It has come to our attention that to achieve decent market penetration Tox must work behind ALL internet connections, may they be behind enterprise NATs or any other bad network conditions. The people who have issues with the UDP direct connection approach seem to be a small minority though it is hard to estimate how many. This means that routing their packets using good nodes on the network will probably not take a huge toll on the network and will assure that people can use Tox regardless of the quality of their internet connection. How it's probably going to work: 1. Alice, a Tox client on a TCP only network generates a temporary public key and connects to a bootstrap server. 2. Using the bootstrap server she find and connects to a couple (exact number to be determined later) number of random nodes that have TCP relay support. 3. She uses the onion through the TCP relay connections to send friend requests or tell online friends which TCP nodes she is connected to and her temporary public key. 4. Bob receives an onion packet from Alice telling him which nodes she is connected to. Bob connects to these nodes and establishes a routed connection with alice using that temporary public key. 5. That connection is used by both to transmit encrypted Messenger and A/V packets. 6. If one of the nodes shuts down while it is currently routing traffic, Alice and bob just switch to one of the other nodes they are both connected to. Actual detailed implementation details coming soon.