module ClientState where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Int ( Int8 ) import Data.Bits ( (.&.) ) import UTmp ( ProcessID ) import XMPPServer ( Stanza ) data ClientState = ClientState -- | The unix tty or the jabber resource for this client. { clientResource :: Text -- | Unix user that is running this client. , clientUser :: Text -- | The specific roster/identity of the user that this client presenting. , clientProfile :: Text -- | The unix process id of the client if we know it. , clientPid :: Maybe ProcessID -- | The presence (away/available) stanza this client is indicating. , clientStatus :: TVar (Maybe Stanza) -- | XMPP client flags (read access via 'clientIsAvailable' and 'clientIsInterested') , clientFlags :: TVar Int8 } cf_available :: Int8 cf_available = 0x1 cf_interested :: Int8 cf_interested = 0x2 -- | True if the client has sent an initial presence clientIsAvailable :: ClientState -> STM Bool clientIsAvailable c = do flgs <- readTVar (clientFlags c) return $ flgs .&. cf_available /= 0 -- | True if the client has requested a roster clientIsInterested :: ClientState -> STM Bool clientIsInterested c = do flgs <- readTVar (clientFlags c) return $ flgs .&. cf_interested /= 0