/* * util.c -- Utilities. * * This file is donated to the Tox Project. * Copyright 2013 plutooo */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include /* for CLIENT_ID_SIZE */ #include "DHT.h" #include "util.h" uint64_t now() { return time(NULL); } uint64_t random_64b() { uint64_t r; /* This is probably not random enough? */ r = random_int(); r <<= 32; r |= random_int(); return r; } bool id_eq(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t *src) { return memcmp(dest, src, CLIENT_ID_SIZE) == 0; } void id_cpy(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t *src) { memcpy(dest, src, CLIENT_ID_SIZE); } int load_state(load_state_callback_func load_state_callback, void *outer, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint16_t cookie_inner) { if (!load_state_callback || !data) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "load_state() called with invalid args.\n"); #endif return -1; } uint16_t type; uint32_t length_sub, cookie_type; uint32_t size32 = sizeof(uint32_t), size_head = size32 * 2; while (length >= size_head) { length_sub = *(uint32_t *)data; cookie_type = *(uint32_t *)(data + size32); data += size_head; length -= size_head; if (length < length_sub) { /* file truncated */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "state file too short: %u < %u\n", length, length_sub); #endif return -1; } if ((cookie_type >> 16) != cookie_inner) { /* something is not matching up in a bad way, give up */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "state file garbeled: %04hx != %04hx\n", (cookie_type >> 16), cookie_inner); #endif return -1; } type = cookie_type & 0xFFFF; if (-1 == load_state_callback(outer, data, length_sub, type)) return -1; data += length_sub; length -= length_sub; } return length == 0 ? 0 : -1; }; #ifdef LOGGING time_t starttime = 0; size_t logbufferprelen = 0; char *logbufferpredata = NULL; char *logbufferprehead = NULL; char logbuffer[512]; static FILE *logfile = NULL; void loginit(uint16_t port) { if (logfile) fclose(logfile); if (!starttime) starttime = now(); struct tm *tm = localtime(&starttime); /* "%F %T" might not be Windows compatible */ if (strftime(logbuffer + 32, sizeof(logbuffer) - 32, "%F %T", tm)) sprintf(logbuffer, "%u-%s.log", ntohs(port), logbuffer + 32); else sprintf(logbuffer, "%u-%lu.log", ntohs(port), starttime); logfile = fopen(logbuffer, "w"); if (logbufferpredata) { if (logfile) fprintf(logfile, "%s", logbufferpredata); free(logbufferpredata); logbufferpredata = NULL; } }; void loglog(char *text) { if (logfile) { fprintf(logfile, "%4u %s", (uint32_t)(now() - starttime), text); fflush(logfile); return; } /* log messages before file was opened: store */ size_t len = strlen(text); if (!starttime) { starttime = now(); logbufferprelen = 1024 + len - (len % 1024); logbufferpredata = malloc(logbufferprelen); logbufferprehead = logbufferpredata; } /* loginit() called meanwhile? (but failed to open) */ if (!logbufferpredata) return; if (len + (logbufferprehead - logbufferpredata) + 16U < logbufferprelen) { size_t logpos = logbufferprehead - logbufferpredata; size_t lennew = logbufferprelen * 1.4; logbufferpredata = realloc(logbufferpredata, lennew); logbufferprehead = logbufferpredata + logpos; logbufferprelen = lennew; } int written = sprintf(logbufferprehead, "%4u %s", (uint32_t)(now() - starttime), text); logbufferprehead += written; } void logexit() { if (logfile) { fclose(logfile); logfile = NULL; } }; #endif