# Synopsis KRPC is simple remote procedure call mechanism used by bittorrent DHT but might be used anywhere else. # Description KRPC basically consisting of bencoded dictionaries sent over UDP. This implementation provides extra safiety by separation of procedure signature | implementation and baking procedure type in host language, thus it's hard to shoot yourself in the foot accidently. See bittorrent DHT [specification][spec] for detailed protocol description. ## Modules * Remote.KRPC — simple interface which reduce all RPC related stuff to a few lines. Should be used in the first place. * Remote.KRPC.Protocol — raw protocol implementation. # Documentation For usage see examples in ```examples``` directory. For documentation see haddock generated documentation. # Build Status [![Build Status][status-img]][status-link] # Authors This library is written and maintained by Sam T. Feel free to report bugs and suggestions via github issue tracker or the mail. [spec]: http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0005.html#krpc-protocol [status-img]: https://travis-ci.org/pxqr/krpc.png [status-link]: https://travis-ci.org/pxqr/krpc