/** codec.c * * Audio and video codec intitialization, encoding/decoding and playback * * Copyright (C) 2013 Tox project All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of Tox. * * Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tox. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include "../toxcore/logger.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "msi.h" #include "rtp.h" #include "codec.h" /* Assume 24 fps*/ #define MAX_ENCODE_TIME_US ((1000 / 24) * 1000) #define MAX_DECODE_TIME_US 0 // TODO this has to be exchanged in msi #define MAX_VIDEOFRAME_SIZE 0x40000 /* 256KiB */ #define VIDEOFRAME_PIECE_SIZE 0x500 /* 1.25 KiB*/ #define VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE 0x2 /* FIXME: Might not be enough */ #define VIDEO_DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE 20 #define ARRAY(TYPE__) struct { uint16_t size; TYPE__ data[]; } typedef ARRAY(uint8_t) Payload; typedef struct { uint16_t size; /* Max size */ uint16_t start; uint16_t end; Payload **packets; } PayloadBuffer; static _Bool buffer_full(const PayloadBuffer *b) { return (b->end + 1) % b->size == b->start; } static _Bool buffer_empty(const PayloadBuffer *b) { return b->end == b->start; } static void buffer_write(PayloadBuffer *b, Payload *p) { b->packets[b->end] = p; b->end = (b->end + 1) % b->size; if (b->end == b->start) b->start = (b->start + 1) % b->size; /* full, overwrite */ } static void buffer_read(PayloadBuffer *b, Payload **p) { *p = b->packets[b->start]; b->start = (b->start + 1) % b->size; } static void buffer_clear(PayloadBuffer *b) { while (!buffer_empty(b)) { Payload *p; buffer_read(b, &p); free(p); } } static PayloadBuffer *buffer_new(int size) { PayloadBuffer *buf = calloc(sizeof(PayloadBuffer), 1); if (!buf) return NULL; buf->size = size + 1; /* include empty elem */ if (!(buf->packets = calloc(buf->size, sizeof(Payload *)))) { free(buf); return NULL; } return buf; } static void buffer_free(PayloadBuffer *b) { if (b) { buffer_clear(b); free(b->packets); free(b); } } /* JITTER BUFFER WORK */ typedef struct _JitterBuffer { RTPMessage **queue; uint32_t size; uint32_t capacity; uint16_t bottom; uint16_t top; } JitterBuffer; static JitterBuffer *jbuf_new(uint32_t capacity) { unsigned int size = 1; while (size <= capacity) { size *= 2; } JitterBuffer *q; if ( !(q = calloc(sizeof(JitterBuffer), 1)) ) return NULL; if (!(q->queue = calloc(sizeof(RTPMessage *), size))) { free(q); return NULL; } q->size = size; q->capacity = capacity; return q; } static void jbuf_clear(JitterBuffer *q) { for (; q->bottom != q->top; ++q->bottom) { if (q->queue[q->bottom % q->size]) { rtp_free_msg(NULL, q->queue[q->bottom % q->size]); q->queue[q->bottom % q->size] = NULL; } } } static void jbuf_free(JitterBuffer *q) { if (!q) return; jbuf_clear(q); free(q->queue); free(q); } static void jbuf_write(JitterBuffer *q, RTPMessage *m) { uint16_t sequnum = m->header->sequnum; unsigned int num = sequnum % q->size; if ((uint32_t)(sequnum - q->bottom) > q->size) { jbuf_clear(q); q->bottom = sequnum - q->capacity; q->queue[num] = m; q->top = sequnum + 1; return; } if (q->queue[num]) return; q->queue[num] = m; if ((sequnum - q->bottom) >= (q->top - q->bottom)) q->top = sequnum + 1; } /* Success is 0 when there is nothing to dequeue, * 1 when there's a good packet, * 2 when there's a lost packet */ static RTPMessage *jbuf_read(JitterBuffer *q, int32_t *success) { if (q->top == q->bottom) { *success = 0; return NULL; } unsigned int num = q->bottom % q->size; if (q->queue[num]) { RTPMessage *ret = q->queue[num]; q->queue[num] = NULL; ++q->bottom; *success = 1; return ret; } if ((uint32_t)(q->top - q->bottom) > q->capacity) { ++q->bottom; *success = 2; return NULL; } *success = 0; return NULL; } static int init_video_decoder(CSSession *cs) { int rc = vpx_codec_dec_init_ver(&cs->v_decoder, VIDEO_CODEC_DECODER_INTERFACE, NULL, 0, VPX_DECODER_ABI_VERSION); if ( rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("Init video_decoder failed: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc)); return -1; } return 0; } static int init_audio_decoder(CSSession *cs) { int