* show percentage bar for life * show time "ago" for "now on the cosmic calendar" * show percentage figures for calendar entries (percentage of universe; percentage of life) * show timespan between calendar entries in "Now" and "Next" titles "Next On the Cosmic Calendar ([x] days later / [y] years later])" * add first animals: * trilobite * lion * other favorite animals * add first human-made fire (see bookmark) * double-check human/ape split timing (currently have 12 mya but many sources say 7 mya). * humans-walk-upright: 10 seconds before, everyone touch toes; count down until humans-walk-upright; then stand up * Moving between visible calendar entries should not imply changing the time. The current simulated time needs to be distinct from the current view of the calendar. The user might select to view any calendar entry RELATIVE TO THE CURRENT ACTUAL OR SIMULATED TIME. * Combine multiple calendar events on a single day into a single UI element & navigation point. * 'TODO' items on calendar: have [x] prepared by date [y]. Especially: * (January 11) Day to have tree removed, finish leftovers, end baccanalia, clean house * (Mid-year) Some day to have acquired/prepared all artifact objects for countdown (It might make more sense to have several days with smaller deadlines!) (Plan it all out making it easy on the user.) * Birthdays!!!! * Countdown to Natalia's birthday * Countdown to new baby