import System.Directory import System.IO import Control.Monad import System.Posix.Signals import System.Posix.Types import Control.Monad.Error.Class import Control.Exception (throw) import System.Posix.Process import Data.Maybe import System.INotify import UTmp import FGConsole jid user host rsrc = user ++ "@" ++ host ++ "/" ++ rsrc toJabberId :: String -> (String,String,t) -> Maybe String toJabberId host (user,tty,_) = if take 3 tty == "tty" then Just (jid user host tty) else Nothing utmp_event e = do -- print e putStrLn "---" us <- users let ids = mapMaybe (toJabberId "localhost") us ids :: [String] forM_ ids putStrLn on_chvt vtnum = do putStrLn $ "changed vt to "++ show vtnum start :: IO () start = do installHandler sigUSR1 (Catch (utmp_event (userError "signaled"))) Nothing inotify <- initINotify print inotify wd <- addWatch inotify [CloseWrite] -- [Open,Close,Access,Modify,Move] utmp_file utmp_event print wd mtty <- monitorTTY on_chvt putStrLn "Hit enter to terminate..." getLine unmonitorTTY mtty removeWatch wd sendUSR1 pid = do signalProcess sigUSR1 pid getStartupAction [] = throw (userError "pid file?") >> return (Right "") getStartupAction (p:ps) = do catch ( do pid <- fmap CPid (readFile p >>= readIO) -- signal pid return (Left pid) ) onEr where onEr e = do pid <- getProcessID putStrLn $ "starting pid = "++show pid catch (do writeFile p (show pid) putStrLn $ "writing "++show p -- start daemon return (Right p) ) (\_ -> getStartupAction ps) runOnce ps run notify = getStartupAction ps >>= doit where doit (Left pid ) = notify pid doit (Right pidfile ) = do run removeFile pidfile main = do runOnce ["/var/run/","/tmp/"] start sendUSR1