rc; cs->audio_decoder = opus_decoder_create(cs->audio_decoder_sample_rate, cs->audio_decoder_channels, &rc ); if ( rc != OPUS_OK ) { LOGGER_ERROR("Error while starting audio decoder: %s", opus_strerror(rc)); return -1; } return 0; } static int init_video_encoder(CSSession *cs, uint16_t max_width, uint16_t max_height, uint32_t video_bitrate) { vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg; int rc = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(VIDEO_CODEC_ENCODER_INTERFACE, &cfg, 0); if (rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("Failed to get config: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc)); return -1; } cfg.rc_target_bitrate = video_bitrate; cfg.g_w = max_width; cfg.g_h = max_height; cfg.g_pass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS; cfg.g_error_resilient = VPX_ERROR_RESILIENT_DEFAULT | VPX_ERROR_RESILIENT_PARTITIONS; cfg.g_lag_in_frames = 0; cfg.kf_min_dist = 0; cfg.kf_max_dist = 5; cfg.kf_mode = VPX_KF_AUTO; cs->max_width = max_width; cs->max_height = max_height; rc = vpx_codec_enc_init_ver(&cs->v_encoder, VIDEO_CODEC_ENCODER_INTERFACE, &cfg, 0, VPX_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION); if ( rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("Failed to initialize encoder: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc)); return -1; } rc = vpx_codec_control(&cs->v_encoder, VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, 8); if ( rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("Failed to set encoder control setting: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc)); return -1; } return 0; } static int init_audio_encoder(CSSession *cs) { int rc = OPUS_OK; cs->audio_encoder = opus_encoder_create(cs->audio_encoder_sample_rate, cs->audio_encoder_channels, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, &rc); if ( rc != OPUS_OK ) { LOGGER_ERROR("Error while starting audio encoder: %s", opus_strerror(rc)); return -1; } rc = opus_encoder_ctl(cs->audio_encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(cs->audio_encoder_bitrate)); if ( rc != OPUS_OK ) { LOGGER_ERROR("Error while setting encoder ctl: %s", opus_strerror(rc)); return -1; } rc = opus_encoder_ctl(cs->audio_encoder, OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(10)); if ( rc != OPUS_OK ) { LOGGER_ERROR("Error while setting encoder ctl: %s", opus_strerror(rc)); return -1; } return 0; } /* PUBLIC */ int cs_split_video_payload(CSSession *cs, const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t length) { if (!cs || !length || length > cs->max_video_frame_size) { LOGGER_ERROR("Invalid CodecState or video frame size: %u", length); return cs_ErrorSplittingVideoPayload; } cs->split_video_frame[0] = cs->frameid_out++; cs->split_video_frame[1] = 0; cs->processing_video_frame = payload; cs->processing_video_frame_size = length; return ((length - 1) / cs->video_frame_piece_size) + 1; } const uint8_t *cs_get_split_video_frame(CSSession *cs, uint16_t *size) { if (!cs || !size) return NULL; if (cs->processing_video_frame_size > cs->video_frame_piece_size) { memcpy(cs->split_video_frame + VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE, cs->processing_video_frame, cs->video_frame_piece_size); cs->processing_video_frame += cs->video_frame_piece_size; cs->processing_video_frame_size -= cs->video_frame_piece_size; *size = cs->video_frame_piece_size + VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE; } else { memcpy(cs->split_video_frame + VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE, cs->processing_video_frame, cs->processing_video_frame_size); *size = cs->processing_video_frame_size + VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE; } cs->split_video_frame[1]++; return cs->split_video_frame; } void cs_do(CSSession *cs) { /* Codec session should always be protected by call mutex so no need to check for cs validity */ if (!cs) return; Payload *p; int rc; pthread_mutex_lock(cs->queue_mutex); if (cs->abuf_raw && !buffer_empty(cs->abuf_raw)) { /* Decode audio */ buffer_read(cs->abuf_raw, &p); /* Leave space for (possibly) other thread to queue