{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Main where import System.Directory import Control.Monad import System.Posix.Signals import System.Posix.Types import System.Posix.Process import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import ConfigFiles import System.INotify #ifndef NOUTMP import UTmp -- UTmp is inconvenient for the profiling build due to Template Haskell -- causing ghc to report: -- -- Dynamic linking required, but this is a non-standard build (eg. prof). -- You need to build the program twice: once the normal way, and then -- in the desired way using -osuf to set the object file suffix. -- -- ... so -DNOUTMP was introduced to remove TemplateHaskell from the build. -- However, a full-featured profiling build can be built using the bp -- script which makes a non-profiling binary available during the build in -- the manner in which the error message attempted (and failed) to communicate. #endif import FGConsole #ifdef HAXML import XMPPServer #else import XMPP #endif import ControlMaybe import Data.HList import Control.Exception hiding (catch) import LocalPeerCred import System.Posix.User import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set as Set (Set,(\\)) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map as Map (Map) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.IO.Class import ByteStringOperators import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L (ByteString,putStrLn) import qualified Prelude import Prelude hiding (putStrLn) import System.Environment import qualified Text.Show.ByteString as L import Network.Socket (Family(AF_INET,AF_INET6)) import Holumbus.Data.MultiMap as MM (MultiMap) import qualified Holumbus.Data.MultiMap as MM type RefCount = Int type JabberResource = L.ByteString type JabberName = L.ByteString data JabberUser = JabberUser JabberName Peer deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) splitResource :: JID -> Maybe (JabberUser,Maybe JabberResource) splitResource (JID Nothing _ _ ) = Nothing splitResource (JID (Just n) p r ) = Just (JabberUser n p, r) unsplitResource (JabberUser n p) r = JID (Just n) p r data PresenceState = PresenceState { hostname :: Peer -- ByteString, TODO: remove this, its always LocalHost now , currentTTY :: TVar ByteString , activeUsers :: TVar (Set (UserName, Tty, ProcessID)) , subscriberMap :: TVar (Map JID (RefCount,TChan Presence)) -- UNUSED as yet , localSubscriber :: TMVar (RefCount,TChan Presence) -- TODO: rename this, its not just locals -- ... or make a seperate channel for remotes , remoteUsers :: TVar (Map Peer (RefCount,TVar (MultiMap JabberUser (JabberResource,JabberShow)))) , outGoingConnections :: TVar (Map Peer (TChan OutBoundMessage, ThreadId)) } getJabberUserForId muid = maybe (return "nobody") (\(uid,_) -> handle (\(SomeException _) -> return . L.append "uid." . L.pack . show $ uid) $ do user <- fmap userName $ getUserEntryForID uid return (L.pack user) ) muid data ClientSession = ClientSession { localhost :: Peer, -- ByteString, unix_uid :: (IORef (Maybe (UserID,L.ByteString))), unix_resource :: (IORef (Maybe L.ByteString)), presence_state :: PresenceState } instance JabberClientSession ClientSession where data XMPPClass ClientSession = ClientSessions PresenceState newSession (ClientSessions state) sock = do -- muid <- getLocalPeerCred sock addr <- getPeerName sock muid <- getLocalPeerCred' addr L.putStrLn $ "CLIENT SESSION: open " <++> bshow muid uid_ref <- newIORef muid res_ref <- newIORef Nothing return $ ClientSession (hostname state) uid_ref res_ref state setResource s resource = do -- TODO: handle resource = empty string us <- fmap Set.toList . readTVarIO $ activeUsers (presence_state s) muid <- readIORef (unix_uid s) let tailOf3 (_,a,b) = (a,b) (t,pid) <- case muid of Just (uid,inode) -> identifyTTY (map tailOf3 us) uid inode Nothing -> return (Nothing,Nothing) let rsc = t `mplus` fmap ( ("pid."