{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} import Control.Monad import Data.Function import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Char import Network.Socket as Socket import System.Console.Haskeline import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe import qualified Data.ByteString as B -- | Reads one character. If it is not a digit, -- then it is discarded and 'Nothing' is returned. hReadDigit :: Handle -> IO (Maybe Char) hReadDigit h = do c <- hGetChar h return $ guard (isDigit c) >> pure c -- | Expected input: "nnn:..." -- Here we read the digit sequence "nnn" and drop the colon -- as it is the first non-digit. hReadInt :: Handle -> IO Int hReadInt h = do nstr <- fix $ \readDigits -> maybe (return []) -- dropped non-digit character (($ unsafeInterleaveIO readDigits) . fmap . (:)) =<< hReadDigit h readIO nstr :: IO Int -- | Read a length prefixed string from a handle. -- The format is "nnn:..." where /nnn/ is an ascii-encoded character count -- and /.../ is the sequence of characters -- -- Note: The first byte after the count is ignored and discarded. readResponse :: Handle -> IO (Char, String) readResponse h = do c <- hGetChar h n <- hReadInt h s <- sequence $ replicate n (hGetChar h) return (c,s) -- | Send a command to the dhtd daemon and then print the response. sendCommand :: Handle -> String -> InputT IO () sendCommand h cmd = do liftIO $ hPutStrLn h cmd fix $ \again -> do (c, resp) <- liftIO $ readResponse h if c /= '.' then outputStr resp >> again else outputStrLn resp -- | Get one line of input and send it to the daemon, then run the -- passed continuation if it wasn't "quit". interactiveMode :: Handle -> InputT IO () -> InputT IO () interactiveMode h repl = do minput <- getInputLine "dht> " case minput of Nothing -> return () Just "quit" -> sendCommand h "quit" >> return () Just cmd -> sendCommand h cmd >> repl main :: IO () main = do -- Open the control socket to the daemon. h <- liftIO $ handle (\e -> do hPutStrLn stderr (show (e ::IOError)) exitFailure) $ do sock <- socket AF_UNIX Stream defaultProtocol connect sock (SockAddrUnix "dht.sock") socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode -- Haskeline's default looks only at our stdin and not our stdout. -- That's a bad idea because we can take input from the command line. behavior <- do useTerminal <- and <$> mapM hIsTerminalDevice [stdin,stdout] return $ if useTerminal then preferTerm else useFileHandle stdin runInputTBehaviorWithPrefs behavior defaultPrefs defaultSettings $ do -- A command may be specified on the command line -- or else we enter an interactive shell. args <- dropWhile isSpace . unwords <$> liftIO getArgs case args of (_:_) -> sendCommand h args >> sendCommand h "quit" _ -> fix $ interactiveMode h