TODO list. [IN PROGRESS] Add what is left to do to the TODO list. Networking: [NOT STARTED] UPnP port forwarding. [NOT STARTED] NAT-PMP port forwarding. DHT: [ALMOST DONE] Metadata collection prevention. (docs/Prevent_Tracking.txt) [IN PROGRESS] Hardening against attacks. [IN PROGRESS] Optimizing the code. Lossless UDP: [DONE] Increase data send/receive rates. [IN PROGRESS] Massive IRC like group chats (text only) [DONE] Networking base. [NOT STARTED] Syncing chat state between clients (nicknames, list of who is in chat, etc...) [NOT STARTED] Make clients sign their messages so that peers can't modify them. [IN PROGRESS] Audio/Video [DONE] encoding/streaming/decoding [DONE] Call initiation [DONE] Encryption [IN PROGRESS] Auditing. [NEEDS TESTING] Video packet splitting. [IN PROGRESS] Prevent audio skew (seems to be easily solvable client side.) [IN PROGRESS] Group chats. Friend_requests.c: [NOT STARTED] What happens when a friend request is received needs to be changed. [NOT STARTED] Add multiple nospam functionality. [DONE] File transfers [NOT STARTED] Offline messaging [NOT STARTED] Friends list syncing [IN PROGRESS] IPV6 support [DONE] Networking [DONE] DHT + Messenger [NOT STARTED] Group chats (They work with IPv6 but some things need to be tested.) [IN PROGRESS] Make toxcore thread safe. [NOT STARTED] Make the core save/datafile portable across client versions/different processor architectures. [MOSTLY DONE] A way for people to connect to people on Tox if they are behind a bad NAT that blocks UDP (or is just unpunchable) (docs/TCP_Network.txt) [NEEDS TESTING] Make the save made with tox_save_encrypted(...) harder to brute force. See: ( [IN PROGRESS] GUI (no official one chosen yet, a list of promising ones follows) [NOT STARTED] Security audit from professionals