{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main (main) where import Prelude as P import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO import Control.Exception import Control.Lens hiding (argument, (<.>)) import Control.Monad as M import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Conduit as C import Data.Conduit.List as C import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe as L import Data.Monoid import Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Text.Read as T import Data.Version import Network import Network.URI import Options.Applicative import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Log import System.Log.Logger import Text.Read import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding ((<>),($$)) import Paths_bittorrent (version) import Data.Torrent hiding (Magnet (Magnet)) import Network.Address import Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Session hiding (Options, options) import Network.BitTorrent.DHT as DHT hiding (Options) import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Bitfield as BF import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Connection hiding (Options) import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Message import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Session import System.Torrent.Storage #if MIN_VERSION_optparse_applicative(0,13,0) -- maybeReader imported from Options.Applicative.Builder #elif MIN_VERSION_optparse_applicative(0,11,0) maybeReader f = eitherReader (maybe (Left ":(") Right . f) #else maybeReader f = f #endif {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dialogs -----------------------------------------------------------------------} instance Read URI where readsPrec _ = f . parseURI where f Nothing = [] f (Just u) = [(u, "")] question :: Show a => Text -> Maybe a -> IO () question q defVal = do T.putStrLn q case defVal of Nothing -> return () Just v -> T.putStrLn $ "[default: " <> T.pack (show v) <> "]" ask :: Read a => Text -> IO a ask q = question q (Just True) >> getReply where getReply = do resp <- P.getLine maybe getReply return $ readMaybe resp askMaybe :: Read a => Text -> IO (Maybe a) askMaybe q = question q (Just False) >> getReply where getReply = do resp <- P.getLine if resp == [] then return Nothing else maybe getReply return $ readMaybe resp askURI :: IO URI askURI = do s <- P.getLine case parseURI s of Nothing -> T.putStrLn "incorrect URI" >> askURI Just u -> return u askFreeform :: IO Text askFreeform = do s <- T.getLine if T.null s then askFreeform else return s askInRange :: Int -> Int -> IO Int askInRange a b = do s <- T.getLine case T.decimal s of Left msg -> do P.putStrLn msg askInRange a b Right (i, _) | a <= i && i < b -> return i | otherwise -> do T.putStrLn "not in range " askInRange a b askChoice :: [(Text, a)] -> IO a askChoice kvs = do forM_ (L.zip [1 :: Int ..] $ L.map fst kvs) $ \(i, lbl) -> do T.putStrLn $ " " <> T.pack (show i) <> ") " <> lbl T.putStrLn "Your choice?" n <- askInRange 1 (succ (L.length kvs)) return $ snd (kvs !! pred n) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------------} torrentFile :: Parser FilePath torrentFile = argument (maybeReader Just) ( metavar "TORRENT_FILE_PATH" <> help "A .torrent file" ) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Amend command - edit a field of torrent file -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data AmendOpts = AmendOpts FilePath deriving Show amendInfo :: ParserInfo AmendOpts amendInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Edit info fields of existing torrent" parser = AmendOpts <$> torrentFile type Amend = Torrent -> Torrent fields :: [(Text, IO Amend)] fields = [ ("announce", set announce . Just <$> askURI) , ("comment", set comment . Just <$> askFreeform) , ("created by", set createdBy . Just <$> askFreeform) , ("publisher url", set publisherURL . Just <$> askURI) ] askAmend :: IO Amend askAmend = join $ T.putStrLn "Choose a field:" >> askChoice fields amend :: AmendOpts -> IO () amend (AmendOpts tpath) = do t <- fromFile tpath a <- askAmend toFile tpath $ a t {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check command -- validate content files using torrent file -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO progress bar data CheckOpts = CheckOpts { checkTorrentPath :: FilePath -- ^ validation torrent file , checkContentPath :: FilePath -- ^ root dir for content files } deriving Show checkInfo :: ParserInfo CheckOpts checkInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Validate integrity of torrent data" <> header "append +RTS -N$NUMBER_OF_CORES -RTS for parallel execution" parser = CheckOpts <$> torrentFile <*> argument (maybeReader Just) ( metavar "CONTENT_DIR_PATH" <> value "." <> help "Content directory or a single file" ) validatePiece :: Storage -> PieceInfo -> PieceIx -> IO (Maybe PieceIx) validatePiece s pinfo pix = do valid <- verifyPiece s pinfo pix if valid then do infoM "check" $ "valid piece " ++ show pix return (Just pix) else do infoM "check" $ "invalid piece " ++ show pix return Nothing validateStorage :: Storage -> PieceInfo -> IO Bitfield validateStorage s pinfo = do infoM "check" "start storage validation" let total = totalPieces s pixs <- parallel $ L.map (validatePiece s pinfo) [0 .. total - 1] infoM "check" "storage validation finished" return $ fromList total $ L.catMaybes pixs -- TODO use local thread pool checkContent :: Storage -> PieceInfo -> IO () checkContent s pinfo = do invalids <- BF.complement <$> validateStorage s pinfo if BF.null invalids then noticeM "check" "all files are complete and valid" else do emergencyM "check" $ "there are some invalid pieces" ++ show invalids exitFailure checkTorrent :: CheckOpts -> IO () checkTorrent CheckOpts {..} = do infoM "check" "openning torrent file..." InfoDict {..} <- tInfoDict <$> fromFile checkTorrentPath let layout = flatLayout checkContentPath idLayoutInfo infoM "check" "mapping content files..." withStorage ReadOnly (piPieceLength idPieceInfo) layout $ \ s -> do infoM "check" "files mapped" checkContent s idPieceInfo infoM "check" "unmapping files" {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create command -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO progress bar -- TODO multifile torrents -- TODO interactive mode -- TODO non interactive mode -- TODO --ignore-dot-files -- TODO --md5 -- TODO --piece-size {- createFlags :: Parser CreateFlags createFlags = CreateFlags <$> optional (option ( long "piece-size" <> short 's' <> metavar "SIZE" <> help "Set size of torrent pieces" )) <*> switch ( long "md5" <> short '5' <> help "Include md5 hash of each file" ) <*> switch ( long "ignore-dot-files" <> short 'd' <> help "Do not include .* files" ) createOpts :: Parser CreateOpts createOpts = CreateOpts <$> argument (maybeReader Just) ( metavar "PATH" <> help "Content directory or a single file" ) <*> optional (argument (maybeReader Just) ( metavar "FILE" <> help "Place for the output .torrent file" )) <*> createFlags createInfo :: ParserInfo CreateOpts createInfo = info (helper <*> createOpts) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Make a new .torrent file" -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Magnet command -- print magnet link for given torrent file -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data MagnetOpts = MagnetOpts { magnetFile :: FilePath -- ^ path to torrent file , detailed :: Bool -- ^ whether to append additional uri params } deriving Show magnetInfo :: ParserInfo MagnetOpts magnetInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Print magnet link" parser = MagnetOpts <$> torrentFile <*> switch ( long "detailed" ) magnet :: MagnetOpts -> IO () magnet MagnetOpts {..} = print . magnetLink =<< fromFile magnetFile where magnetLink = if detailed then detailedMagnet else simpleMagnet {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Show command - print torrent file information -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data ShowOpts = ShowOpts { showPath :: FilePath -- ^ torrent file to inspect; , infoHashOnly :: Bool -- ^ omit everything except infohash. } deriving Show showInfo :: ParserInfo ShowOpts showInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Print .torrent file metadata" parser = ShowOpts <$> torrentFile <*> switch ( long "infohash" <> help "Show only hash of the torrent info part" ) showTorrent :: ShowOpts -> Torrent -> ShowS showTorrent ShowOpts {..} torrent | infoHashOnly = shows $ idInfoHash (tInfoDict torrent) | otherwise = shows $ pPrint torrent putTorrent :: ShowOpts -> IO () putTorrent opts @ ShowOpts {..