TOX FAQ ======= Contents ======== (1). What is Tox? (2). Where can I get Tox? (3). Tox (3.1) Which encryption algorithms does Tox employ? (3.2) Does Tox have plugin support? (3.3) I want to contribute to the Tox project. (3.3.1) I want to be a developer. (3.3.2) I want to contribute in UI design/sound. (3.3.3) Are there any other ways I can contribute? (4). Source (4.1) Where do I get the Tox source code? (4.2) How do I compile Tox? (5). Community (5.1) Where can I find the latest Tox thread? (5.2) Are there any other Tox threads/forums? =============================================================================== (1). What is Tox? ================= Tox is a free (as in freedom) peer to peer messaging application that aims to replace skype. (2). Where can I get Tox? ======================== It's not done yet. (3). Tox ======= (3.1). Which encryption algorithms does Tox employ? -------------------------------------------------- Tox uses the encryption algorithms present in the NaCl crypto library. (3.2). Does Tox have plugin support? ----------------------------------- Maybe. (3.3). I want to contribute to the Tox project. ============================================== (3.3.1). I want to be a developer. --------------------------------- Join the IRC. (3.3.2). I want to contribute in UI design/sound. ------------------------------------------------ Join the IRC. (3.3.3). Are there any other ways I can contribute? -------------------------------------------------- Testing the application, reporting bugs and requesting features. Don't be scared to criticize something if you think it is done wrong. (4). Source =========== (4.1). Where do I get the Tox source code? ----------------------------------------- The core library: Some front ends: (None are in a usable state yet.) (4.2). How do I compile Tox? --------------------------- You need to build and install libsodium. Then just cd in the repo and: mkdir build cd build cmake .. make (5). Community ============== (5.1). Where can I find the latest Tox thread? --------------------------------------------- (5.2). Are there any other Tox threads/forums? ---------------------------------------------