet numbers the we are missing in requested and return the number */ uint32_t missing_packets(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id, uint32_t *requested) { uint32_t number = 0; uint32_t i; uint32_t temp; /* don't request packets if the buffer is full. */ if (recvqueue(ludp, connection_id) >= (BUFFER_PACKET_NUM - 1)) return 0; for (i = ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_packetnum; i != ludp->connections[connection_id].osent_packetnum; i++) { if (ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[i % MAX_QUEUE_NUM].size == 0) { temp = htonl(i); memcpy(requested + number, &temp, 4); ++number; } } if (number == 0) ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_packetnum = ludp->connections[connection_id].osent_packetnum; return number; } /* * BEGIN Packet sending functions * One per packet type. * see http://wiki.tox.im/index.php/Lossless_UDP for more information. */ static int send_handshake(Lossless_UDP *ludp, IP_Port ip_port, uint32_t handshake_id1, uint32_t handshake_id2) { uint8_t packet[1 + 4 + 4]; uint32_t temp; packet[0] = 16; temp = htonl(handshake_id1); memcpy(packet + 1, &temp, 4); temp = htonl(handshake_id2); memcpy(packet + 5, &temp, 4); return sendpacket(ludp->net->sock, ip_port, packet, sizeof(packet)); } static int send_SYNC(Lossless_UDP *ludp, uint32_t connection_id) { uint8_t packet[(BUFFER_PACKET_NUM * 4 + 4 + 4 + 2)]; uint16_t index = 0; IP_Port ip_port = ludp->connections[connection_id].ip_port; uint8_t counter = ludp->connections[connection_id].send_counter; uint32_t recv_packetnum = htonl(ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_packetnum); uint32_t sent_packetnum = htonl(ludp->connections[connection_id].sent_packetnum); uint32_t requested[BUFFER_PACKET_NUM]; uint32_t number = missing_packets(ludp, connection_id, requested); packet[0] = 17; index += 1; memcpy(packet + index, &counter, 1); index += 1; memcpy(packet + index, &recv_packetnum, 4); index += 4; memcpy(packet + index, &sent_packetnum, 4); index += 4; memcpy(packet + index, requested, 4 * number); return sendpacket(ludp->net->sock, ip_port, packet, (number * 4 + 4 + 4 + 2)); } static int send_data_packet(Lossless_UDP *ludp, uint32_t connection_id, uint32_t packet_num) { uint32_t index = packet_num % MAX_QUEUE_NUM; uint32_t temp; uint8_t packet[1 + 4 + MAX_DATA_SIZE]; packet[0] = 18; temp = htonl(packet_num); memcpy(packet + 1, &temp, 4); memcpy(packet + 5, ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuffer[index].data, ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuffer[index].size); return sendpacket(ludp->net->sock, ludp->connections[connection_id].ip_port, packet, 1 + 4 + ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuffer[index].size); } /* sends 1 data packet */ static int send_DATA(Lossless_UDP *ludp, uint32_t connection_id) { int ret; uint32_t buffer[BUFFER_PACKET_NUM]; if (ludp->connections[connection_id].num_req_paquets > 0) { ret = send_data_packet(ludp, connection_id, ludp->connections[connection_id].req_packets[0]); ludp->connections[connection_id].num_req_paquets--; memcpy(buffer, ludp->connections[connection_id].req_packets + 1, ludp->connections[connection_id].num_req_paquets * 4); memcpy(ludp->connections[connection_id].req_packets, buffer, ludp->connections[connection_id].num_req_paquets * 4); return ret; } if (ludp->connections[connection_id].sendbuff_packetnum != ludp->connections[connection_id].sent_packetnum) { ret = send_data_packet(ludp, connection_id, ludp->connections[connection_id].sent_packetnum); ludp->connections[connection_id].sent_packetnum++; return ret; } return 0; } /* * END of packet sending functions * * * BEGIN Packet handling functions * One to handle each type of packets we receive */ /* Return 0 if handled correctly, 1 if packet is bad. */ static int handle_handshake(void *object, IP_Port source, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t length) { Lossless_UDP *ludp = object; if (length != (1 + 4 + 4)) return 1; uint32_t temp; uint32_t handshake_id1, handshake_id2; int connection = getconnection_id(ludp, source); memcpy(&temp, packet + 1, 4); handshake_id1 = ntohl(temp); memcpy(&temp, packet + 5, 4); handshake_id2 = ntohl(temp); if (handshake_id2 == 0 && is_connected(ludp, connection) < 3) { send_handshake(ludp, source, handshake_id(ludp, source), handshake_id1); return 0; } if (is_connected(ludp, connection) != 1) return 1; /* if handshake_id2 is what we sent previously as handshake_id1 */ if (handshake_id2 == ludp->connections[connection].handshake_id1) { ludp->connections[connection].status = 2; /* NOTE: is this necessary? ludp->connections[connection].handshake_id2 = handshake_id1; */ ludp->connections[connection].orecv_packetnum = handshake_id2; ludp->connections[connection].osent_packetnum = handshake_id1; ludp->connections[connection].recv_packetnum = handshake_id1; ludp->connections[connection].successful_read = handshake_id1; } return 0; } /* returns 1 if sync packet is valid 0 if not. */ static int SYNC_valid(uint32_t length) { if (length < 4 + 4 + 2) return 0; if (length > (BUFFER_PACKET_NUM * 4 + 4 + 4 + 2) || ((length - 4 - 4 - 2) % 4) != 0) return 0; return 1; } /* case 1 in handle_SYNC: */ static int handle_SYNC1(Lossless_UDP *ludp, IP_Port source, uint32_t recv_packetnum, uint32_t sent_packetnum) { if (handshake_id(ludp, source) == recv_packetnum) { int x = new_inconnection(ludp, source); if (x != -1) { ludp->connections[x].orecv_packetnum = recv_packetnum; ludp->connections[x].sent_packetnum = recv_packetnum; ludp->connections[x].sendbuff_packetnum = recv_packetnum; ludp->connections[x].successful_sent = recv_packetnum; ludp->connections[x].osent_packetnum = sent_packetnum; ludp->connections[x].recv_packetnum = sent_packetnum; ludp->connections[x].successful_read = sent_packetnum; return x; } } return -1; } /* case 2 in handle_SYNC: */ static int handle_SYNC2(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id, uint8_t counter, uint32_t recv_packetnum, uint32_t sent_packetnum) { if (recv_packetnum == ludp->connections[connection_id].orecv_packetnum) { /* && sent_packetnum == ludp->connections[connection_id].osent_packetnum) */ ludp->connections[connection_id].status = 3; ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_counter = counter; ++ludp->connections[connection_id].send_counter; send_SYNC(ludp, connection_id); return 0; } return 1; } /* case 3 in handle_SYNC: */ static int handle_SYNC3(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id, uint8_t counter, uint32_t recv_packetnum, uint32_t sent_packetnum, uint32_t *req_packets, uint16_t number) { uint8_t comp_counter = (counter - ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_counter ); uint32_t i, temp; /* uint32_t comp_1 = (recv_packetnum - ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_sent); uint32_t comp_2 = (sent_packetnum - ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_read); */ uint32_t comp_1 = (recv_packetnum - ludp->connections[connection_id].orecv_packetnum); uint32_t comp_2 = (sent_packetnum - ludp->connections[connection_id].osent_packetnum); /* packet valid */ if (comp_1 <= BUFFER_PACKET_NUM && comp_2 <= BUFFER_PACKET_NUM && comp_counter < 10 && comp_counter != 0) { ludp->connections[connection_id].orecv_packetnum = recv_packetnum; ludp->connections[connection_id].osent_packetnum = sent_packetnum; ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_sent = recv_packetnum; ludp->connections[connection_id].last_recvSYNC = current_time(); ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_counter = counter; ++ludp->connections[connection_id].send_counter; for (i = 0; i < number; ++i) { temp = ntohl(req_packets[i]); memcpy(ludp->connections[connection_id].req_packets + i, &temp, 4 * number); } ludp->connections[connection_id].num_req_paquets = number; return 0; } return 1; } static int handle_SYNC(void *object, IP_Port source, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t length) { Lossless_UDP *ludp = object; if (!SYNC_valid(length)) return 1; int connection = getconnection_id(ludp, source); uint8_t counter; uint32_t temp; uint32_t recv_packetnum, sent_packetnum; uint32_t req_packets[BUFFER_PACKET_NUM]; uint16_t number = (length - 4 - 4 - 2) / 4; memcpy(&counter, packet + 1, 1); memcpy(&temp, packet + 2, 4); recv_packetnum = ntohl(temp); memcpy(&temp, packet + 6, 4); sent_packetnum = ntohl(temp); if (number != 0) memcpy(req_packets, packet + 10, 4 * number); if (connection == -1) return handle_SYNC1(ludp, source, recv_packetnum, sent_packetnum); if (ludp->connections[connection].status == 2) return handle_SYNC2(ludp, connection, counter, recv_packetnum, sent_packetnum); if (ludp->connections[connection].status == 3) return handle_SYNC3(ludp, connection, counter, recv_packetnum, sent_packetnum, req_packets, number); return 0; } /* * Add a packet to the received buffer and set the recv_packetnum of the * connection to its proper value. Return 1 if data was too big, 0 if not. */ static int add_recv(Lossless_UDP *ludp, int connection_id, uint32_t data_num, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size) { if (size > MAX_DATA_SIZE) return 1; uint32_t i; uint32_t maxnum = ludp->connections[connection_id].successful_read + BUFFER_PACKET_NUM; uint32_t sent_packet = data_num - ludp->connections[connection_id].osent_packetnum; for (i = ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_packetnum; i != maxnum; ++i) { if (i == data_num) { memcpy(ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[i % MAX_QUEUE_NUM].data, data, size); ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[i % MAX_QUEUE_NUM].size = size; ludp->connections[connection_id].last_recvdata = current_time(); if (sent_packet < BUFFER_PACKET_NUM) { ludp->connections[connection_id].osent_packetnum = data_num; } break; } } for (i = ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_packetnum; i != maxnum; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[connection_id].recvbuffer[i % MAX_QUEUE_NUM].size != 0) ludp->connections[connection_id].recv_packetnum = i; else break; } return 0; } static int handle_data(void *object, IP_Port source, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t length) { Lossless_UDP *ludp = object; int connection = getconnection_id(ludp, source); if (connection == -1) return 1; /* Drop the data packet if connection is not connected. */ if (ludp->connections[connection].status != 3) return 1; if (length > 1 + 4 + MAX_DATA_SIZE || length < 1 + 4 + 1) return 1; uint32_t temp; uint32_t number; uint16_t size = length - 1 - 4; memcpy(&temp, packet + 1, 4); number = ntohl(temp); return add_recv(ludp, connection, number, packet + 5, size); } /* * END of packet handling functions */ Lossless_UDP *new_lossless_udp(Networking_Core *net) { if (net == NULL) return NULL; Lossless_UDP *temp = calloc(1, sizeof(Lossless_UDP)); if (temp == NULL) return NULL; temp->net = net; networking_registerhandler(net, 16, &handle_handshake, temp); networking_registerhandler(net, 17, &handle_SYNC, temp); networking_registerhandler(net, 18, &handle_data, temp); return temp; } /* * Send handshake requests * handshake packets are sent at the same rate as SYNC packets */ static void do_new(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { uint32_t i; uint64_t temp_time = current_time(); for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[i].status == 1) if ((ludp->connections[i].last_sent + (1000000UL / ludp->connections[i].SYNC_rate)) <= temp_time) { send_handshake(ludp, ludp->connections[i].ip_port, ludp->connections[i].handshake_id1, 0); ludp->connections[i].last_sent = temp_time; } /* kill all timed out connections */ if (ludp->connections[i].status > 0 && (ludp->connections[i].last_recvSYNC + ludp->connections[i].timeout * 1000000UL) < temp_time && ludp->connections[i].status != 4) { ludp->connections[i].status = 4; /* kill_connection(i); */ } if (ludp->connections[i].status > 0 && ludp->connections[i].killat < temp_time) kill_connection(ludp, i); } } static void do_SYNC(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { uint32_t i; uint64_t temp_time = current_time(); for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[i].status == 2 || ludp->connections[i].status == 3) if ((ludp->connections[i].last_SYNC + (1000000UL / ludp->connections[i].SYNC_rate)) <= temp_time) { send_SYNC(ludp, i); ludp->connections[i].last_SYNC = temp_time; } } } static void do_data(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { uint32_t i; uint64_t j; uint64_t temp_time = current_time(); for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) if (ludp->connections[i].status == 3 && sendqueue(ludp, i) != 0) if ((ludp->connections[i].last_sent + (1000000UL / ludp->connections[i].data_rate)) <= temp_time) { for (j = ludp->connections[i].last_sent; j < temp_time; j += (1000000UL / ludp->connections[i].data_rate)) send_DATA(ludp, i); ludp->connections[i].last_sent = temp_time; } } #define MAX_SYNC_RATE 10 /* * Automatically adjusts send rates of packets for optimal transmission. * * TODO: flow control. */ static void adjust_rates(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { uint32_t i; uint64_t temp_time = current_time(); for (i = 0; i < ludp->connections_length; ++i) { if (ludp->connections[i].status == 1 || ludp->connections[i].status == 2) ludp->connections[i].SYNC_rate = MAX_SYNC_RATE; if (ludp->connections[i].status == 3) { if (sendqueue(ludp, i) != 0) { ludp->connections[i].data_rate = (BUFFER_PACKET_NUM - ludp->connections[i].num_req_paquets) * MAX_SYNC_RATE; ludp->connections[i].SYNC_rate = MAX_SYNC_RATE; } else if (ludp->connections[i].last_recvdata + 1000000UL > temp_time) ludp->connections[i].SYNC_rate = MAX_SYNC_RATE; else ludp->connections[i].SYNC_rate = SYNC_RATE; } } } /* Call this function a couple times per second It's the main loop. */ void do_lossless_udp(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { do_new(ludp); do_SYNC(ludp); do_data(ludp); adjust_rates(ludp); } void kill_lossless_udp(Lossless_UDP *ludp) { free(ludp->connections); free(ludp); }