} = do torrent <- fromFile showPath `onException` putStrLn msg putStrLn $ showTorrent opts torrent [] where msg = "Torrent file is either invalid or do not exist" {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get command - fetch torrent by infohash -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data GetOpts = GetOpts { topic :: InfoHash , servPort :: PortNumber , bootNode :: NodeAddr IPv4 , buckets :: Int } deriving Show #if !MIN_VERSION_network(2,6,3) instance Read PortNumber where readsPrec i s = [ (toEnum a, t) | (a, t) <- readsPrec i s] #endif paramsParser :: Parser GetOpts paramsParser = GetOpts <$> argument (maybeReader readMaybe) (metavar "SHA1" <> help "infohash of torrent file") <*> option auto (long "port" <> short 'p' <> value 7000 <> showDefault <> metavar "NUM" <> help "port number to bind" ) <*> option auto (long "boot" <> short 'b' <> metavar "NODE" <> help "bootstrap node address" ) <*> option auto (long "bucket" <> short 'n' <> value 2 <> showDefault <> metavar "NUM" <> help "number of buckets to maintain" ) getInfo :: ParserInfo GetOpts getInfo = info (helper <*> paramsParser) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "Get torrent file by infohash" <> header "get torrent file by infohash" ) -- TODO add tNodes, tCreated, etc? getTorrent :: GetOpts -> IO () getTorrent GetOpts {..} = do infoM "get" "searching for peers..." s <- newSession (\ _ _ _ _ -> return ()) (PeerAddr Nothing Nothing 7000) "/tmp" (Left topic) dht (def { optBucketCount = buckets }) (NodeAddr "" servPort) $ do bootstrap [bootNode] infodict <- withAsync (DHT.lookup topic $$ connectSink s) (const (liftIO $ waitMetadata s)) liftIO $ toFile (show topic <.> torrentExt) $ nullTorrent infodict infoM "get" "saved torrent file" {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data Command = Amend AmendOpts | Check CheckOpts -- | Create CreateOpts | Get GetOpts | Magnet MagnetOpts | Show ShowOpts deriving Show commandOpts :: Parser Command commandOpts = subparser $ mconcat [ command "amend" (Amend <$> amendInfo) , command "check" (Check <$> checkInfo) -- , command "create" (Create <$> createInfo) , command "get" (Get <$> getInfo) , command "magnet" (Magnet <$> magnetInfo) , command "show" (Show <$> showInfo) ] {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global Options -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data GlobalOpts = GlobalOpts { verbosity :: Priority } deriving Show #if !MIN_VERSION_hslogger(1,2,9) deriving instance Enum Priority deriving instance Bounded Priority #endif priorities :: [Priority] priorities = [minBound..maxBound] defaultPriority :: Priority defaultPriority = WARNING verbosityOpts :: Parser Priority verbosityOpts = verbosityP <|> verboseP <|> quietP where verbosityP = option auto ( long "verbosity" <> metavar "LEVEL" <> help ("Set verbosity level\n" ++ "Possible values are " ++ show priorities) ) verboseP = flag defaultPriority INFO ( long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Verbose mode" ) quietP = flag defaultPriority CRITICAL ( long "quiet" <> short 'q' <> help "Silent mode" ) globalOpts :: Parser GlobalOpts globalOpts = GlobalOpts <$> verbosityOpts data Options = Options { cmdOpts :: Command , globOpts :: GlobalOpts } deriving Show options :: Parser Options options = Options <$> commandOpts <*> globalOpts versioner :: String -> Version -> Parser (a -> a) #if MIN_VERSION_optparse_applicative(0,10,0) versioner prog ver = nullOption disabled $ mconcat #else versioner prog ver = nullOption $ mconcat #endif [ long "version" , help "Show program version and exit" , value id , metavar "" , hidden , mempty -- reader $ const $ undefined -- Left $ ErrorMsg versionStr ] where versionStr = prog ++ " version " ++ showVersion ver parserInfo :: ParserInfo Options parserInfo = info parser modifier where parser = helper <*> versioner "mktorrent" version <*> options modifier = header synopsis <> progDesc description <> fullDesc synopsis = "Torrent management utility" description = "" -- TODO {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dispatch -----------------------------------------------------------------------} run :: Command -> IO () run (Amend opts) = amend opts run (Check opts) = checkTorrent opts --run (Create opts) = createTorrent opts run (Get opts) = getTorrent opts run (Magnet opts) = magnet opts run (Show opts) = putTorrent opts prepare :: GlobalOpts -> IO () prepare GlobalOpts {..} = do updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setLevel verbosity) main :: IO () main = do Options {..} <- execParser parserInfo prepare globOpts run cmdOpts