<++>) . bshow ) pid rsc' = maybe resource id rsc writeIORef (unix_resource s) (Just rsc') L.putStrLn $ "CLIENT SESSION: resource " <++> rsc' getJID s = do let host = localhost s user <- readIORef (unix_uid s) >>= getJabberUserForId rsc <- readIORef (unix_resource s) -- let jid = user <++> "@" <++> host <++?> "/" <++$> rsc L.putStrLn $ "CLIENT SESSION: jid " <++> L.show (JID (Just user) host rsc) return (JID (Just user) host rsc) closeSession session = do L.putStrLn "CLIENT SESSION: close" subscribe session Nothing = do let tmvar = localSubscriber (presence_state session) atomically $ subscribeToChan tmvar subscribe session (Just jid) = do -- UNUSED as yet let tvar = subscriberMap (presence_state session) atomically $ subscribeToMap tvar jid forCachedPresence s action = do jid <- getJID s L.putStrLn $ "forCachedPresence "<++> bshow jid withJust (name jid) $ \user -> do let parseHostNameJID' str = do handle (\(SomeException _) -> return Nothing) (fmap Just . parseHostNameJID $ str) buddies <- do buddies <- ConfigFiles.getBuddies user fmap catMaybes (mapM parseHostNameJID' buddies) remotes <- readTVarIO . remoteUsers . presence_state $ s forM_ buddies $ \buddy -> do L.putStrLn $ "forCachedPresence buddy = "<++> bshow buddy let mjids = fmap snd $ Map.lookup (peer buddy) remotes jids <- maybe (return MM.empty) readTVarIO mjids L.putStrLn $ "forCachedPresence jids = "<++> bshow jids withJust (splitResource buddy) $ \(buddyU,_) -> do forM_ (Set.toList . MM.lookup buddyU $ jids) $ \(rsc,status) -> do let p = Presence buddy status L.putStrLn $ "cached presence: " <++> bshow p action p addSolicited s jid = do user <- readIORef (unix_uid s) >>= getJabberUserForId ConfigFiles.addSolicited user jid -- (L.show jid) getMyBuddies s = do user <- readIORef (unix_uid s) >>= getJabberUserForId ConfigFiles.getBuddies user getMySubscribers s = do user <- readIORef (unix_uid s) >>= getJabberUserForId ConfigFiles.getSubscribers user getMyOthers s = do user <- readIORef (unix_uid s) >>= getJabberUserForId ConfigFiles.getOthers user getMyPending s = do user <- readIORef (unix_uid s) >>= getJabberUserForId ConfigFiles.getPending user getMySolicited s = do user <- readIORef (unix_uid s) >>= getJabberUserForId ConfigFiles.getSolicited user tupleToJID (user,tty,pid) = jid user LocalHost tty data PeerSession = PeerSession { announced :: TVar (MultiMap JabberUser (JabberResource,JabberShow)), peer_name :: Peer, peer_global :: PresenceState } instance JabberPeerSession PeerSession where data XMPPPeerClass PeerSession = PeerSessions PresenceState newPeerSession (PeerSessions state) sock = do me <- fmap (RemotePeer . withoutPort) (getPeerName sock) L.putStrLn $ "PEER SESSION: open "<++>showPeer me let remotes = remoteUsers state jids <- atomically $ getRefFromMap remotes me (newTVar MM.empty) return return $ PeerSession jids me state closePeerSession session = do L.putStrLn $ "PEER SESSION: close "<++>showPeer (peer_name session) let offline jid = Presence jid Offline unrefFromMap (remoteUsers . peer_global $ session) (peer_name session) $ do js <- fmap (MM.toAscList) (readTVarIO . announced $ session) forM_ js $ \(u,rs) -> do forM_ (Set.toList rs) $ \(rsc,_) -> do announcePresence session . offline $ unsplitResource u (Just rsc) peerSessionFactory session = PeerSessions (peer_global session) peerAddress session = peer_name session userStatus session user = do let state = peer_global session (tty,users) <- atomically $ do tty <- readTVar $ currentTTY state users <- readTVar $ activeUsers state return (tty,users) let jids = Set.filter (\(name,tty,pid) -> name ==user) users ps = map (\jid -> Presence (tupleToJID jid) (matchResource' tty jid)) . Set.toList $ jids if null ps then return [Presence (JID { name=Just user, peer=LocalHost, resource=Nothing }) Offline] else return ps announcePresence session (Presence jid status) = do (greedy,subs) <- atomically $ do subs <- readTVar $ subscriberMap (peer_global session) greedy <- fmap snd $ readTMVar $ localSubscriber (peer_global session) return (greedy,subs) update_presence (Just greedy) (fmap snd subs) [jid] (const status) liftIO . atomically $ do jids <- readTVar . announced $ session withJust (splitResource jid) $ \(u,rsc) -> do let match (r',_) = (rsc==Nothing || Just r'==rsc) writeTVar (announced session) $ case status of Offline -> MM.deleteElemIf u match jids stat -> maybe jids (\r -> MM.insert u (r,stat) jids) rsc getBuddies _ user = ConfigFiles.getBuddies user getSubscribers _ user = ConfigFiles.getSubscribers user subscribeToChan tmvar = (do (cnt,chan) <- takeTMVar tmvar putTMVar tmvar (cnt+1,chan) chan' <- dupTChan chan return chan' ) `orElse` (do chan <- newTChan putTMVar tmvar (1,chan) return chan ) getRefFromMap tvar key newObject copyObject = do subs <- readTVar tvar let mbobject = Map.lookup key subs (object,subs') <- do case mbobject of Nothing -> do newobject <- newObject return (newobject, Map.insert key (1,newobject) subs) Just (cnt,object) -> do object' <- copyObject object return (object', Map.insert key (cnt+1,object) subs) writeTVar tvar subs' return object unrefFromMap tvar key finalizer = do vanished <- atomically $ do omap <- readTVar tvar let (r,omap') = Map.updateLookupWithKey unref key omap writeTVar tvar omap' return (isNothing r) when vanished finalizer where unref key (cnt,object) = if cnt==1 then Nothing else Just (cnt-1,object) subscribeToMap tvar jid = getRefFromMap tvar jid newTChan dupTChan matchResource tty jid = maybe Away (avail . (==tty)) $ resource jid where avail True = Available avail False = Away matchResource' tty (_,rsc,_) = avail (rsc==tty) where avail True = Available avail False = Away sendPresence chan jid status = (liftIO . atomically . writeTChan chan . Presence jid $ status) :: MaybeT IO () lookupT jid subscribers = MaybeT . return $ Map.lookup jid subscribers update_presence locals_greedy subscribers state getStatus = forM_ state $ \jid -> do let status = getStatus jid runMaybeT $ do chan <- lookupT jid subscribers sendPresence chan jid status runMaybeT $ do chan <- MaybeT . return $ locals_greedy sendPresence chan jid status putStrLn $ bshow jid <++> " " <++> bshow status newPresenceState hostname = atomically $ do tty <- newTVar "" us <- newTVar (Set.empty) subs <- newTVar (Map.empty) locals_greedy <- newEmptyTMVar remotes <- newTVar (Map.empty) server_connections <- newServerConnections return $ PresenceState hostname tty us subs locals_greedy remotes server_connections sendProbes state jid = do L.putStrLn $ "sending probes for " <++> bshow jid withJust (name jid) $ \user -> do let parseHostNameJID' str = do handle (\(SomeException _) -> return Nothing) (fmap Just . parseHostNameJID $ str) buddies <- do buddies <- ConfigFiles.getBuddies user fmap catMaybes (mapM parseHostNameJID' buddies) L.putStrLn $ "buddies for " <++> bshow jid <++> " = " <++> bshow buddies remotes <- readTVarIO (remoteUsers state) forM_ buddies $ \buddy -> do let mjids = fmap snd $ Map.lookup (peer buddy) remotes jids <- maybe (return MM.empty) readTVarIO mjids withJust (splitResource buddy) $ \(buddyU,_) -> do let noinfo = not (MM.member buddyU jids) when noinfo $ do L.putStrLn $ "sendMessage " <++> bshow (PresenceProbe