{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main (main) where import Prelude as P import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO import Control.Exception import Control.Lens hiding (argument) import Control.Monad import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Text.Read as T import Data.Version import Network.URI import Options.Applicative import System.Log import System.Log.Logger import System.Exit import Text.Read import Text.PrettyPrint.Class import Paths_bittorrent (version) import Data.Torrent import Data.Torrent.Bitfield as BF import Data.Torrent.Piece import Data.Torrent.Layout import Data.Torrent.Magnet hiding (Magnet) import System.Torrent.Storage {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dialogs -----------------------------------------------------------------------} instance Read URI where readsPrec _ = f . parseURI where f Nothing = [] f (Just u) = [(u, "")] question :: Show a => Text -> Maybe a -> IO () question q defVal = do T.putStrLn q case defVal of Nothing -> return () Just v -> T.putStrLn $ "[default: " <> T.pack (show v) <> "]" ask :: Read a => Text -> IO a ask q = question q (Just True) >> getReply where getReply = do resp <- P.getLine maybe getReply return $ readMaybe resp askMaybe :: Read a => Text -> IO (Maybe a) askMaybe q = question q (Just False) >> getReply where getReply = do resp <- P.getLine if resp == [] then return Nothing else maybe getReply return $ readMaybe resp askURI :: IO URI askURI = do s <- P.getLine case parseURI s of Nothing -> T.putStrLn "incorrect URI" >> askURI Just u -> return u askFreeform :: IO Text askFreeform = do s <- T.getLine if T.null s then askFreeform else return s askInRange :: Int -> Int -> IO Int askInRange a b = do s <- T.getLine case T.decimal s of Left msg -> do P.putStrLn msg askInRange a b Right (i, _) | a <= i && i < b -> return i | otherwise -> do T.putStrLn "not in range " askInRange a b askChoice :: [(Text, a)] -> IO a askChoice kvs = do forM_ (L.zip [1 :: Int ..] $ L.map fst kvs) $ \(i, lbl) -> do T.putStrLn $ " " <> T.pack (show i) <> ") " <> lbl T.putStrLn "Your choice?" n <- askInRange 1 (succ (L.length kvs)) return $ snd (kvs !! pred n) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------------} torrentFile :: Parser FilePath torrentFile = argument Just ( metavar "TORRENT_FILE_PATH" <> help "A .torrent file" ) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Amend command - edit a field of torrent file -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data AmendOpts = AmendOpts FilePath deriving Show amendInfo :: ParserInfo AmendOpts amendInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Edit info fields of existing torrent" parser = AmendOpts <$> torrentFile type Amend = Torrent -> Torrent fields :: [(Text, IO Amend)] fields = [ ("announce", set announce . Just <$> askURI) , ("comment", set comment . Just <$> askFreeform) , ("created by", set createdBy . Just <$> askFreeform) , ("publisher url", set publisherURL . Just <$> askURI) ] askAmend :: IO Amend askAmend = join $ T.putStrLn "Choose a field:" >> askChoice fields amend :: AmendOpts -> IO () amend (AmendOpts tpath) = do t <- fromFile tpath a <- askAmend toFile tpath $ a t {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check command -- validate content files using torrent file -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data CheckOpts = CheckOpts { checkTorrentPath :: FilePath -- ^ validation torrent file , checkContentPath :: FilePath -- ^ root dir for content files } deriving Show checkInfo :: ParserInfo CheckOpts checkInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Validate integrity of torrent data" <> header "append +RTS -N$NUMBER_OF_CORES -RTS for parallel execution" parser = CheckOpts <$> torrentFile <*> argument Just ( metavar "CONTENT_DIR_PATH" <> value "." <> help "Content directory or a single file" ) validatePiece :: Storage -> PieceInfo -> PieceIx -> IO (Maybe PieceIx) validatePiece s pinfo pix = do valid <- verifyPiece s pinfo pix if valid then do infoM "check" $ "valid piece " ++ show pix return (Just pix) else do infoM "check" $ "invalid piece " ++ show pix return Nothing validateStorage :: Storage -> PieceInfo -> IO Bitfield validateStorage s pinfo = do infoM "check" "start storage validation" let total = totalPieces s pixs <- parallel $ L.map (validatePiece s pinfo) [0 .. total - 1] infoM "check" "storage validation finished" return $ fromList total $ catMaybes pixs -- TODO use local thread pool checkContent :: Storage -> PieceInfo -> IO () checkContent s pinfo = do invalids <- BF.complement <$> validateStorage s pinfo if BF.null invalids then noticeM "check" "all files are complete and valid" else do emergencyM "check" $ "there are some invalid pieces" ++ show invalids exitFailure checkTorrent :: CheckOpts -> IO () checkTorrent CheckOpts {..} = do InfoDict {..