{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module ConsoleWriter ( ConsoleWriter(cwPresenceChan) , newConsoleWriter , writeActiveTTY , writeAllPty , cwClients ) where import Control.Monad -- import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Monoid import Data.Char import Data.Maybe import System.Environment hiding (setEnv) import System.Exit ( ExitCode(ExitSuccess) ) import System.Posix.Env ( setEnv ) import System.Posix.Process ( forkProcess, exitImmediately, executeFile ) import System.Posix.User ( setUserID, getUserEntryForName, userID ) import System.Posix.Files ( getFileStatus, fileMode ) import System.INotify ( initINotify, EventVariety(Modify), addWatch ) import Data.Word ( Word8 ) import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Map ( Map ) import Data.List ( foldl', groupBy ) import Data.Bits ( (.&.) ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable import qualified Data.Text as Text -- import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Network.BSD as BSD import UTmp ( users2, utmp_file, UtmpRecord(..), UT_Type(..) ) import FGConsole ( forkTTYMonitor ) import XMPPServer ( Stanza, makePresenceStanza, JabberShow(..), stanzaType , LangSpecificMessage(..), msgLangMap, cloneStanza, stanzaFrom ) import ControlMaybe import ClientState data ConsoleWriter = ConsoleWriter { cwPresenceChan :: TMVar (ClientState,Stanza) -- ^ tty switches and logins are announced on this mvar , csActiveTTY :: TVar Word8 , csUtmp :: TVar (Map Text (TVar (Maybe UtmpRecord))) , cwClients :: TVar (Map Text ClientState) -- ^ This 'TVar' holds a map from resource id (tty name) -- to ClientState for all active TTYs and PTYs. } tshow :: forall a. Show a => a -> Text tshow x = Text.pack . show $ x retryWhen :: forall b. STM b -> (b -> Bool) -> STM b retryWhen var pred = do value <- var if pred value then retry else return value onLogin :: forall t. ConsoleWriter -> (STM (Word8, Maybe UtmpRecord) -> TVar (Maybe UtmpRecord) -> IO ()) -> t -> IO () onLogin cs start = \e -> do us <- UTmp.users2 let (m,cruft) = foldl' (\(m,cruft) x -> case utmpType x of USER_PROCESS -> (Map.insert (utmpTty x) x m,cruft) DEAD_PROCESS | utmpPid x /= 0 -> (m,Map.insert (utmpTty x) x cruft) _ -> (m,cruft)) (Map.empty,Map.empty) us forM_ (Map.elems cruft) $ \c -> do putStrLn $ "cruft " ++ show (utmpTty c, utmpPid c,utmpHost c, utmpRemoteAddr c) newborn <- atomically $ do old <- readTVar (csUtmp cs) -- swapTVar (csUtmp cs) m newborn <- flip Traversable.mapM (m Map.\\ old) $ newTVar . Just updated <- let upd v u = writeTVar v $ Just u in Traversable.sequence $ Map.intersectionWith upd old m let dead = old Map.\\ m Traversable.mapM (flip writeTVar Nothing) dead writeTVar (csUtmp cs) $ (old `Map.union` newborn) Map.\\ dead return newborn let getActive = do tty <- readTVar $ csActiveTTY cs utmp <- readTVar $ csUtmp cs fromMaybe (return (tty,Nothing)) $ Map.lookup ("tty"<>tshow tty) utmp <&> \tuvar -> do tu <- readTVar tuvar return (tty,tu) forM_ (Map.elems newborn) $ forkIO . start getActive -- forM_ (Map.elems dead ) $ putStrLn . ("gone: "++) . show -- | Sets up threads to monitor tty switches and logins that are -- written to the system utmp file and returns a 'ConsoleWriter' -- object for interacting with that information. newConsoleWriter :: IO (Maybe ConsoleWriter) newConsoleWriter = do chan <- atomically $ newEmptyTMVar cs <- atomically $ do ttyvar <- newTVar 0 utmpvar <- newTVar Map.empty clients <- newTVar Map.empty return $ ConsoleWriter { cwPresenceChan = chan , csActiveTTY = ttyvar , csUtmp = utmpvar , cwClients = clients } outvar <- atomically $ newTMVar () let logit outvar s = do {- atomically $ takeTMVar outvar Text.putStrLn s atomically $ putTMVar outvar () -} return () onTTY outvar cs vtnum = do logit outvar $ "switch: " <> tshow vtnum atomically $ writeTVar (csActiveTTY cs) vtnum inotify <- initINotify -- get active tty mtty <- forkTTYMonitor (onTTY outvar cs) forM mtty $ \_ -> do atomically $ retryWhen (readTVar $ csActiveTTY cs) (==0) -- read utmp onLogin cs (newCon (logit outvar) cs) Modify -- monitor utmp wd <- addWatch inotify [Modify] -- [CloseWrite,Open,Close,Access,Modify,Move] utmp_file (onLogin cs (newCon (logit outvar) cs)) return cs -- Transforms a string of form language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] -- typically used in LC_ locale variables into the BCP 47 -- language codes used in xml:lang attributes. toBCP47 :: [Char] -> [Char] toBCP47 lang = map hyphen $ takeWhile (/='.') lang where hyphen '_' = '-' hyphen c = c #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) #else lookupEnv k = fmap (lookup k) getEnvironment #endif getPreferedLang :: IO Text getPreferedLang = do lang <- do lc_all <- lookupEnv "LC_ALL" lc_messages <- lookupEnv "LC_MESSAGES" lang <- lookupEnv "LANG" return $ lc_all `mplus` lc_messages `mplus` lang return $ maybe "en" (Text.pack . toBCP47) lang cimatch :: Text -> Text -> Bool cimatch w t = Text.toLower w == Text.toLower t cimatches :: Text -> [Text] -> [Text] cimatches w ts = dropWhile (not . cimatch w) ts -- rfc4647 lookup of best match language tag lookupLang :: [Text] -> [Text] -> Maybe Text lookupLang (w:ws) tags | Text.null w = lookupLang ws tags | otherwise = case cimatches w tags of (t:_) -> Just t [] -> lookupLang (reduce w:ws) tags where reduce w = Text.concat $ reverse nopriv where rparts = reverse . init $ Text.groupBy (\_ c -> c/='-') w nopriv = dropWhile ispriv rparts ispriv t = Text.length t == 2 && Text.head t == '-' lookupLang [] tags | "" `elem` tags = Just "" | otherwise = listToMaybe $ tags messageText :: Stanza -> IO Text messageText msg = do pref <- getPreferedLang let m = msgLangMap (stanzaType msg) key = lookupLang [pref] (map fst m) mchoice = do k <- key lookup k m return $ fromMaybe "" $ do choice <- mchoice let subj = fmap ("Subject: " <>) $ msgSubject choice ts = catMaybes [subj, msgBody choice] return $ Text.intercalate "\n\n" ts readEnvFile :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe String) readEnvFile var file = fmap parse $ readFile file where parse xs = listToMaybe $ map (drop 1 . concat . drop 1) $ filter ofinterest bs where bs = map (groupBy (\_ x -> x/='=')) $ split (/='\0') xs ofinterest (k:vs) | k==var = True ofinterest _ = False split pred xs = take 1 gs ++ map (drop 1) (drop 1 gs) where gs = groupBy (\_ x -> pred x) xs -- | Delivers an XMPP message stanza to the currently active -- tty. If that is a linux console, it will write to it similar -- to the manner of the BSD write command. If that is an X11 -- display, it will attempt to notify the user via a libnotify -- interface. writeActiveTTY :: ConsoleWriter -> Stanza -> IO Bool writeActiveTTY cw msg = do putStrLn $ "writeActiveTTY" -- TODO: Do not deliver if the detination user does not own the active tty! (tty, mbu) <- atomically $ do num <- readTVar $ csActiveTTY cw utmp <- readTVar $ csUtmp cw mbu <- maybe (return Nothing) readTVar $ Map.lookup ("tty"<>tshow num) utmp return ( "/dev/tty" <> tshow num , mbu ) fromMaybe (return False) $ mbu <&> \utmp -> do display <- fmap (fmap Text.pack) $ readEnvFile "DISPLAY" ("/proc/" ++ show (utmpPid utmp) ++ "/environ") case fmap (==utmpHost utmp) display of Just True -> deliverGUIMessage cw tty utmp msg _ -> deliverTerminalMessage cw tty utmp msg deliverGUIMessage :: forall t t1. t -> t1 -> UtmpRecord -> Stanza -> IO Bool deliverGUIMessage cw tty utmp msg = do text <- do t <- messageText msg return $ Text.unpack $ case stanzaFrom msg of Just from -> from <> ": " <> t Nothing -> t putStrLn $ "deliverGUI: " ++ text handleIO_ (return False) $ do uentry <- getUserEntryForName (Text.unpack $ utmpUser utmp) let display = Text.unpack $ utmpHost utmp pid <- forkProcess $ do setUserID (userID uentry) setEnv "DISPLAY" display True -- rawSystem "/usr/bin/notify-send" [text] executeFile "/usr/bin/notify-send" False [text] (Just [("DISPLAY",display)]) exitImmediately ExitSuccess return True crlf :: Text -> Text crlf t = Text.unlines $ map cr (Text.lines t) where cr t | Text.last t == '\r' = t | otherwise = t <> "\r" deliverTerminalMessage :: forall t t1. t -> Text -> t1 -> Stanza -> IO Bool deliverTerminalMessage cw tty utmp msg = do mode <- fmap fileMode (getFileStatus $ Text.unpack tty) let mesgy = mode .