{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Stanza.Types where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Int import Data.Text import Data.XML.Types as XML import Connection (PeerAddress(..)) import ConnectionKey (ClientAddress(..)) import LockedChan import Nesting (Lang) type Stanza = StanzaWrap (LockedChan XML.Event) data StanzaWrap a = Stanza { stanzaType :: StanzaType , stanzaId :: Maybe Text , stanzaTo :: Maybe Text , stanzaFrom :: Maybe Text , stanzaChan :: a , stanzaClosers :: TVar (Maybe [XML.Event]) , stanzaInterrupt :: TMVar () , stanzaOrigin :: StanzaOrigin } data StanzaOrigin = LocalPeer | PeerOrigin PeerAddress (TChan Stanza) | ClientOrigin ClientAddress (TChan Stanza) data StanzaType = Unrecognized | Ping | Pong | RequestResource (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) -- ^ Client's name for this host followed by client's requested resource id. | SetResource | RequestItems (Maybe Text) | Items | RequestInfo (Maybe Text) | Info | SessionRequest | UnrecognizedQuery Name | RequestRoster | Roster | RosterEvent { rosterEventType :: RosterEventType , rosterUser :: Text , rosterContact :: Text } | Error StanzaError XML.Event | PresenceStatus { presenceShow :: JabberShow , presencePriority :: Maybe Int8 , presenceStatus :: [(Lang,Text)] , presenceWhiteList :: [Text] -- ^ A custom extension extension we are using. When a -- peer answers a presence probe, it also communicates -- to the remote peer which remote users it believes -- are subscribed to that presence. -- -- This is communicated via a space-delimited list in -- the nonstandard "whitelist" attribute for a -- <{jabber:server}presence> tag. -- -- TODO: Use this to update the buddies file so that a -- client is made aware when a subscription was -- canceled. } | PresenceInformError | PresenceInformSubscription Bool | PresenceRequestStatus | PresenceRequestSubscription Bool | Message { msgThread :: Maybe MessageThread , msgLangMap :: [(Lang,LangSpecificMessage)] , msgType :: MessageType } | NotifyClientVersion { versionName :: Text , versionVersion :: Text } | InternalEnableHack ClientHack | InternalCacheId Text deriving (Show,Eq) data MessageType = NormalMsg -- ^ The message is a standalone message that is sent outside -- the context of a one-to-one conversation or groupchat, and -- to which it is expected that the recipient will reply. -- Typically a receiving client will present a message of type -- "normal" in an interface that enables the recipient to -- reply, but without a conversation history. The default -- value of the 'type' attribute is "normal". | ChatMsg -- ^ The message is sent in the context of a one-to-one chat -- session. Typically an interactive client will present a -- message of type "chat" in an interface that enables one-to-one -- chat between the two parties, including an appropriate -- conversation history. Detailed recommendations regarding -- one-to-one chat sessions are provided under Section 5.1. | GroupChatMsg -- ^ The message is sent in the context of a multi-user chat -- environment (similar to that of [IRC]). Typically a -- receiving client will present a message of type -- "groupchat" in an interface that enables many-to-many -- chat between the parties, including a roster of parties -- in the chatroom and an appropriate conversation history. -- For detailed information about XMPP-based groupchat, -- refer to [XEP‑0045]. | HeadlineMsg -- ^ The message provides an alert, a notification, or other -- transient information to which no reply is expected (e.g., -- news headlines, sports updates, near-real-time market -- data, or syndicated content). Because no reply to the -- message is expected, typically a receiving client will -- present a message of type "headline" in an interface that -- appropriately differentiates the message from standalone -- messages, chat messages, and groupchat messages (e.g., by -- not providing the recipient with the ability to reply). If -- the 'to' address is the bare JID, the receiving server -- SHOULD deliver the message to all of the recipient's -- available resources with non-negative