{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} module Announcer ( Announcer(scheduled) , AnnounceKey , packAnnounceKey , unpackAnnounceKey , AnnounceMethod(..) , forkAnnouncer , stopAnnouncer , schedule , cancel , itemStatusNum ) where import qualified Data.MinMaxPSQ as MM import Data.Wrapper.PSQ as PSQ import InterruptibleDelay import Network.Kademlia.Routing as R import Network.Kademlia.Search import Control.Concurrent.Lifted.Instrument import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import Data.Function import Data.Hashable import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import qualified GHC.Generics as Generics -- import Generic.Data.Internal.Meta as Lyxia import System.IO newtype AnnounceKey = AnnounceKey ByteString deriving (Hashable,Ord,Eq) instance Show AnnounceKey where show (AnnounceKey bs) = "AnnounceKey " ++ show (Char8.unpack bs) packAnnounceKey :: Announcer -> String -> STM AnnounceKey packAnnounceKey _ = return . AnnounceKey . Char8.pack unpackAnnounceKey :: Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> STM String unpackAnnounceKey _ (AnnounceKey bs) = return $ Char8.unpack bs -- | Actions that can be scheduled to occur at some particular time in the -- future. Since periodic event handlers are responsible for re-scheduling -- themselves, they are typically bootstrapped using 'scheduleImmediately' with -- 'NewAnnouncement' which triggers the ordinary recurring scheduling of -- 'Announce'. data ScheduledItem = DeleteAnnouncement | ScheduledItem (Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> POSIXTime -> STM (IO ())) | StopAnnouncer -- Can't use Data because STM and IO. :( -- deriving Data {- itemStatusNum sch = constrIndex $ toConstr sch -} -- Using Generic works with Lyxia's generic-data package... -- {- itemStatusNum sch = Lyxia.conIdToInt $ Lyxia.conId sch -} -- For now, make sure to keep 'itemStatusNum' up to date with 'ScheduledItem'. deriving Generics.Generic itemStatusNum :: ScheduledItem -> Int itemStatusNum (DeleteAnnouncement ) = 0 itemStatusNum (ScheduledItem {}) = 1 itemStatusNum (StopAnnouncer ) = 2 itemStatusNum _ = error "itemStatusNum not in sync with ScheduledItem declaration." data Announcer = Announcer { -- | The queue of scheduled events. The priority is the time at which an -- event is supposed to occur. scheduled :: TVar (PSQ' AnnounceKey POSIXTime ScheduledItem) -- | This TVar is False when the Announcer thread has finished. , announcerActive :: TVar Bool -- | This delay is used to wait until it's time to act on the earliest -- scheduled item. It will be interrupted whenever a new item is -- scheduled. , interrutible :: InterruptibleDelay } announceK :: Int announceK = 8 data AnnounceState = forall nid addr tok ni r. AnnounceState { aState :: SearchState nid addr tok ni r , aStoringNodes :: TVar (MM.MinMaxPSQ ni (Down POSIXTime)) } -- | Schedules an event to occur long ago at the epoch (which effectively makes -- the event happen as soon as possible). Note that the caller will usually -- also want to interrupt the 'interrutible' delay so that it finds this item -- immediately. scheduleImmediately :: Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> ScheduledItem -> STM () scheduleImmediately announcer k item = modifyTVar' (scheduled announcer) (PSQ.insert' k item 0) -- | Terminate the 'Announcer' thread. Don't use the Announcer after this. stopAnnouncer :: Announcer -> IO () stopAnnouncer announcer = do atomically $ scheduleImmediately announcer (AnnounceKey "*stop*") StopAnnouncer interruptDelay (interrutible announcer) atomically $ readTVar (announcerActive announcer) >>= check . not -- | This type specifies an item that can be announced on appropriate nodes in -- a Kademlia network. data AnnounceMethod r = forall nid ni sr addr tok a. ( Show nid , Hashable nid , Hashable ni , Ord addr , Ord nid , Ord ni ) => AnnounceMethod { aSearch :: Search nid addr tok ni sr -- ^ This is the Kademlia search to run repeatedly to find the -- nearby nodes. A new search is started whenever one is not -- already in progress at announce time. Repeated searches are -- likely to finish faster than the first since nearby nodes -- are not discarded. , aPublish :: Either (r -> sr -> IO ()) (r -> tok -> Maybe ni -> IO (Maybe a)) -- ^ The action to perform when we find nearby nodes. The -- destination node is given as a Maybe so that methods that -- treat 'Nothing' as loop-back address can be passed here, -- however 'Nothing' will not be passed by the announcer -- thread. -- -- There are two cases: -- -- [Left] The action to perform requires a search result. -- This was implemented to support Tox's DHTKey and -- Friend-Request messages. -- -- [Right] The action requires a "token" from the destination -- node. This is the more typical "announce" semantics for -- Kademlia. , aBuckets :: TVar (R.BucketList ni) -- ^ Set this to the current Kademlia routing table buckets. -- TODO: List of TVars to have separate routing tables for IPv6 and IPv4? , aTarget :: nid -- ^ This is the Kademlia node-id of the item being announced. , aInterval :: POSIXTime -- ^ Assuming we have nearby nodes from the search, the item -- will be announced at this interval. -- -- Current implementation is to make the scheduled -- announcements even if the search hasn't finished. It will -- use the closest nodes found so far. } -- | Schedule a recurring Search + Announce sequence. schedule :: Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> AnnounceMethod r -> r -> IO () schedule announcer k AnnounceMethod{aSearch,aPublish,aBuckets,aTarget,aInterval} r = do st <- atomically $ newSearch aSearch aTarget [] ns <- atomically $ newTVar MM.empty let astate = AnnounceState st ns publishToNodes is | Left _ <- aPublish = return () | Right publish <- aPublish = do forM_ is $ \(Binding ni mtok _) -> do forM_ mtok $ \tok -> do got <- publish r tok (Just ni) now <- getPOSIXTime forM_ got $ \_ -> do atomically $ modifyTVar ns $ MM.insertTake announceK ni (Down now) announce = do -- publish to current search results is <- atomically $ do bs <- readTVar (searchInformant st {- :: TVar (MinMaxPSQ' ni nid tok -}) return $ MM.toList bs publishToNodes is onResult sr | Right _ <- aPublish = return True | Left sendit <- aPublish = do scheduleImmediately announcer k $ ScheduledItem $ \_ _ _ -> return $ do got <- sendit r sr -- If we had a way to get the source of a search result, we might want to -- treat it similarly to an announcing node and remember it in the 'aStoringNodes' -- MinMaxPSQ. For now, I'm just letting the nodes for which we've already sent -- a message be forgotten. -- -- forM_ got $ \_ -> do -- atomically $ modifyTVar ns $ MM.insertTake announceK ni (Down now) return () return True -- True to keep searching. searchAgain = do -- Canceling a pending search here seems to make announcements more reliable. searchCancel st isfin <- searchIsFinished st -- Always True, since we canceled. return $ when isfin $ void $ fork search search = do -- thread to fork atomically $ reset aBuckets aSearch aTarget st searchLoop aSearch aTarget onResult st fork $ do -- Announce to any nodes we haven't already announced to. is <- atomically $ do bs <- readTVar (searchInformant st {- :: TVar (MinMaxPSQ' ni nid tok -}) nq <- readTVar ns return $ filter (\(Binding ni _ _) -> not $ isJust $ MM.lookup' ni nq) $ MM.toList bs publishToNodes is return () {- atomically $ scheduleImmediately announcer k $ SearchFinished {- st -} search announce aInterval interruptDelay (interrutible announcer) -} atomically $ scheduleImmediately announcer k $ ScheduledItem (newAnnouncement searchAgain search announce aInterval) interruptDelay (interrutible announcer) cancel :: Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> AnnounceMethod r -> r -> IO () cancel announcer k _ _ = do atomically $ scheduleImmediately announcer k $ DeleteAnnouncement interruptDelay (interrutible announcer) -- | Construct an 'Announcer' object and fork a thread in which to perform the -- Kademlia searches and announces. forkAnnouncer :: IO Announcer forkAnnouncer = do delay <- interruptibleDelay announcer <- atomically $ Announcer <$> newTVar PSQ.empty <*> newTVar True <*> pure delay fork $ announceThread announcer return announcer announceThread :: Announcer -> IO () announceThread announcer = do myThreadId >>= flip labelThread "announcer" fix $ \loop -> do join $ atomically $ do item <- maybe retry return =<< findMin <$> readTVar (scheduled announcer) return $ do now <- getPOSIXTime -- Is it time to do something? if (prio item <= now) then do -- Yes. Dequeue and handle this event. action <- atomically $ do modifyTVar' (scheduled announcer) (PSQ.delete (key item)) performScheduledItem announcer now item -- Are we finished? mapM_ (>> loop) -- No? Okay, perform scheduled op and loop. action else do -- No. Wait a bit. startDelay (interrutible announcer) (microseconds $ prio item - now) loop -- We're done. Let 'stopAnnouncer' know that it can stop blocking. atomically $ writeTVar (announcerActive announcer) False -- | Returns 'Nothing' to stop the announcer thread (when the event is -- StopAnnouncer). Otherwise, returns an action that will be performed in the -- announcer thread before looping for the next scheduled item. -- -- Note that the returned action is responsible for re-scheduled another event -- for periodic tasks. Otherwise, as is the case for the 'DeleteAnnouncement' -- event, the item associated with a particular announce key will be removed -- from the queue. performScheduledItem :: Announcer -> POSIXTime -> Binding' AnnounceKey POSIXTime ScheduledItem -> STM (Maybe (IO ())) performScheduledItem announcer now = \case (Binding _ StopAnnouncer _) -> return Nothing -- announcement removed: (Binding _ DeleteAnnouncement _) -> return $ Just $ return () (Binding k (ScheduledItem action) _) -> Just <$> action announcer k now -- announcement started: newAnnouncement :: STM (IO a) -> IO () -> IO () -> POSIXTime -> Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> POSIXTime -> STM (IO ()) newAnnouncement checkFin search announce interval = \announcer k now -> do modifyTVar (scheduled announcer) (PSQ.insert' k (ScheduledItem $ reAnnounce checkFin announce interval) (now + interval)) return $ void $ fork search -- time for periodic announce: -- (re-)announce to the current known set of storing-nodes. -- TODO: If the search is finished, restart the search. reAnnounce :: STM (IO a) -> IO () -> POSIXTime -> Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> POSIXTime -> STM (IO ()) reAnnounce checkFin announce interval = \announcer k now -> do isfin <- checkFin modifyTVar (scheduled announcer) (PSQ.insert' k (ScheduledItem $ reAnnounce checkFin announce interval) (now + interval)) return $ do isfin hPutStrLn stderr $ "This print avoids negative-time future scheduling. Weird bug. TODO: fix it. "++show now announce