### Synopsis KRPC is simple remote procedure call mechanism used by bittorrent DHT but might be used anywhere else. ### Description KRPC basically consisting of bencoded dictionaries sent over UDP. This implementation provides extra safiety by separation of procedure signature and implementation and baking procedure type in host language, thus it's hard to shoot yourself in the foot accidently. See bittorrent DHT [specification][spec] for detailed protocol description. #### Modules * Remote.KRPC — simple interface which reduce all RPC related stuff to a few lines. Should be used in the first place. * Remote.KRPC.Protocol — raw protocol implementation. * Remote.KRPC.Scheme — message validation. ### Documentation For usage see examples in ```examples``` directory. For documentation see haddock generated documentation. ### Build Status [![Build Status][status-img]][status-link] ### Maintainer This library is written and maintained by Sam T. Feel free to report bugs and suggestions via github issue tracker or the mail. [spec]: http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0005.html#krpc-protocol [status-img]: https://travis-ci.org/cobit/krpc.png [status-link]: https://travis-ci.org/cobit/krpc