/* DHT boostrap * * A simple DHT boostrap server for tox. * * Build commands (use one or the other): * gcc -O2 -Wall -D VANILLA_NACL -o bootstrap_server ../core/Lossless_UDP.c ../core/network.c ../core/net_crypto.c ../core/Messenger.c ../core/DHT.c ../core/friend_requests.c ../nacl/build/${HOSTNAME%.*}/lib/amd64/{cpucycles.o,libnacl.a,randombytes.o} DHT_bootstrap.c * * gcc -O2 -Wall -o bootstrap_server ../core/Lossless_UDP.c ../core/network.c ../core/net_crypto.c ../core/Messenger.c ../core/DHT.c ../core/friend_requests.c -lsodium DHT_bootstrap.c * * * Copyright (C) 2013 Tox project All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of Tox. * * Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tox. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "../toxcore/DHT.h" #include "../toxcore/LAN_discovery.h" #include "../toxcore/friend_requests.h" #include "../testing/misc_tools.c" /* Sleep function (x = milliseconds) */ #ifdef WIN32 #define c_sleep(x) Sleep(1*x) #else #include #include #define c_sleep(x) usleep(1000*x) #endif #define PORT 33445 void manage_keys(DHT *dht) { const uint32_t KEYS_SIZE = crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES + crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES; uint8_t keys[KEYS_SIZE]; FILE *keys_file = fopen("key", "r"); if (keys_file != NULL) { /* If file was opened successfully -- load keys, otherwise save new keys */ size_t read_size = fread(keys, sizeof(uint8_t), KEYS_SIZE, keys_file); if (read_size != KEYS_SIZE) { printf("Error while reading the key file\nExiting.\n"); exit(1); } load_keys(dht->c, keys); printf("Keys loaded successfully.\n"); } else { new_keys(dht->c); save_keys(dht->c, keys); keys_file = fopen("key", "w"); if (fwrite(keys, sizeof(uint8_t), KEYS_SIZE, keys_file) != KEYS_SIZE) { printf("Error while writing the key file.\nExiting.\n"); exit(1); } printf("Keys saved successfully.\n"); } fclose(keys_file); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 2 && !strncasecmp(argv[1], "-h", 3)) { printf("Usage (connected) : %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] IP PORT KEY\n", argv[0]); printf("Usage (unconnected): %s [--ipv4|--ipv6]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } /* let user override default by cmdline */ uint8_t ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT; /* x */ int argvoffset = cmdline_parsefor_ipv46(argc, argv, &ipv6enabled); if (argvoffset < 0) exit(1); /* Initialize networking - Bind to ip / [::] : PORT */ IP ip; ip_init(&ip, ipv6enabled); DHT *dht = new_DHT(new_net_crypto(new_networking(ip, PORT))); perror("Initialization"); manage_keys(dht); printf("Public key: "); uint32_t i; FILE *file; file = fopen("PUBLIC_ID.txt", "w"); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (dht->c->self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX", dht->c->self_public_key[i]); fprintf(file, "%hhX", dht->c->self_public_key[i]); } fclose(file); printf("\n"); printf("Port: %u\n", ntohs(dht->c->lossless_udp->net->port)); if (argc > argvoffset + 3) { printf("Trying to bootstrap into the network...\n"); uint16_t port = htons(atoi(argv[argvoffset + 2])); uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[argvoffset + 3]); int res = DHT_bootstrap_from_address(dht, argv[argvoffset + 1], ipv6enabled, port, bootstrap_key); free(bootstrap_key); if (!res) { printf("Failed to convert \"%s\" into an IP address. Exiting...\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]); exit(1); } } int is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 1; uint64_t last_LANdiscovery = 0; LANdiscovery_init(dht); while (1) { if (is_waiting_for_dht_connection && DHT_isconnected(dht)) { printf("Connected to other bootstrap server successfully.\n"); is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 0; } do_DHT(dht); if (last_LANdiscovery + (is_waiting_for_dht_connection ? 5 : LAN_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL) < unix_time()) { send_LANdiscovery(htons(PORT), dht->c); last_LANdiscovery = unix_time(); } networking_poll(dht->c->lossless_udp->net); c_sleep(1); } return 0; }