more data after we read it here */ pthread_mutex_unlock(cs->queue_mutex); uint16_t fsize = ((cs->audio_decoder_sample_rate * cs->audio_decoder_frame_duration) / 1000); int16_t tmp[fsize * cs->audio_decoder_channels]; rc = opus_decode(cs->audio_decoder, p->data, p->size, tmp, fsize, (p->size == 0)); free(p); if (rc < 0) LOGGER_WARNING("Decoding error: %s", opus_strerror(rc)); else if (cs->acb.first) /* Play */ cs->acb.first(cs->agent, cs->call_idx, tmp, rc, cs->acb.second); pthread_mutex_lock(cs->queue_mutex); } if (cs->vbuf_raw && !buffer_empty(cs->vbuf_raw)) { /* Decode video */ buffer_read(cs->vbuf_raw, &p); /* Leave space for (possibly) other thread to queue more data after we read it here */ pthread_mutex_unlock(cs->queue_mutex); rc = vpx_codec_decode(&cs->v_decoder, p->data, p->size, NULL, MAX_DECODE_TIME_US); free(p); if (rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("Error decoding video: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc)); } else { vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; vpx_image_t *dest = vpx_codec_get_frame(&cs->v_decoder, &iter); /* Play decoded images */ for (; dest; dest = vpx_codec_get_frame(&cs->v_decoder, &iter)) { if (cs->vcb.first) cs->vcb.first(cs->agent, cs->call_idx, dest, cs->vcb.second); vpx_img_free(dest); } } return; } pthread_mutex_unlock(cs->queue_mutex); } int cs_set_video_encoder_resolution(CSSession *cs, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) { vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg = *cs->v_encoder.config.enc; if (cfg.g_w == width && cfg.g_h == height) return 0; if (width * height > cs->max_width * cs->max_height) return cs_ErrorSettingVideoResolution; LOGGER_DEBUG("New video resolution: %u %u", width, height); cfg.g_w = width; cfg.g_h = height; int rc = vpx_codec_enc_config_set(&cs->v_encoder, &cfg); if ( rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("Failed to set encoder control setting: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc)); return cs_ErrorSettingVideoResolution; } return 0; } int cs_set_video_encoder_bitrate(CSSession *cs, uint32_t video_bitrate) { vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg = *cs->v_encoder.config.enc; if (cfg.rc_target_bitrate == video_bitrate) return 0; LOGGER_DEBUG("New video bitrate: %u", video_bitrate); cfg.rc_target_bitrate = video_bitrate; int rc = vpx_codec_enc_config_set(&cs->v_encoder, &cfg); if ( rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("Failed to set encoder control setting: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc)); return cs_ErrorSettingVideoBitrate; } return 0; } CSSession *cs_new(const ToxAvCSettings *cs_self, const ToxAvCSettings *cs_peer, uint32_t jbuf_size, int has_video) { CSSession *cs = calloc(sizeof(CSSession), 1); if (!cs) { LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed! Application might misbehave!"); return NULL; } if (create_recursive_mutex(cs->queue_mutex) != 0) { LOGGER_WARNING("Failed to create recursive mutex!"); return NULL; } if ( !(cs->j_buf = jbuf_new(jbuf_size)) ) { LOGGER_WARNING("Jitter buffer creaton failed!"); goto error; } cs->audio_encoder_bitrate = cs_self->audio_bitrate; cs->audio_encoder_sample_rate = cs_self->audio_sample_rate; cs->audio_encoder_channels = cs_self->audio_channels; cs->audio_encoder_frame_duration = cs_self->audio_frame_duration; cs->audio_decoder_bitrate = cs_peer->audio_bitrate; cs->audio_decoder_sample_rate = cs_peer->audio_sample_rate; cs->audio_decoder_channels = cs_peer->audio_channels; cs->audio_decoder_frame_duration = cs_peer->audio_frame_duration; cs->capabilities |= ( 0 == init_audio_encoder(cs) ) ? cs_AudioEncoding : 0; cs->capabilities |= ( 0 == init_audio_decoder(cs) ) ? cs_AudioDecoding : 0; if ( !(cs->capabilities & cs_AudioEncoding) || !(cs->capabilities & cs_AudioDecoding) ) goto error; if ( !(cs->abuf_raw = buffer_new(jbuf_size)) ) goto error; if ((cs->support_video = has_video)) { cs->max_video_frame_size = MAX_VIDEOFRAME_SIZE; cs->video_frame_piece_size = VIDEOFRAME_PIECE_SIZE; cs->capabilities |= ( 0 == init_video_encoder(cs, cs_self->max_video_width, cs_self->max_video_height, cs_self->video_bitrate) ) ? cs_VideoEncoding : 0; cs->capabilities |= ( 0 == init_video_decoder(cs) ) ? cs_VideoDecoding : 0; if ( !