&. 0o020 /= 0 -- verify mode g+w if not mesgy then return False else do text <- do t <- messageText msg return $ Text.unpack $ case stanzaFrom msg of Just from -> "\r\n" <> from <> " says...\r\n" <> crlf t <> "\r\n" Nothing -> crlf t <> "\r\n" writeFile (Text.unpack tty) text return True -- return True if a message was delivered -- | Deliver the given message to all a user's PTYs. writeAllPty :: ConsoleWriter -> Stanza -> IO Bool writeAllPty cw msg = do -- TODO: filter only ptys owned by the destination user. us <- atomically $ readTVar (csUtmp cw) let ptys = Map.filterWithKey ispty us ispty k _ = "pts/" `Text.isPrefixOf` k && Text.all isDigit (Text.drop 4 k) bs <- forM (Map.toList ptys) $ \(tty,utmp) -> do deliverTerminalMessage cw ("/dev/" <> tty) utmp msg return $ or bs resource :: UtmpRecord -> Text resource u = case utmpTty u of s | Text.take 3 s == "tty" -> s s | Text.take 4 s == "pts/" -> "pty" <> Text.drop 4 s <> ":" <> utmpHost u s -> escapeR s <> ":" <> utmpHost u where escapeR s = s textHostName :: IO Text textHostName = fmap Text.pack BSD.getHostName ujid :: UtmpRecord -> IO Text ujid u = do h <- textHostName return $ utmpUser u <> "@" <> h <> "/" <> resource u newCon :: (Text -> IO ()) -> ConsoleWriter -> STM (Word8,Maybe UtmpRecord) -> TVar (Maybe UtmpRecord) -> IO () newCon log cw activeTTY utmp = do ((tty,tu),u) <- atomically $ liftM2 (,) activeTTY (readTVar utmp) forM_ u $ \u -> do jid <- ujid u log $ status (resource u) tty tu <> " " <> jid <> " pid=" <> tshow (utmpPid u) <> (if istty (resource u) then " host=" <> tshow (utmpHost u) else "") <> " session=" <> tshow (utmpSession u) <> " addr=" <> tshow (utmpRemoteAddr u) let r = resource u stanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:client" (Just jid) (jstatus r tty tu) statusv <- atomically $ newTVar (Just stanza) flgs <- atomically $ newTVar 0 let client = ClientState { clientResource = r , clientUser = utmpUser u , clientProfile = "." , clientPid = Nothing , clientStatus = statusv , clientFlags = flgs } atomically $ do modifyTVar (cwClients cw) $ Map.insert r client putTMVar (cwPresenceChan cw) (client,stanza) loop client tty tu (Just u) where bstatus r ttynum mtu = r == ttystr || match mtu where ttystr = "tty" <> tshow ttynum searchstr mtu = maybe ttystr utmpHost $ do tu <- mtu guard (not $ Text.null $ utmpHost tu) return tu match mtu = searchstr mtu `Text.isInfixOf` Text.dropWhile (/=':') r jstatus r ttynum tu = if bstatus r ttynum tu then Available else Away status r ttynum tu = tshow $ jstatus r ttynum tu istty r = fst3 == "tty" && Text.all isDigit rst where (fst3,rst) = Text.splitAt 3 r loop client tty tu u = do what <- atomically $ foldr1 orElse [ do (tty',tu') <- retryWhen activeTTY (\ttyu -> bstatus r tty tu == uncurry (bstatus r) ttyu) return $ ttyChanged tty' tu' , do u' <- retryWhen (readTVar utmp) (==u) return $ utmpChanged u' ] what where r = maybe "" resource u ttyChanged tty' tu' = do jid <- maybe (return "") ujid u stanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:client" (Just jid) (jstatus r tty' tu') dup <- cloneStanza stanza atomically $ do writeTVar (clientStatus client) $ Just dup putTMVar (cwPresenceChan cw) (client,stanza) log $ status r tty' tu' <> " " <> jid loop client tty' tu' u utmpChanged u' = maybe dead changed u' where changed u' = do jid0 <- maybe (return "") ujid u jid <- ujid u' log $ "changed: " <> jid0 <> " --> " <> jid loop client tty tu (Just u') dead = do jid <- maybe (return "") ujid u stanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:client" (Just jid) Offline atomically $ do modifyTVar (cwClients cw) $ Map.delete (clientResource client) putTMVar (cwPresenceChan cw) (client,stanza) log $ "Offline " <> jid