#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #define _BSD_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #define _CT_PHONE #ifdef _CT_PHONE #include "phone.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* #include Can this be removed? */ #include #include "AV_codec.h" void INFO (const char *_format, ...) { printf("\r[!] "); va_list _arg; va_start (_arg, _format); vfprintf (stdout, _format, _arg); va_end (_arg); printf("\n\r >> "); fflush(stdout); } int rtp_handlepacket ( void *_object, tox_IP_Port ip_port, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length ) { phone_t *_phone = _object; rtp_msg_t *_msg; uint8_t _payload_id; if ( _phone->_msi->_call && _phone->_msi->_call->_state == call_active ) { _msg = rtp_msg_parse ( NULL, data + 1, length - 1 ); /* ignore marker byte */ if ( !_msg ) return 0; _payload_id = rtp_header_get_setting_payload_type(_msg->_header); if ( _payload_id == _PAYLOAD_OPUS && _phone->_rtp_audio ) rtp_store_msg(_phone->_rtp_audio, _msg); else if ( _payload_id == _PAYLOAD_VP8 && _phone->_rtp_video ) rtp_store_msg(_phone->_rtp_video, _msg); else rtp_free_msg( NULL, _msg); } return SUCCESS; } int msi_handlepacket ( void *_object, tox_IP_Port ip_port, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length ) { msi_session_t *_session = _object; msi_msg_t *_msg; _msg = msi_parse_msg ( data + 1 ); /* ignore marker byte */ if ( _msg ) { /* my current solution for "hole punching" */ _session->_friend_id = ip_port; } else { return FAILURE; } /* place message in a session */ msi_store_msg(_session, _msg); return SUCCESS; } void *phone_receivepacket ( void *_phone_p ) { phone_t *_phone = _phone_p; networking_registerhandler(_phone->_networking, MSI_PACKET, msi_handlepacket, _phone->_msi); networking_registerhandler(_phone->_networking, RTP_PACKET, rtp_handlepacket, _phone); /* Now start main networking loop */ while ( _phone->_networking ) { /* so not thread safe */ networking_poll(_phone->_networking); usleep(10000); } pthread_exit ( NULL ); } /* Media transport callback */ typedef struct hmtc_args_s { rtp_session_t **_rtp_audio; rtp_session_t **_rtp_video; call_type *_local_type_call; call_state *_this_call; void *_core_handler; } hmtc_args_t; void *phone_handle_media_transport_poll ( void *_hmtc_args_p ) { rtp_msg_t *_audio_msg, * _video_msg; hmtc_args_t *_hmtc_args = _hmtc_args_p; rtp_session_t *_rtp_audio = *_hmtc_args->_rtp_audio; rtp_session_t *_rtp_video = *_hmtc_args->_rtp_video; call_type *_type = _hmtc_args->_local_type_call; void *_core_handler = _hmtc_args->_core_handler; call_state *_this_call = _hmtc_args->_this_call; while ( *_this_call == call_active ) { // THREADLOCK() _audio_msg = rtp_recv_msg ( _rtp_audio ); _video_msg = rtp_recv_msg ( _rtp_video ); if ( _audio_msg ) { /* Do whatever with msg */ puts("audio"); /* Do whatever with msg puts(_audio_msg->_data);*/ rtp_free_msg ( _rtp_audio, _audio_msg ); } if ( _video_msg ) { /* Do whatever with msg */ puts("video"); /* Do whatever with msg puts(_video_msg->_data); */ rtp_free_msg ( _rtp_video, _video_msg ); _video_msg = NULL; } /* -------------------- */ _audio_msg = rtp_msg_new ( _rtp_audio, (const uint8_t *)"audio\0", 6 ) ; rtp_send_msg ( _rtp_audio, _audio_msg, _core_handler ); _audio_msg = NULL; if ( *_type == type_video ) { /* if local call send video */ _video_msg = rtp_msg_new ( _rtp_video, (const uint8_t *)"video\0", 6 ) ; rtp_send_msg ( _rtp_video, _video_msg, _core_handler ); _video_msg = NULL; } //THREADUNLOCK() usleep ( 10000 ); /* -------------------- */ } //THREADLOCK() if ( _audio_msg ) { rtp_free_msg(_rtp_audio, _audio_msg); } if ( _video_msg ) { rtp_free_msg(_rtp_video, _video_msg); } rtp_release_session_recv(_rtp_video); rtp_release_session_recv(_rtp_audio); rtp_terminate_session(_rtp_audio); rtp_terminate_session(_rtp_video); *_hmtc_args->_rtp_audio = NULL; *_hmtc_args->_rtp_video = NULL; free(_hmtc_args_p); //THREADUNLOCK() INFO("Media thread finished!"); pthread_exit ( NULL ); } pthread_t phone_startmedia_loop ( phone_t *_phone ) { if ( !