{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module OnionRouter where import Control.Concurrent.Lifted.Instrument import Crypto.Tox import Network.Address import Network.Kademlia import Network.Kademlia.Routing import Network.QueryResponse import Network.Tox.NodeId import Network.Tox.Onion.Transport import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent.STM.TArray import Control.Monad import Crypto.Random import Data.Array.MArray import Data.Bits import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap ;import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap ;import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Serialize as S import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Typeable import Data.Word import qualified Data.Word64Map as W64 ;import Data.Word64Map (Word64Map, fitsInInt) import Network.Socket import System.Endian import System.Timeout -- Toxcore saves a maximum of 12 paths: 6 paths are reserved for announcing -- ourselves and 6 others are used to search for friends. -- -- Note: This is pointless because a man-in-the-middle attack currently makes -- it trivial to glean friend relationships: the storing node can swap the -- published to-route key with his own giving him access to one layer of -- encryption and thus the real public key of the sender. TODO: -- Counter-measures. -- -- Unlike toxcore, we don't currently reserve paths for only-searching or -- only-announcing. Instead, we maintain 12 multi-purpose routes. data OnionRouter = OnionRouter { -- | For every query, we remember the destination and source keys -- so we can decrypt the response. pendingQueries :: TVar (Word64Map PendingQuery) -- | The current 12 routes that may be assigned to outgoing packets. , routeMap :: TArray Int (Maybe RouteRecord) -- | A set of nodes used to query for random route nodes. These aren't -- used directly in onion routes, they are queried for route nodes that -- are nearby randomly selected ids. -- -- These nodes are chosen from the kademlia buckets and when one of them -- is evicted from a bucket, it is no longer used as a trampoline node. -- -- Also, currently our own address is (unnecessarily) stored here at -- index (-1). , trampolineNodes :: TVar (IntMap NodeInfo) -- | This map associates 'NodeId' values with the corresponding -- 'trampolineNodes' index. , trampolineIds :: TVar (HashMap NodeId Int) -- | Indicates the current size of 'trampolineNodes'. , trampolineCount :: TVar Int -- | The pseudo-random generator used to select onion routes. , onionDRG :: TVar ChaChaDRG -- | Building onion routes happens in a dedicated thread. See 'forkRouteBuilder'. , routeThread :: ThreadId -- | Each of the 12 routes has a version number here that is set larger -- than the 'routeVersion' set in 'routeMap' when the route should be -- discarded and replaced with a fresh one. , pendingRoutes :: TArray Int Int -- | Debug prints are written to this channel which is then flushed to -- 'routeLogger'. , routeLog :: TChan String -- | User supplied log function. , routeLogger :: String -> IO () } data PendingQuery = PendingQuery { pendingVersion :: !Int -- ^ Remembered version number so timeouts can signal a rebuild. , pendingDestination :: OnionDestination RouteId } deriving Show data RouteRecord = RouteRecord { storedRoute :: OnionRoute , responseCount :: !Int , timeoutCount :: !Int , routeVersion :: !Int , routeBirthTime :: !POSIXTime } -- Onion paths have different timeouts depending on whether the path is -- confirmed or unconfirmed. Unconfirmed paths (paths that core has never -- received any responses from) have a timeout of 4 seconds with 2 tries before -- they are deemed non working. This is because, due to network conditions, -- there may be a large number of newly created paths that do not work and so -- trying them a lot would make finding a working path take much longer. The -- timeout