path: root/Connection/Tox
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-06-18fix buildAndrew Cady
2018-06-18Tox: Added timestamps to dhtkey and sockaddr information.joe
2018-06-16tox: freshenContact WIP.joe
2018-06-16tox: Oops, fix endless blocking IO action in persueContact.joe
2018-06-16writeStatus::(Status ToxProgress -> STM ()) changed to statusVar:: TVar ↵James Crayne
(Status ToxProgress)
2018-06-16tox: persueContact, fixed build errors.joe
2018-06-16more persueContact wipjoe
2018-06-16persueContact wipJames Crayne
2018-06-13tox: Associate a state with each connection management thread.joe
2018-06-13tox: WIP connection manager for tox sessions.joe
2018-06-12Started Tox connection management helper threads.joe