jid buddy) sendMessage (outGoingConnections state) (PresenceProbe jid buddy) (peer buddy) return () track_login host state e = do #ifndef NOUTMP us <- UTmp.users #else let us = [] #endif let toJabberId host (user,tty,pid) = if L.take 3 tty == "tty" then Just (user,tty,pid) -- (jid user host tty) else Nothing new_users = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe (toJabberId host) us (tty,known_users,subs,locals_greedy) <- atomically $ do tty <- readTVar $ currentTTY state st <- flip swapTVar new_users $ activeUsers state xs <- readTVar $ subscriberMap state locals_greedy <- tryReadTMVar $ localSubscriber state return (tty,st,fmap snd xs,fmap snd locals_greedy) let arrivals = map tupleToJID . Set.toList $ new_users \\ known_users departures = map tupleToJID . Set.toList $ known_users \\ new_users update_presence locals_greedy subs departures $ const Offline update_presence locals_greedy subs arrivals $ matchResource tty forM_ arrivals $ sendProbes state on_chvt state vtnum = do let tty = L.snoc "tty" $ intToDigit (fromIntegral vtnum) L.putStrLn $ "VT switch: " <++> tty (users,subs,locals_greedy) <- atomically $ do us <- readTVar $ activeUsers state subs <- readTVar $ subscriberMap state writeTVar (currentTTY state) tty locals_greedy <- tryReadTMVar $ localSubscriber state return (us,fmap snd subs,fmap snd locals_greedy) update_presence locals_greedy subs (map tupleToJID . Set.toList $ users) $ matchResource tty start :: Network.Socket.Family -> IO () start ip4or6 = do let host = LocalHost global_state <- newPresenceState host let dologin e = track_login host global_state e dologin :: t -> IO () chan <- atomically $ subscribeToChan (localSubscriber global_state) remotes <- forkIO $ seekRemotePeers (PeerSessions global_state) chan (outGoingConnections global_state) installHandler sigUSR1 (Catch (dologin (userError "signaled"))) Nothing -- installHandler sigTERM (CatchOnce (dologin (userError "term signaled"))) Nothing mtty <- monitorTTY (on_chvt global_state) inotify <- initINotify #ifndef NOUTMP wd <- addWatch inotify [CloseWrite] -- [Open,Close,Access,Modify,Move] utmp_file dologin #endif clients <- listenForXmppClients ip4or6 (ClientSessions global_state) 5222 HNil peers <- listenForRemotePeers ip4or6 (PeerSessions global_state) 5269 HNil threadDelay 1000 -- wait a moment to obtain current tty dologin () putStrLn "\nHit enter to terminate...\n" getLine killThread remotes quitListening clients quitListening peers -- threadDelay 1000 putStrLn "closed listener." unmonitorTTY mtty putStrLn "unhooked tty monitor." #ifndef NOUTMP removeWatch wd #endif putStrLn "Normal termination." sendUSR1 pid = do signalProcess sigUSR1 pid getStartupAction [] = throw (userError "pid file?") >> return (Right "") getStartupAction (p:ps) = do handle onEr $ ( do pid <- fmap CPid (readFile p >>= readIO) -- signal pid return (Left pid) ) where onEr (SomeException _) = do pid <- getProcessID putStrLn $ "starting pid = " <++> bshow pid handle (\(SomeException _) -> getStartupAction ps) (do writeFile p (show pid) putStrLn $ "writing " <++> bshow p -- start daemon return (Right p) ) runOnce ps run notify = getStartupAction ps >>= doit where doit (Left pid ) = notify pid doit (Right pidfile ) = do run removeFile pidfile getOptions [] = Map.empty getOptions (('-':opt_name):xs) = if xs/=[] && xs!!0!!0/='-' then Map.insert (L.pack opt_name) (L.pack (xs!!0)) (getOptions (tail xs)) else Map.insert (L.pack opt_name) "" (getOptions xs) getOptions (x0:xs) = getOptions xs main = do opts <- fmap getOptions getArgs let use_ip4 = if isJust (Map.lookup "4" opts) then AF_INET else AF_INET6 runOnce ["/var/run/presence.pid","/tmp/presence.pid"] (start use_ip4) sendUSR1