for a confirmed path (from which a response was received) is 10 -- seconds with 4 tries without a response. A confirmed path has a maximum -- lifetime of 1200 seconds to make possible deanonimization attacks more -- difficult. timeoutForRoute :: RouteRecord -> Int timeoutForRoute RouteRecord{ responseCount = 0 } = 4000000 timeoutForRoute RouteRecord{ responseCount = _ } = 10000000 freshRoute :: POSIXTime -> OnionRoute -> Maybe RouteRecord -> Maybe RouteRecord freshRoute birthday r mrec = Just $ RouteRecord { storedRoute = r , responseCount = 0 , timeoutCount = 0 , routeVersion = maybe 0 succ $ routeVersion <$> mrec , routeBirthTime = birthday } modifyArray :: TArray Int r -> (r -> r) -> Int -> STM () modifyArray a f i = do mx <- readArray a i writeArray a i $ f mx {-# INLINE modifyArray #-} gotResponse :: RouteRecord -> RouteRecord gotResponse rr = rr { responseCount = succ $ responseCount rr , timeoutCount = 0 } gotTimeout :: RouteRecord -> RouteRecord gotTimeout rr = rr { timeoutCount = succ $ timeoutCount rr } newtype RouteEvent = BuildRoute RouteId newOnionRouter :: (String -> IO ()) -> IO OnionRouter newOnionRouter perror = do drg0 <- drgNew or <- atomically $ do -- chan <- newTChan drg <- newTVar drg0 -- forM_ [0..11] $ \n -> writeTChan chan $ BuildRoute (RouteId n) pq <- newTVar W64.empty rm <- newArray (0,11) Nothing tn <- newTVar IntMap.empty ti <- newTVar HashMap.empty tc <- newTVar 0 pr <- newArray (0,11) 0 rlog <- newTChan return OnionRouter { pendingRoutes = pr , onionDRG = drg , pendingQueries = pq , routeMap = rm , trampolineNodes = tn , trampolineIds = ti , trampolineCount = tc , routeLog = rlog , routeThread = error "Failed to invoke forkRouteBuilder" , routeLogger = perror } return or forkRouteBuilder :: OnionRouter -> (NodeId -> NodeInfo -> IO (Maybe [NodeInfo])) -> IO OnionRouter forkRouteBuilder or getnodes = do tid <- forkIO $ do me <- myThreadId labelThread me "OnionRouter" forever $ do let checkRebuild :: Int -> Int -> STM RouteEvent checkRebuild rid wanted_ver = do current_ver <- fmap routeVersion <$> readArray (routeMap or) rid writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "ONION checkRebuild "++show(current_ver,wanted_ver) check $ maybe True (< wanted_ver) current_ver return $ BuildRoute $ RouteId rid io <- atomically $ {-# SCC "forkRouteBuilder.log" #-} (readTChan (routeLog or) >>= return . routeLogger or) `orElse` {-# SCC "forkRouteBuilder.checkRebuild" #-} (let stms = map (\rid -> checkRebuild rid =<< readArray (pendingRoutes or) rid) [0..11] in do event <- foldr1 orElse stms return $ handleEvent getnodes or { routeThread = me } event) io return or { routeThread = tid } generateNodeId :: MonadRandom m => m NodeId generateNodeId = either (error "unable to make random nodeid") id . S.decode <$> getRandomBytes 32 distinct3by :: Eq t => (a -> t) -> a -> a -> a -> Bool distinct3by f a b c = f a /= f b && f b /= f c && f c /= f a -- The two integer functions below take an [inclusive,inclusive] range. randomR :: (DRG g, Integral a) => (a, a) -> g -> (a, g) randomR (l,h) = randomIvalInteger (toInteger l, toInteger h) next :: DRG g => g -> (Int,g) next g = withDRG g $ do bs <- getRandomBytes $ if fitsInInt (Proxy :: Proxy Word64) then 8 else 4 either (return . error) return $ S.decode bs randomIvalInteger :: (DRG g, Num a) => (Integer, Integer) -> g -> (a, g) randomIvalInteger (l,h) rng | l > h = randomIvalInteger (h,l) rng | otherwise = case (f 1 0 rng) of (v, rng') -> (fromInteger (l + v `mod` k), rng') where (genlo, genhi) = (minBound :: Int, maxBound :: Int) -- genRange :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int, Int) b = fromIntegral genhi - fromIntegral genlo + 1 -- Probabilities of the most likely and least likely result -- will differ at most by a factor of (1 +- 1/q). Assuming the RandomGen -- is uniform, of course -- On average, log q / log b more random values