/* DHT cryptosendfiletest * * This program sends or receives a friend request. * * it also sends the encrypted data from a file to another client. * Receives the file data that that client sends us. * * NOTE: this program simulates 33% packet loss. * * This is how I compile it: gcc -O2 -Wall -o test ../core/Lossless_UDP.c ../core/network.c ../core/net_crypto.c ../core/DHT.c ../nacl/build/$HOSTNAME/lib/amd64/* DHT_cryptosendfiletest.c * * * Command line arguments are the ip and port of a node (for bootstrapping). * * Saves all received data to: received.txt * * EX: ./test 33445 filename.txt * * Copyright (C) 2013 Tox project All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of Tox. * * Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tox. If not, see . * */ #include "../core/network.h" #include "../core/DHT.h" #include "../core/net_crypto.h" #include "misc_tools.h" #include /* Sleep function (x = milliseconds) */ #ifdef WIN32 #define c_sleep(x) Sleep(1*x) #else #include #include #define c_sleep(x) usleep(1000*x) #endif #define PORT 33445 void printip(IP_Port ip_port) { printf("\nIP: %u.%u.%u.%u Port: %u\n", ip_port.ip.c[0], ip_port.ip.c[1], ip_port.ip.c[2], ip_port.ip.c[3], ntohs(ip_port.port)); } uint8_t self_public_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { printf("usage %s ip port filename(of file to send)\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } new_keys(); printf("OUR ID: "); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX", self_public_key[i]); } printf("\n"); memcpy(self_client_id, self_public_key, 32); char temp_id[128]; printf("Enter the client_id of the friend to connect to (32 bytes HEX format):\n"); scanf("%s", temp_id); uint8_t friend_id[32]; memcpy(friend_id, hex_string_to_bin(temp_id), 32); /* memcpy(self_client_id, "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq", 32); */ DHT_addfriend(friend_id); IP_Port friend_ip; int connection = -1; int inconnection = -1; uint8_t acceptedfriend_public_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; int friendrequest = -1; uint8_t request_data[512]; /* initialize networking * bind to ip */ IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); initNetCrypto(); perror("Initialization"); IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port); IP_Port ip_port; uint8_t data[MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE]; uint32_t length; uint8_t buffer1[128]; int read1 = 0; uint8_t buffer2[128]; int read2 = 0; FILE *file1 = fopen(argv[3], "rb"); if ( file1 == NULL ) { printf("Error opening file.\n"); return 1; } FILE *file2 = fopen("received.txt", "wb"); if ( file2 == NULL ) { return 1; } read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, 128, file1); while (1) { while (receivepacket(&ip_port, data, &length) != -1) { if (rand() % 3 != 1) { /* simulate packet loss */ if (DHT_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port) && LosslessUDP_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port)) { /* if packet is not recognized */ printf("Received unhandled packet with length: %u\n", length); } else { printf("Received handled packet with length: %u\n", length); } } } friend_ip = DHT_getfriendip(friend_id); if (friend_ip.ip.i != 0) { if (connection == -1 && friendrequest == -1) { printf("Sending friend request to peer:"); printip(friend_ip); friendrequest = send_friendrequest(friend_id, friend_ip, (uint8_t *) "Hello World", 12); /* connection = crypto_connect((uint8_t *)friend_id, friend_ip); */ /* connection = new_connection(friend_ip); */ } if (check_friendrequest(friendrequest) == 1) { printf("Started connecting to friend:"); connection = crypto_connect(friend_id, friend_ip); } } if (inconnection == -1) { uint8_t secret_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t public_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; uint8_t session_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; inconnection = crypto_inbound(public_key, secret_nonce, session_key); inconnection = accept_crypto_inbound(inconnection, acceptedfriend_public_key, secret_nonce, session_key); /* inconnection = incoming_connection(); */ if (inconnection != -1) { printf("Someone connected to us:\n"); /* printip(connection_ip(inconnection)); */ } } if (handle_friendrequest(acceptedfriend_public_key, request_data) > 1) { printf("RECEIVED FRIEND REQUEST: %s\n", request_data); } /* if someone connected to us write what he sends to a file * also send him our file. */ if (inconnection != -1) { if (write_cryptpacket(inconnection, buffer1, read1)) { printf("Wrote data1.\n"); read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, 128, file1); } read2 = read_cryptpacket(inconnection, buffer2); if (read2 != 0) { printf("Received data1.\n"); if (!fwrite(buffer2, read2, 1, file2)) { printf("file write error1\n"); } if (read2 < 128) { printf("Closed file1 %u\n", read2); fclose(file2); } } /* if buffer is empty and the connection timed out. */ else if (is_cryptoconnected(inconnection) == 4) { crypto_kill(inconnection); } } /* if we are connected to a friend send him data from the file. * also put what he sends us in a file. */ if (is_cryptoconnected(connection) >= 3) { if (write_cryptpacket(0, buffer1, read1)) { printf("Wrote data2.\n"); read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, 128, file1); } read2 = read_cryptpacket(0, buffer2); if (read2 != 0) { printf("Received data2.\n"); if (!fwrite(buffer2, read2, 1, file2)) { printf("file write error2\n"); } if (read2 < 128) { printf("Closed file2 %u\n", read2); fclose(file2); } } /* if buffer is empty and the connection timed out. */ else if (is_cryptoconnected(connection) == 4) { crypto_kill(connection); } } doDHT(); doLossless_UDP(); doNetCrypto(); /*print_clientlist(); *print_friendlist(); *c_sleep(300); */ c_sleep(1); } shutdown_networking(); return 0; }