{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} module Announcer.Tox where -- , AnnounceMethod(..) -- , schedule import Announcer import qualified Data.MinMaxPSQ as MM import Data.Wrapper.PSQ as PSQ import InterruptibleDelay import Network.Kademlia.Routing as R import Network.Kademlia.Search import Control.Concurrent.Lifted.Instrument import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Data.Hashable import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import System.IO announceK :: Int announceK = 8 data AnnounceState = forall nid addr tok ni r. AnnounceState { aState :: SearchState nid addr tok ni r , aStoringNodes :: TVar (MM.MinMaxPSQ ni (Down POSIXTime)) } -- | This type specifies an item that can be announced on appropriate nodes in -- a Kademlia network. data AnnounceMethod r = forall nid ni sr addr tok a. ( Show nid , Hashable nid , Hashable ni , Ord addr , Ord nid , Ord ni ) => AnnounceMethod { aSearch :: Search nid addr tok ni sr -- ^ This is the Kademlia search to run repeatedly to find the -- nearby nodes. A new search is started whenever one is not -- already in progress at announce time. Repeated searches are -- likely to finish faster than the first since nearby nodes -- are not discarded. , aPublish :: Either (r -> sr -> IO ()) (r -> tok -> Maybe ni -> IO (Maybe a)) -- ^ The action to perform when we find nearby nodes. The -- destination node is given as a Maybe so that methods that -- treat 'Nothing' as loop-back address can be passed here, -- however 'Nothing' will not be passed by the announcer -- thread. -- -- There are two cases: -- -- [Left] The action to perform requires a search result. -- This was implemented to support Tox's DHTKey and -- Friend-Request messages. -- -- [Right] The action requires a "token" from the destination -- node. This is the more typical "announce" semantics for -- Kademlia. , aBuckets :: TVar (R.BucketList ni) -- ^ Set this to the current Kademlia routing table buckets. -- TODO: List of TVars to have separate routing tables for IPv6 and IPv4? , aTarget :: nid -- ^ This is the Kademlia node-id of the item being announced. , aInterval :: POSIXTime -- ^ Assuming we have nearby nodes from the search, the item -- will be announced at this interval. -- -- Current implementation is to make the scheduled -- announcements even if the search hasn't finished. It will -- use the closest nodes found so far. } -- announcement started: newAnnouncement :: STM (IO a) -> IO () -> IO () -> POSIXTime -> Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> POSIXTime -> STM (IO ()) newAnnouncement checkFin search announce interval = \announcer k now -> do modifyTVar (scheduled announcer) (PSQ.insert' k (ScheduledItem $ reAnnounce checkFin announce interval) (now + interval)) return $ void $ fork search -- time for periodic announce: -- (re-)announce to the current known set of storing-nodes. -- TODO: If the search is finished, restart the search. reAnnounce :: STM (IO a) -> IO () -> POSIXTime -> Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> POSIXTime -> STM (IO ()) reAnnounce checkFin announce interval = \announcer k now -> do isfin <- checkFin modifyTVar (scheduled announcer) (PSQ.insert' k (ScheduledItem $ reAnnounce checkFin announce interval) (now + interval)) return $ do isfin hPutStrLn stderr $ "This print avoids negative-time future scheduling. Weird bug. TODO: fix it. "++show now announce -- | Schedule a recurring Search + Announce sequence. schedule :: Announcer -> AnnounceKey -> AnnounceMethod r -> r -> IO () schedule announcer k AnnounceMethod{aSearch,aPublish,aBuckets,aTarget,aInterval} r = do st <- atomically $ newSearch aSearch aTarget [] ns <- atomically $ newTVar MM.empty let astate = AnnounceState st ns publishToNodes is | Left _ <- aPublish = return () | Right publish <- aPublish = do forM_ is $ \(Binding ni mtok _) -> do forM_ mtok $ \tok -> do got <- publish r tok (Just ni) now <- getPOSIXTime forM_ got $ \_ -> do atomically $ modifyTVar ns $ MM.insertTake announceK ni (Down now) announce = do -- publish to current search results is <- atomically $ do bs <- readTVar (searchInformant st {- :: TVar (MinMaxPSQ' ni nid tok -}) return $ MM.toList bs publishToNodes is onResult sr | Right _ <- aPublish = return True | Left sendit <- aPublish = do scheduleImmediately announcer k $ ScheduledItem $ \_ _ _ -> return $ do got <- sendit r sr -- If we had a way to get the source of a search result, we might want to -- treat it similarly to an announcing node and remember it in the 'aStoringNodes' -- MinMaxPSQ. For now, I'm just letting the nodes for which we've already sent -- a message be forgotten. -- -- forM_ got $ \_ -> do -- atomically $ modifyTVar ns $ MM.insertTake announceK ni (Down now) return () return True -- True to keep searching. searchAgain = do -- Canceling a pending search here seems to make announcements more reliable. searchCancel st isfin <- searchIsFinished st -- Always True, since we canceled. return $ when isfin $ void $ fork search search = do -- thread to fork atomically $ reset aBuckets aSearch aTarget st searchLoop aSearch aTarget onResult st fork $ do -- Announce to any nodes we haven't already announced to. is <- atomically $ do bs <- readTVar (searchInformant st {- :: TVar (MinMaxPSQ' ni nid tok -}) nq <- readTVar ns return $ filter (\(Binding ni _ _) -> not $ isJust $ MM.lookup' ni nq) $ MM.toList bs publishToNodes is return () {- atomically $ scheduleImmediately announcer k $ SearchFinished {- st -} search announce aInterval interruptDelay (interrutible announcer) -} atomically $ scheduleImmediately announcer k $ ScheduledItem (newAnnouncement searchAgain search announce aInterval) interruptDelay (interrutible announcer)