will be generated -- than the minimum q = 1000 k = h - l + 1 magtgt = k * q -- generate random values until we exceed the target magnitude f mag v g | mag >= magtgt = (v, g) | otherwise = v' `seq`f (mag*b) v' g' where (x,g') = next g -- next :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int, g) v' = (v * b + (fromIntegral x - fromIntegral genlo)) -- Repeatedly attempt to select 3 nodes as a secure onion route letting 1 second -- elapse between retries. -- -- Only the DRG random seed is updated. Hopefully another thread will change the -- trampolineNodes set so that selection can succeed. selectTrampolines :: OnionRouter -> IO [NodeInfo] selectTrampolines or = do myThreadId >>= flip labelThread ("OnionRouter.selectTrampolines") atomically (selectTrampolines' or) >>= \case Left ns -> do -- atomically $ writeTChan (routeLog or) routeLogger or $ unwords ( "ONION Discarding insecure trampolines:" : (map (show . nodeAddr) ns) ) myThreadId >>= flip labelThread ("OnionRouter.selectTrampolines.sleep") case ns of [_,_,_] -> threadDelay 1000000 -- wait 1 second if we failed the distinct3by predicate. _ -> threadDelay 5000000 -- wait 5 seconds if insufficient nodes. myThreadId >>= flip labelThread ("OnionRouter.selectTrampolines") selectTrampolines or Right ns -> do myThreadId >>= flip labelThread ("OnionRouter") return ns -- Select 3 indices into the trampolineNodes set and returns the associated -- nodes provided they are suitable for use in an onion route. Otherwise, it -- returns Left with the nodes that were selected. -- -- The only write this function does to STM state is that the onionDRG random -- seed will be updated. selectTrampolines' :: OnionRouter -> STM (Either [NodeInfo] [NodeInfo]) selectTrampolines' or = do cnt <- readTVar (trampolineCount or) ts <- readTVar (trampolineNodes or) drg0 <- readTVar (onionDRG or) let (a, drg1) = randomR (0,cnt - 1) drg0 (b0, drg2) = randomR (0,cnt - 2) drg1 (c0, drg ) = randomR (0,cnt - 3) drg2 b | b0 < a = b0 | otherwise = b0 + 1 c1 | c0 < a = c0 | otherwise = c0 + 1 c | c1 < b = c1 | otherwise = c1 + 1 ns = mapMaybe (\n -> IntMap.lookup n ts) [a,b,c] ns' <- case ns of [an,bn,cn] | distinct3by nodeClass an bn cn -> return $ Right ns _ -> return $ Left ns writeTVar (onionDRG or) drg return ns' handleEvent :: (NodeId -> NodeInfo -> IO (Maybe [NodeInfo])) -> OnionRouter -> RouteEvent -> IO () handleEvent getnodes or e@(BuildRoute (RouteId rid)) = do routeLogger or $ "ONION Rebuilding RouteId " ++ show rid mb <- do ts <- selectTrampolines or join . atomically $ do drg <- readTVar (onionDRG or) [av,bv,cv] <- sequence $ replicate 3 (newTVar Nothing) let (getr, drg') = withDRG drg $ do asec <- generateSecretKey -- Three aliases bsec <- generateSecretKey csec <- generateSecretKey aq <- generateNodeId -- Three queries bq <- generateNodeId cq <- generateNodeId sel <- B.head <$> getRandomBytes 1 -- Three two-bit result selectors (6 bits) let asel = sel .&. 0x3 bsel = shiftR sel 2 .&. 0x3 csel = shiftR sel 4 .&. 0x3 sendq s q ni = fmap (listToMaybe . drop (fromIntegral s)) <$> getnodes q ni sendqs = do forkIO $ sendq asel aq (ts !! 0) >>= atomically . writeTVar av . Just forkIO $ sendq bsel bq (ts !! 1) >>= atomically . writeTVar bv . Just forkIO $ sendq csel cq (ts !! 2) >>= atomically . writeTVar cv . Just -- This timeout should be unnecessary... But I'm paranoid. -- Note: 10 seconds should be sufficient for typical get-nodes queries. tm <- timeout 20000000 $ atomically $ do -- Wait for all 3 results. rs <- catMaybes <$> sequence [readTVar av,readTVar bv,readTVar cv] case rs of [_,_,_] -> do return $ catMaybes $ catMaybes rs -- self <- IntMap.lookup (-1) <$> readTVar (trampolineNodes or) -- return $ maybe (catMaybes rs) (\x -> [x,x,x]) self _ -> retry maybe (routeLogger or "ONION: Unexpected sendq timeout!" >> return []) return tm return $ do myThreadId >>= flip labelThread ("OnionRouter.sendqs") nodes <- case ts of [_,_,_] -> sendqs _ -> return [] myThreadId >>= flip labelThread ("OnionRouter") routeLogger or $ unlines [ "ONION trampolines: " ++ show ts , "ONION query results: " ++ show nodes ] case nodes of [a,b,c] | distinct3by nodeClass a b c -> do atomically $ do writeTChan (routeLog or) $ unwords [ "ONION using route:" , show $ nodeAddr a , show $ nodeAddr b , show $ nodeAddr c ] return $ Just OnionRoute { routeAliasA = asec , routeAliasB = bsec , routeAliasC = csec , routeNodeA = a , routeNodeB = b , routeNodeC = c } [a,b,c] -> do atomically $ writeTChan (routeLog or) $ unwords [ "ONION Discarding insecure route:", show $ nodeAddr a, show $ nodeAddr b, show $ nodeAddr c] return Nothing _ -> return Nothing writeTVar (onionDRG or) drg' return $ getr now <- getPOSIXTime atomically $ maybe (return ()) -- writeTVar (pendingRoutes or IntMap.! rid) True) (\r -> do modifyArray (routeMap or) (freshRoute now r) rid v <- routeVersion . fromJust <$> readArray (routeMap or) rid writeArray (pendingRoutes or) rid v ) mb case mb of Just _ -> routeLogger or $ "ONION Finished RouteId " ++ show rid Nothing -> routeLogger or $ "ONION Failed RouteId " ++ show rid lookupSender :: OnionRouter -> SockAddr -> Nonce8 -> IO (Maybe (OnionDestination RouteId)) lookupSender or saddr (Nonce8 w8) = do result <- atomically $ do ks <- readTVar (pendingQueries or) let r = W64.lookup w8 ks writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "ONION lookupSender " ++ unwords [show w8, "->", show r] return r return $ do od <- result let nid = nodeId $ onionNodeInfo $ pendingDestination od ni <- either (const Nothing) Just $ nodeInfo nid saddr Just (OnionDestination (onionAliasSelector $ pendingDestination od) ni (Just $ routeId nid)) lookupRoute :: OnionRouter -> NodeInfo -> RouteId -> IO (Maybe OnionRoute) lookupRoute or ni (RouteId rid) = do mb <- atomically $ readArray (routeMap or) rid return $ storedRoute <$> mb lookupTimeout :: OnionRouter -> Nonce8 -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination RouteId, Int) lookupTimeout or n8 (OnionDestination asel ni Nothing) = do let RouteId rid = routeId (nodeId ni) mrr <- readArray (routeMap or) rid writeTChan (routeLog or) $ unwords ["ONION lookupTimeout " ,show rid] case mrr of Just rr -> return ( OnionDestination asel ni (Just $ RouteId rid), timeoutForRoute rr) Nothing -> return ( OnionDestination asel ni Nothing , 0 ) hookQueries :: OnionRouter -> (tid -> Nonce8) -> TransactionMethods d tid (OnionDestination RouteId) x -> TransactionMethods d tid (OnionDestination RouteId) x hookQueries or t8 tmethods = TransactionMethods { dispatchRegister = \mvar od d -> {-# SCC "hookQ.dispatchRegister" #-} do -- :: MVar x -> d -> STM (tid, d) let ni = onionNodeInfo od rid@(RouteId ridn) = fromMaybe (routeId (nodeId ni)) $ onionRouteSpec od wanted <- {-# SCC "hookQ.wanted" #-} (readArray (pendingRoutes or) ridn) mr <- {-# SCC "hookQ.mr_action" #-} (readArray (routeMap or) ridn) -- Block query until a route is ready. check $ fromMaybe False $ do RouteRecord{routeVersion=rv} <- {-# SCC "hookQ.mr" #-} mr return $ wanted <= rv (tid,d') <- dispatchRegister tmethods mvar od d let Nonce8 w8 = t8 tid od' = case od of OnionDestination {} -> od { onionRouteSpec = Just rid } OnionToOwner a b -> OnionToOwner a b -- Type cast. let pq = PendingQuery { pendingDestination = od' , pendingVersion = maybe 0 routeVersion mr } pqs <- readTVar (pendingQueries or) -- check $ W64.size pqs < 20 modifyTVar' (pendingQueries or) (W64.insert w8 pq) writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "ONION query add " ++ unwords [ show (Just $ pendingVersion pq,w8), ":=", show ni ] return (tid,d') , dispatchResponse = \tid x d -> {-# SCC "hookQ.dispatchResponse" #-} do -- :: tid -> x -> d -> STM (d, IO ()) let Nonce8 w8 = t8 tid mb <- W64.lookup w8 <$> readTVar (pendingQueries or) modifyTVar' (pendingQueries