(cs->capabilities & cs_VideoEncoding) || !(cs->capabilities & cs_VideoDecoding) ) goto error; if ( !(cs->frame_buf = calloc(cs->max_video_frame_size, 1)) ) goto error; if ( !(cs->split_video_frame = calloc(cs->video_frame_piece_size + VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE, 1)) ) goto error; if ( !(cs->vbuf_raw = buffer_new(VIDEO_DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE)) ) goto error; } return cs; error: LOGGER_WARNING("Error initializing codec session! Application might misbehave!"); pthread_mutex_destroy(cs->queue_mutex); buffer_free(cs->abuf_raw); if ( cs->audio_encoder ) opus_encoder_destroy(cs->audio_encoder); if ( cs->audio_decoder ) opus_decoder_destroy(cs->audio_decoder); if (has_video) { if ( cs->capabilities & cs_VideoDecoding ) vpx_codec_destroy(&cs->v_decoder); if ( cs->capabilities & cs_VideoEncoding ) vpx_codec_destroy(&cs->v_encoder); buffer_free(cs->vbuf_raw); free(cs->frame_buf); free(cs->split_video_frame); } jbuf_free(cs->j_buf); free(cs); return NULL; } void cs_kill(CSSession *cs) { if (!cs) return; /* queue_message will not be called since it's unregistered before cs_kill is called */ pthread_mutex_destroy(cs->queue_mutex); if ( cs->audio_encoder ) opus_encoder_destroy(cs->audio_encoder); if ( cs->audio_decoder ) opus_decoder_destroy(cs->audio_decoder); if ( cs->capabilities & cs_VideoDecoding ) vpx_codec_destroy(&cs->v_decoder); if ( cs->capabilities & cs_VideoEncoding ) vpx_codec_destroy(&cs->v_encoder); jbuf_free(cs->j_buf); buffer_free(cs->abuf_raw); buffer_free(cs->vbuf_raw); free(cs->frame_buf); LOGGER_DEBUG("Terminated codec state: %p", cs); free(cs); } /* Called from RTP */ void queue_message(RTPSession *session, RTPMessage *msg) { /* This function is unregistered during call termination befor destroing * Codec session so no need to check for validity of cs */ CSSession *cs = session->cs; if (!cs) return; /* Audio */ if (session->payload_type == msi_TypeAudio % 128) { jbuf_write(cs->j_buf, msg); int success = 0; while ((msg = jbuf_read(cs->j_buf, &success)) || success == 2) { Payload *p; if (success == 2) { p = malloc(sizeof(Payload)); if (p) p->size = 0; } else { p = malloc(sizeof(Payload) + msg->length); if (p) { p->size = msg->length; memcpy(p->data, msg->data, msg->length); } rtp_free_msg(NULL, msg); } if (p) { pthread_mutex_lock(cs->queue_mutex); buffer_write(cs->abuf_raw, p); pthread_mutex_unlock(cs->queue_mutex); } else { LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed! Program might misbehave!"); } } } /* Video */ else { uint8_t *packet = msg->data; uint32_t packet_size = msg->length; if (packet_size < VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE) goto end; if (packet[0] > cs->frameid_in || (msg->header->timestamp > cs->last_timestamp)) { /* New frame */ /* Flush last frames' data and get ready for this frame */ Payload *p = malloc(sizeof(Payload) + cs->frame_size); if (p) { pthread_mutex_lock(cs->queue_mutex); if (buffer_full(cs->vbuf_raw)) { LOGGER_DEBUG("Dropped video frame"); Payload *tp; buffer_read(cs->vbuf_raw, &tp); free(tp); } else { p->size = cs->frame_size; memcpy(p->data, cs->frame_buf, cs->frame_size); } buffer_write(cs->vbuf_raw, p); pthread_mutex_unlock(cs->queue_mutex); } else { LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed! Program might misbehave!"); goto end; } cs->last_timestamp = msg->header->timestamp; cs->frameid_in = packet[0]; memset(cs->frame_buf, 0, cs->frame_size); cs->frame_size = 0; } else if (packet[0] < cs->frameid_in) { /* Old frame; drop */ LOGGER_DEBUG("Old packet: %u", packet[0]); goto end; } /* Otherwise it's part of the frame so just process */ /* LOGGER_DEBUG("Video Packet: %u %u", packet[0], packet[1]); */ memcpy(cs->frame_buf + cs->frame_size, packet + VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE, packet_size - VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE); cs->frame_size += packet_size - VIDEOFRAME_HEADER_SIZE; end: rtp_free_msg(NULL, msg); } }