#include "crypto_core.h" #include #include namespace { enum { /** * The size of the arrays to compare. This was chosen to take around 2000 * CPU clocks on x86_64. * * This is 1MiB. */ CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE = 1024 * 1024, /** * The number of times we run memcmp in the test. * * We compute the median time taken to reduce error margins. */ CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS = 500, /** * The margin of error (in clocks) we allow for this test. * * Should be within 0.5% of ~2000 CPU clocks. In reality, the code is much * more precise and is usually within 1 CPU clock. */ CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_EPS = 10, }; clock_t memcmp_time(void *a, void *b, size_t len) { clock_t start = clock(); volatile int result = crypto_memcmp(a, b, len); (void)result; return clock() - start; } /** * This function performs the actual timing. It interleaves comparison of * equal and non-equal arrays to reduce the influence of external effects * such as the machine being a little more busy 1 second later. */ void memcmp_median(void *src, void *same, void *not_same, size_t len, clock_t *same_median, clock_t *not_same_median) { clock_t same_results[CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS]; clock_t not_same_results[CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS]; for (size_t i = 0; i < CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS; i++) { same_results[i] = memcmp_time(src, same, len); not_same_results[i] = memcmp_time(src, not_same, len); } std::sort(same_results, same_results + CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS); *same_median = same_results[CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS / 2]; std::sort(not_same_results, not_same_results + CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS); *not_same_median = not_same_results[CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_ITERATIONS / 2]; } /** * This test checks whether crypto_memcmp takes the same time for equal and * non-equal chunks of memory. */ TEST(CryptoCore, MemcmpTimingIsDataIndependent) { // A random piece of memory. auto *src = new uint8_t[CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE]; random_bytes(src, CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE); // A separate piece of memory containing the same data. auto *same = new uint8_t[CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE]; memcpy(same, src, CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE); // Another piece of memory containing different data. auto *not_same = new uint8_t[CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE]; random_bytes(not_same, CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE); clock_t same_median; clock_t not_same_median; memcmp_median(src, same, not_same, CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_SIZE, &same_median, ¬_same_median); delete[] not_same; delete[] same; delete[] src; clock_t const delta = same_median > not_same_median ? same_median - not_same_median : not_same_median - same_median; EXPECT_LT(delta, CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_EPS) << "Delta time is too long (" << delta << " >= " << CRYPTO_TEST_MEMCMP_EPS << ")\n" << "Time of the same data comparation: " << same_median << " clocks\n" << "Time of the different data comparation: " << not_same_median << " clocks"; } } // namespace