or) (W64.delete w8) forM_ mb $ \pq -> do let od = pendingDestination pq RouteId rid = fromMaybe (routeId (nodeId (onionNodeInfo od))) $ onionRouteSpec od modifyArray (routeMap or) (fmap gotResponse) rid writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "ONION query del " ++ show (fmap pendingVersion mb, w8) dispatchResponse tmethods tid x d , dispatchCancel = \tid d -> {-# SCC "hookQ.dispatchCancel" #-} do -- :: tid -> d -> STM d let Nonce8 w8 = t8 tid mb <- W64.lookup w8 <$> readTVar (pendingQueries or) modifyTVar' (pendingQueries or) (W64.delete w8) forM_ mb $ \pq -> do let od = pendingDestination pq RouteId rid = fromMaybe (routeId (nodeId (onionNodeInfo od))) $ onionRouteSpec od mrr <- readArray (routeMap or) rid forM_ mrr $ \rr -> do when (routeVersion rr == pendingVersion pq) $ do let expireRoute = modifyArray (pendingRoutes or) expire rid expire ver | ver <= succ (pendingVersion pq) = succ (pendingVersion pq) | otherwise = ver modifyArray (routeMap or) (fmap gotTimeout) rid case rr of RouteRecord{ responseCount = 0 , timeoutCount = c , routeVersion = v } | c >= 5 -> expireRoute RouteRecord{ responseCount = 1 , timeoutCount = c , routeVersion = v } | c >= 10 -> expireRoute RouteRecord{ timeoutCount = c , routeVersion = v } | c >= 20 -> expireRoute _ -> return () writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "ONION query can " ++ show (fmap pendingVersion mb, w8) dispatchCancel tmethods tid d } hookBucketList :: KademliaSpace NodeId NodeInfo -> TVar (BucketList NodeInfo) -> OnionRouter -> RoutingTransition NodeInfo -> STM () hookBucketList kademlia bkts0 or (RoutingTransition ni Accepted) = do s <- do drg0 <- readTVar (onionDRG or) bkts <- readTVar bkts0 let antibias = 2 ^ bucketNumber kademlia (nodeId ni) bkts (s,drg) = randomR (0,antibias - 1) drg0 writeTVar (onionDRG or) drg do -- Store localhost as trampoline node (-1). -- This is not used, but harmless. I'm leaving it in for -- testing purposes. let self = (thisNode bkts) { nodeIP = read "" } modifyTVar' (trampolineNodes or) (IntMap.insert (-1) self) return s -- debias via stochastic filter when (s == 0) $ do ns <- readTVar (trampolineIds or) case HashMap.lookup (nodeId ni) ns of Just _ -> return () Nothing -> do cnt <- readTVar (trampolineCount or) writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "ONION trampoline Accepted " ++ unwords [show cnt, show ni] modifyTVar' (trampolineIds or) (HashMap.insert (nodeId ni) cnt) modifyTVar' (trampolineNodes or) (IntMap.insert cnt ni) writeTVar (trampolineCount or) (succ cnt) hookBucketList _ _ or (RoutingTransition ni Stranger) = do ns <- readTVar (trampolineIds or) case HashMap.lookup (nodeId ni) ns of Just n -> do writeTVar (trampolineIds or) (HashMap.delete (nodeId ni) ns) cnt <- pred <$> readTVar (trampolineCount or) writeTVar (trampolineCount or) cnt case compare n cnt of EQ -> modifyTVar' (trampolineNodes or) (IntMap.delete n) LT -> do lastnode <- (IntMap.! cnt) <$> readTVar (trampolineNodes or) modifyTVar' (trampolineNodes or) (IntMap.insert n lastnode . IntMap.delete cnt) modifyTVar' (trampolineIds or) (HashMap.delete (nodeId ni) . HashMap.insert (nodeId lastnode) n) GT -> writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "BUG!! Trampoline maps are out of sync." writeTChan (routeLog or) $ "ONION trampoline Stranger " ++ unwords [show n,show ni] Nothing -> return () hookBucketList _ _ _ _ = return () -- ignore Applicant event. newtype IPClass = IPClass Word32 deriving Eq ipkey :: IPClass -> Int ipkey (IPClass k) = fromIntegral k nodeClass :: NodeInfo -> IPClass nodeClass = ipClass. nodeAddr ipClass :: SockAddr -> IPClass ipClass= either ipClass' ipClass' . either4or6 ipClass' :: SockAddr -> IPClass ipClass' (SockAddrInet _ addr) = IPClass (fromBE32 addr .&. 0xFF000000) ipClass' (SockAddrInet6 _ _ (hiword,_,_,_) _) = IPClass hiword ipClass' _ = IPClass 0 -- unreachable.