} <- tInfoDict <$> fromFile checkTorrentPath let layout = flatLayout checkContentPath idLayoutInfo withStorage ReadOnly (piPieceLength idPieceInfo) layout $ \ s -> do infoM "check" "files mapped" checkContent s idPieceInfo infoM "check" "unmapping files" {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create command -----------------------------------------------------------------------} {- createFlags :: Parser CreateFlags createFlags = CreateFlags <$> optional (option ( long "piece-size" <> short 's' <> metavar "SIZE" <> help "Set size of torrent pieces" )) <*> switch ( long "md5" <> short '5' <> help "Include md5 hash of each file" ) <*> switch ( long "ignore-dot-files" <> short 'd' <> help "Do not include .* files" ) createOpts :: Parser CreateOpts createOpts = CreateOpts <$> argument Just ( metavar "PATH" <> help "Content directory or a single file" ) <*> optional (argument Just ( metavar "FILE" <> help "Place for the output .torrent file" )) <*> createFlags createInfo :: ParserInfo CreateOpts createInfo = info (helper <*> createOpts) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Make a new .torrent file" -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Magnet command -- print magnet link for given torrent file -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data MagnetOpts = MagnetOpts { magnetFile :: FilePath -- ^ path to torrent file , detailed :: Bool -- ^ whether to append additional uri params } deriving Show magnetInfo :: ParserInfo MagnetOpts magnetInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Print magnet link" parser = MagnetOpts <$> torrentFile <*> switch ( long "detailed" ) magnet :: MagnetOpts -> IO () magnet MagnetOpts {..} = print . magnetLink =<< fromFile magnetFile where magnetLink = if detailed then detailedMagnet else simpleMagnet {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Show command - print torrent file information -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data ShowOpts = ShowOpts { showPath :: FilePath -- ^ torrent file to inspect; , infoHashOnly :: Bool -- ^ omit everything except infohash. } deriving Show showInfo :: ParserInfo ShowOpts showInfo = info (helper <*> parser) modifier where modifier = progDesc "Print .torrent file metadata" parser = ShowOpts <$> torrentFile <*> switch ( long "infohash" <> help "Show only hash of the torrent info part" ) showTorrent :: ShowOpts -> Torrent -> ShowS showTorrent ShowOpts {..} torrent | infoHashOnly = shows $ idInfoHash (tInfoDict torrent) | otherwise = shows $ pretty torrent putTorrent :: ShowOpts -> IO () putTorrent opts @ ShowOpts {..} = do torrent <- fromFile showPath `onException` putStrLn msg putStrLn $ showTorrent opts torrent [] where msg = "Torrent file is either invalid or do not exist" {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data Command = Amend AmendOpts | Check CheckOpts -- | Create CreateOpts | Magnet MagnetOpts | Show ShowOpts deriving Show commandOpts :: Parser Command commandOpts = subparser $ mconcat [ command "amend" (Amend <$> amendInfo) , command "check" (Check <$> checkInfo) -- , command "create" (Create <$> createInfo) , command "magnet" (Magnet <$> magnetInfo) , command "show" (Show <$> showInfo) ] {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global Options -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data GlobalOpts = GlobalOpts { verbosity :: Priority } deriving Show deriving instance Enum Priority deriving instance Bounded Priority priorities :: [Priority] priorities = [minBound..maxBound] defaultPriority :: Priority defaultPriority = WARNING verbosityOpts :: Parser Priority verbosityOpts = verbosityP <|> verboseP <|> quietP where verbosityP = option ( long "verbosity" <> metavar "LEVEL" <> help ("Set verbosity level\n" ++ "Possible values are " ++ show priorities) ) verboseP = flag defaultPriority INFO ( long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Verbose mode" ) quietP = flag defaultPriority CRITICAL ( long "quiet" <> short 'q' <> help "Silent mode" ) globalOpts :: Parser GlobalOpts globalOpts = GlobalOpts <$> verbosityOpts data Options = Options { cmdOpts :: Command , globOpts :: GlobalOpts } deriving Show options :: Parser Options options = Options <$> commandOpts <*> globalOpts versioner :: String -> Version -> Parser (a -> a) versioner prog ver = nullOption $ mconcat [ long "version" , help "Show program version and exit" , value id , metavar "" , hidden , reader $ const $ undefined -- Left $ ErrorMsg versionStr ] where versionStr = prog ++ " version " ++ showVersion ver parserInfo :: ParserInfo Options parserInfo = info parser modifier where parser = helper <*> versioner "mktorrent" version <*> options modifier = header synopsis <> progDesc description <> fullDesc synopsis = "Torrent management utility" description = "" -- TODO {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dispatch -----------------------------------------------------------------------} run :: Command -> IO () run (Amend opts) = amend opts run (Check opts) = checkTorrent opts --run (Create opts) = createTorrent opts run (Magnet opts) = magnet opts run (Show opts) = putTorrent opts prepare :: GlobalOpts -> IO () prepare GlobalOpts {..} = do updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setLevel verbosity) main :: IO () main = do Options {..} <- execParser parserInfo prepare globOpts run cmdOpts