_phone ) { return 0; } int _status; uint8_t _prefix = RTP_PACKET; pthread_t _rtp_tid; int _rtp_thread_running = 1; _phone->_rtp_audio = rtp_init_session ( -1, 1 ); rtp_set_prefix ( _phone->_rtp_audio, &_prefix, 1 ); rtp_add_receiver ( _phone->_rtp_audio, &_phone->_msi->_friend_id ); rtp_set_payload_type(_phone->_rtp_audio, _PAYLOAD_OPUS); _phone->_rtp_video = rtp_init_session ( -1, 1 ); rtp_set_prefix ( _phone->_rtp_video, &_prefix, 1 ); rtp_add_receiver ( _phone->_rtp_video, &_phone->_msi->_friend_id ); rtp_set_payload_type(_phone->_rtp_video, _PAYLOAD_VP8); hmtc_args_t *rtp_targs = calloc(sizeof(hmtc_args_t), 1); rtp_targs->_rtp_audio = &_phone->_rtp_audio; rtp_targs->_rtp_video = &_phone->_rtp_video; rtp_targs->_local_type_call = &_phone->_msi->_call->_type_local; rtp_targs->_this_call = &_phone->_msi->_call->_state; rtp_targs->_core_handler = _phone->_networking; codec_state *cs; cs = _phone->cs; //_status = pthread_create ( &_rtp_tid, NULL, phone_handle_media_transport_poll, rtp_targs ); cs->_rtp_audio = _phone->_rtp_audio; cs->_rtp_video = _phone->_rtp_video; cs->_networking = _phone->_networking; cs->socket = _phone->_tox_sock; cs->quit = 0; printf("support: %d %d\n", cs->support_send_audio, cs->support_send_video); if (cs->support_send_audio && cs->support_send_video) /* quick fix */ pthread_create(&_phone->cs->encode_audio_thread, NULL, encode_audio_thread, _phone->cs); if (cs->support_receive_audio) pthread_create(&_phone->cs->decode_audio_thread, NULL, decode_audio_thread, _phone->cs); if (cs->support_send_video) pthread_create(&_phone->cs->encode_video_thread, NULL, encode_video_thread, _phone->cs); if (cs->support_receive_video) pthread_create(&_phone->cs->decode_video_thread, NULL, decode_video_thread, _phone->cs); // return 1; } /* Some example callbacks */ MCBTYPE callback_recv_invite ( MCBARGS ) { const char *_call_type; msi_session_t *_msi = _arg; /* Get the last one */ call_type _type = _msi->_call->_type_peer[_msi->_call->_participants - 1]; switch ( _type ) { case type_audio: _call_type = "audio"; break; case type_video: _call_type = "video"; break; } INFO( "Incoming %s call!", _call_type ); } MCBTYPE callback_recv_trying ( MCBARGS ) { INFO ( "Trying..."); } MCBTYPE callback_recv_ringing ( MCBARGS ) { INFO ( "Ringing!" ); } MCBTYPE callback_recv_starting ( MCBARGS ) { msi_session_t *_session = _arg; if ( !phone_startmedia_loop(_session->_agent_handler) ) { INFO("Starting call failed!"); } else { INFO ("Call started! ( press h to hangup )"); } } MCBTYPE callback_recv_ending ( MCBARGS ) { msi_session_t *_session = _arg; phone_t *_phone = _session->_agent_handler; _phone->cs->quit = 1; if (_phone->cs->encode_video_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->encode_video_thread, NULL); if (_phone->cs->encode_audio_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->encode_audio_thread, NULL); if (_phone->cs->decode_audio_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->decode_audio_thread, NULL); if (_phone->cs->decode_video_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->decode_video_thread, NULL); SDL_Quit(); printf("all A/V threads successfully shut down\n"); INFO ( "Call ended!" ); } MCBTYPE callback_recv_error ( MCBARGS ) { msi_session_t *_session = _arg; INFO( "Error: %s", _session->_last_error_str ); } MCBTYPE callback_call_started ( MCBARGS ) { msi_session_t *_session = _arg; if ( !phone_startmedia_loop(_session->_agent_handler) ) { INFO("Starting call failed!"); } else { INFO ("Call started! ( press h to hangup )"); } } MCBTYPE callback_call_canceled ( MCBARGS ) { INFO ( "Call canceled!" ); } MCBTYPE callback_call_rejected ( MCBARGS ) { INFO ( "Call rejected!