/* * Copyright © 2016-2017 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2013-2015 Tox project. * * This file is part of Tox, the free peer to peer instant messenger. * * Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tox. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include "bwcontroller.h" #include "ring_buffer.h" #include "../toxcore/logger.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #include #include #define BWC_PACKET_ID 196 #define BWC_SEND_INTERVAL_MS 950 /* 0.95s */ #define BWC_AVG_PKT_COUNT 20 #define BWC_AVG_LOSS_OVER_CYCLES_COUNT 30 struct BWController_s { void (*mcb)(BWController *, uint32_t, float, void *); void *mcb_data; Messenger *m; uint32_t friend_number; struct { uint32_t last_recv_timestamp; /* Last recv update time stamp */ uint32_t last_sent_timestamp; /* Last sent update time stamp */ uint32_t last_refresh_timestamp; /* Last refresh time stamp */ uint32_t lost; uint32_t recv; } cycle; struct { uint32_t packet_length_array[BWC_AVG_PKT_COUNT]; RingBuffer *rb; } rcvpkt; /* To calculate average received packet (this means split parts, not the full message!) */ uint32_t packet_loss_counted_cycles; }; struct BWCMessage { uint32_t lost; uint32_t recv; }; int bwc_handle_data(Messenger *m, uint32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *object); void send_update(BWController *bwc); BWController *bwc_new(Messenger *m, uint32_t friendnumber, void (*mcb)(BWController *, uint32_t, float, void *), void *udata) { BWController *retu = (BWController *)calloc(sizeof(struct BWController_s), 1); LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "Creating bandwidth controller"); retu->mcb = mcb; retu->mcb_data = udata; retu->m = m; retu->friend_number = friendnumber; retu->cycle.last_sent_timestamp = retu->cycle.last_refresh_timestamp = current_time_monotonic(); retu->rcvpkt.rb = rb_new(BWC_AVG_PKT_COUNT); retu->cycle.lost = 0; retu->cycle.recv = 0; retu->packet_loss_counted_cycles = 0; /* Fill with zeros */ for (int i = 0; i < BWC_AVG_PKT_COUNT; i++) { rb_write(retu->rcvpkt.rb, &retu->rcvpkt.packet_length_array[i]); } m_callback_rtp_packet(m, friendnumber, BWC_PACKET_ID, bwc_handle_data, retu); return retu; } void bwc_kill(BWController *bwc) { if (!bwc) { return; } m_callback_rtp_packet(bwc->m, bwc->friend_number, BWC_PACKET_ID, nullptr, nullptr); rb_kill(bwc->rcvpkt.rb); free(bwc); } void bwc_add_lost(BWController *bwc, uint32_t bytes_lost) { if (!bwc) { return; } if (bytes_lost > 0) { LOGGER_DEBUG(bwc->m->log, "BWC lost(1): %d", (int)bytes_lost); bwc->cycle.lost += bytes_lost; send_update(bwc); } } void bwc_add_recv(BWController *bwc, uint32_t recv_bytes) { if (!bwc || !recv_bytes) { return; } bwc->packet_loss_counted_cycles++; bwc->cycle.recv += recv_bytes; send_update(bwc); } void send_update(BWController *bwc) { if (bwc->packet_loss_counted_cycles > BWC_AVG_LOSS_OVER_CYCLES_COUNT && current_time_monotonic() - bwc->cycle.last_sent_timestamp > BWC_SEND_INTERVAL_MS) { bwc->packet_loss_counted_cycles = 0; if (bwc->cycle.lost) { LOGGER_DEBUG(bwc->m->log, "%p Sent update rcv: %u lost: %u percent: %f %%", (void *)bwc, bwc->cycle.recv, bwc->cycle.lost, (((double) bwc->cycle.lost / (bwc->cycle.recv + bwc->cycle.lost)) * 100.0)); uint8_t bwc_packet[sizeof(struct BWCMessage) + 1]; struct BWCMessage *msg = (struct BWCMessage *)(bwc_packet + 1); bwc_packet[0] = BWC_PACKET_ID; // set packet ID msg->lost = net_htonl(bwc->cycle.lost); msg->recv = net_htonl(bwc->cycle.recv); if (-1 == m_send_custom_lossy_packet(bwc->m, bwc->friend_number, bwc_packet, sizeof(bwc_packet))) { LOGGER_WARNING(bwc->m->log, "BWC send failed (len: %zu)! std error: %s", sizeof(bwc_packet), strerror(errno)); } } bwc->cycle.last_sent_timestamp = current_time_monotonic(); bwc->cycle.lost = 0; bwc->cycle.recv = 0; } } static int on_update(BWController *bwc, const struct BWCMessage *msg) { LOGGER_DEBUG(bwc->m->log, "%p Got update from peer", (void *)bwc); /* Peers sent update too soon */ if (bwc->cycle.last_recv_timestamp + BWC_SEND_INTERVAL_MS > current_time_monotonic()) { LOGGER_INFO(bwc->m->log, "%p Rejecting extra update", (void *)bwc); return -1; } bwc->cycle.last_recv_timestamp = current_time_monotonic(); uint32_t recv = net_ntohl(msg->recv); uint32_t lost = net_ntohl(msg->lost); if (lost && bwc->mcb) { LOGGER_DEBUG(bwc->m->log, "recved: %u lost: %u percentage: %f %%", recv, lost, (((double) lost / (recv + lost)) * 100.0)); bwc->mcb(bwc, bwc->friend_number, ((float) lost / (recv + lost)), bwc->mcb_data); } return 0; } int bwc_handle_data(Messenger *m, uint32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *object) { if (length - 1 != sizeof(struct BWCMessage)) { return -1; } return on_update((BWController *)object, (const struct BWCMessage *)(data + 1)); }