presence priority -- and MUST deliver the message to at least one of those -- resources; if the 'to' address is a full JID and there is -- a matching resource, the server MUST deliver the message -- to that resource; otherwise the server MUST either -- silently ignore the message or return an error (see -- Section 8). -- | ErrorMsg -- The message is generated by an entity that experiences an -- error when processing a message received from another entity (for -- details regarding stanza error syntax, refer to [XMPP‑CORE]). A client -- that receives a message of type "error" SHOULD present an appropriate -- interface informing the original sender regarding the nature of the -- error. deriving (Show,Read,Ord,Eq,Enum) data RosterEventType = RequestedSubscription | NewBuddy -- preceded by PresenceInformSubscription True | RemovedBuddy -- preceded by PresenceInformSubscription False | PendingSubscriber -- same as PresenceRequestSubscription | NewSubscriber | RejectSubscriber deriving (Show,Read,Ord,Eq,Enum) data ClientHack = SimulatedChatErrors deriving (Show,Read,Ord,Eq,Enum) data LangSpecificMessage = LangSpecificMessage { msgBody :: Maybe Text , msgSubject :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show,Eq) data MessageThread = MessageThread { msgThreadParent :: Maybe Text, msgThreadContent :: Text } deriving (Show,Eq) data JabberShow = Offline | ExtendedAway | Away | DoNotDisturb | Available | Chatty deriving (Show,Enum,Ord,Eq,Read) class StanzaFirstTag a where -- Peek at the stanza open tag. stanzaFirstTag :: StanzaWrap a -> IO XML.Event instance StanzaFirstTag (TChan XML.Event) where stanzaFirstTag stanza = do e <-atomically $ peekTChan (stanzaChan stanza) return e instance StanzaFirstTag (LockedChan XML.Event) where stanzaFirstTag stanza = do e <-atomically $ peekLChan (stanzaChan stanza) return e instance StanzaFirstTag XML.Event where stanzaFirstTag stanza = return (stanzaChan stanza) data StanzaError = BadRequest | Conflict | FeatureNotImplemented | Forbidden | Gone | InternalServerError | ItemNotFound | JidMalformed | NotAcceptable | NotAllowed | NotAuthorized | PaymentRequired | RecipientUnavailable | Redirect | RegistrationRequired | RemoteServerNotFound | RemoteServerTimeout | ResourceConstraint | ServiceUnavailable | SubscriptionRequired | UndefinedCondition | UnexpectedRequest deriving (Show,Enum,Ord,Eq) xep0086 :: StanzaError -> (Text, Int) xep0086 e = case e of BadRequest -> ("modify", 400) Conflict -> ("cancel", 409) FeatureNotImplemented -> ("cancel", 501) Forbidden -> ("auth", 403) Gone -> ("modify", 302) InternalServerError -> ("wait", 500) ItemNotFound -> ("cancel", 404) JidMalformed -> ("modify", 400) NotAcceptable -> ("modify", 406) NotAllowed -> ("cancel", 405) NotAuthorized -> ("auth", 401) PaymentRequired -> ("auth", 402) RecipientUnavailable -> ("wait", 404) Redirect -> ("modify", 302) RegistrationRequired -> ("auth", 407) RemoteServerNotFound -> ("cancel", 404) RemoteServerTimeout -> ("wait", 504) ResourceConstraint -> ("wait", 500) ServiceUnavailable -> ("cancel", 503) SubscriptionRequired -> ("auth", 407) UndefinedCondition -> ("", 500) UnexpectedRequest -> ("wait", 400) errorText :: StanzaError -> Text errorText e = case e of BadRequest -> "Bad request" Conflict -> "Conflict" FeatureNotImplemented -> "This feature is not implemented" Forbidden -> "Forbidden" Gone -> "Recipient can no longer be contacted" InternalServerError -> "Internal server error" ItemNotFound -> "Item not found" JidMalformed -> "JID Malformed" NotAcceptable -> "Message was rejected" NotAllowed -> "Not allowed" NotAuthorized -> "Not authorized" PaymentRequired -> "Payment is required" RecipientUnavailable -> "Recipient is unavailable" Redirect -> "Redirect" RegistrationRequired -> "Registration required" RemoteServerNotFound -> "Recipient's server not found" RemoteServerTimeout -> "Remote server timeout" ResourceConstraint -> "The server is low on resources" ServiceUnavailable -> "The service is unavailable" SubscriptionRequired -> "A subscription is required" UndefinedCondition -> "Undefined condition" UnexpectedRequest -> "Unexpected request"