\n" ); } MCBTYPE callback_call_ended ( MCBARGS ) { msi_session_t *_session = _arg; phone_t *_phone = _session->_agent_handler; _phone->cs->quit = 1; if (_phone->cs->encode_video_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->encode_video_thread, NULL); if (_phone->cs->encode_audio_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->encode_audio_thread, NULL); if (_phone->cs->decode_audio_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->decode_audio_thread, NULL); if (_phone->cs->decode_video_thread) pthread_join(_phone->cs->decode_video_thread, NULL); SDL_Quit(); printf("all A/V threads successfully shut down\n"); INFO ( "Call ended!" ); } MCBTYPE callback_requ_timeout ( MCBARGS ) { INFO( "No answer! " ); } phone_t *initPhone(uint16_t _listen_port, uint16_t _send_port) { phone_t *_retu = calloc(sizeof(phone_t), 1); _retu->cs = av_calloc(sizeof(codec_state), 1); /* Initialize our mutex */ pthread_mutex_init ( &_mutex, NULL ); IP_Port _local; ip_init(&_local.ip, 0); _local.ip.ip4.uint32 = htonl ( INADDR_ANY ); /* Bind local receive port to any address */ _retu->_networking = new_networking ( _local.ip, _listen_port ); if ( !_retu->_networking ) { fprintf ( stderr, "new_networking() failed!\n" ); return NULL; } _retu->_send_port = _send_port; _retu->_recv_port = _listen_port; _retu->_tox_sock = _retu->_networking->sock; _retu->_rtp_audio = NULL; _retu->_rtp_video = NULL; /* Initialize msi */ _retu->_msi = msi_init_session ( _retu->_networking, (const uint8_t *)_USERAGENT ); if ( !_retu->_msi ) { fprintf ( stderr, "msi_init_session() failed\n" ); return NULL; } /* Initiate codecs */ init_encoder(_retu->cs); init_decoder(_retu->cs); _retu->_msi->_agent_handler = _retu; /* Initiate callbacks */ msi_register_callback_send ( sendpacket ); /* Using core's send */ msi_register_callback_call_started ( callback_call_started ); msi_register_callback_call_canceled ( callback_call_canceled ); msi_register_callback_call_rejected ( callback_call_rejected ); msi_register_callback_call_ended ( callback_call_ended ); msi_register_callback_recv_invite ( callback_recv_invite ); msi_register_callback_recv_ringing ( callback_recv_ringing ); msi_register_callback_recv_starting ( callback_recv_starting ); msi_register_callback_recv_ending ( callback_recv_ending ); msi_register_callback_recv_error(callback_recv_error); msi_register_callback_requ_timeout ( callback_requ_timeout ); /* ------------------ */ /* Now start msi main loop. It's a must! * Define a frequency in ms; 10 ms is just fine */ msi_start_main_loop ( _retu->_msi, 10 ); return _retu; } pthread_t phone_startmain_loop(phone_t *_phone) { int _status; /* Start receive thread */ pthread_t _recv_thread, _phone_loop_thread; _status = pthread_create ( &_recv_thread, NULL, phone_receivepacket, _phone ); if ( _status < 0 ) { printf ( "Error while starting handle call: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror ( errno ) ); return 0; } _status = pthread_detach ( _recv_thread ); if ( _status < 0 ) { printf ( "Error while starting handle call: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror ( errno ) ); return 0; } _status = pthread_create ( &_phone_loop_thread, NULL, phone_poll, _phone ); if ( _status < 0 ) { printf ( "Error while starting main phone loop: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror ( errno ) ); return 0; } _status = pthread_join ( _phone_loop_thread, NULL ); if ( _status < 0 ) { printf ( "Error while starting main phone loop: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror ( errno ) ); return 0; } return _phone_loop_thread; } void *phone_poll ( void *_p_phone ) { phone_t *_phone = _p_phone; int _status = SUCCESS; char _line[100]; size_t _len; char _dest[17]; /* For parsing destination ip */ memset(_dest, '\0', 17); INFO("Welcome to tox_phone version: " _USERAGENT "\n" "Usage: \n" "c [a/v] (type) [] (dest ip) (calls dest ip)\n" "h (if call is active hang up)\n" "a [a/v] (answer incoming call: a - audio / v - audio + video (audio is default))\n" "r (reject incoming call)\n" "q (quit)\n" "================================================================================" ); while ( 1 ) { fgets(_line, sizeof(_line), stdin); int i; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (_line[i] == '\n') { _line[i] = '\0'; } } _len = strlen(_line); if ( !_len ) { printf(" >> "); fflush(stdout); continue; } if ( _len > 1 && _line[1] != ' ' && _line[1] != '\n' ) { INFO("Invalid input!"); continue; } switch (_line[0]) { case 'c': { if ( _phone->_msi->_call ) { INFO("Already in a call"); break; } call_type _ctype; if ( _len < 11 ) { INFO("Invalid input; usage: c a/v"); break; } else if ( _line[2] == 'a' || _line[2] != 'v' ) { /* default and audio */ _ctype = type_audio; } else { /* video */ _ctype = type_video; } strcpy(_dest, _line + 4 ); _status = t_setipport(_dest, _phone->_send_port, &(_phone->_msi->_friend_id)); if ( _status < 0 ) { INFO("Could not resolve address!"); } else { /* Set timeout */ msi_invite ( _phone->_msi, _ctype, 30 * 1000 ); INFO("Calling!"); } t_memset((uint8_t *)_dest, '\0', 17); } break; case 'h': { if ( !_phone->_msi->_call ) { break; } msi_hangup(_phone->_msi); INFO("Hung up..."); } break; case 'a': { if ( _phone->_msi->_call && _phone->_msi->_call->_state != call_starting ) { break; } if ( _len > 1 && _line[2] == 'v' ) msi_answer(_phone->_msi, type_video); else msi_answer(_phone->_msi, type_audio); } break; case 'r': { if ( _phone->_msi->_call && _phone->_msi->_call->_state != call_starting ) { break; } msi_reject(_phone->_msi); INFO("Call Rejected..."); } break; case 'q': { INFO("Quitting!"); pthread_exit(NULL); } default: { INFO("Invalid command!"); } break; } usleep(1000); } pthread_exit(NULL); } int quitPhone(phone_t *_phone) { if ( _phone->_msi->_call ) { msi_hangup(_phone->_msi); /* Hangup the phone first */ } msi_terminate_session(_phone->_msi); pthread_mutex_destroy ( &_mutex ); printf("\r[i] Quit!\n"); return SUCCESS; } /* ---------------------- */ int print_help ( const char *_name ) { printf ( "Usage: %s -m (mode) -r/s ( for setting the ports on test version )\n", _name ); return FAILURE; } int main ( int argc, char *argv [] ) { arg_t *_args = parse_args ( argc, argv ); const char *_mode = find_arg_duble ( _args, "-m" ); uint16_t _listen_port; uint16_t _send_port; if ( !_mode ) return print_help ( argv[0] ); if ( _mode[0] == 'r' ) { _send_port = 31000; _listen_port = 31001; } else if ( _mode[0] == 's' ) { _send_port = 31001; _listen_port = 31000; } else return print_help ( argv[0] ); phone_t *_phone = initPhone(_listen_port, _send_port); if ( _phone ) { phone_startmain_loop(_phone); quitPhone(_phone); } return SUCCESS; } #endif /* _CT_PHONE */