{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} import Control.Arrow import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Time.Clock import GHC.Stats import Network.Socket import System.Environment import System.IO import System.Mem import System.Posix.Process import Text.Printf import Text.Read #ifdef THREAD_DEBUG import Control.Concurrent.Lifted.Instrument #else import Control.Concurrent.Lifted import GHC.Conc (labelThread) #endif import Network.Address hiding (NodeId, NodeInfo(..)) import Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Search import Network.QueryResponse import Network.StreamServer import Kademlia import qualified Mainline import Network.DHT.Routing as R import Data.Aeson as J (ToJSON, FromJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Control.Concurrent.Async.Pool import System.IO.Error showReport :: [(String,String)] -> String showReport kvs = do let colwidth = maximum $ map (length . fst) kvs (k,v) <- kvs concat [ printf " %-*s" (colwidth+1) k, v, "\n" ] marshalForClient :: String -> String marshalForClient s = show (length s) ++ ":" ++ s -- | Writes a message and signals ready for next command. hPutClient :: Handle -> String -> IO () hPutClient h s = hPutStr h ('.' : marshalForClient s) -- | Writes message, but signals there is more to come. hPutClientChunk :: Handle -> String -> IO () hPutClientChunk h s = hPutStr h (' ' : marshalForClient s) data DHTQuery nid ni = forall addr r tok. DHTQuery { qsearch :: Search nid addr tok ni r , qhandler :: ni -> nid -> IO ([ni], [r], tok) , qshowR :: r -> String , qshowTok :: tok -> Maybe String } data DHT = forall nid ni. ( Show ni , Read ni , ToJSON ni , FromJSON ni ) => DHT { dhtBuckets :: TVar (BucketList ni) , dhtPing :: ni -> IO Bool , dhtQuery :: Map.Map String (DHTQuery nid ni) , dhtParseId :: String -> Either String nid } nodesFileName :: String -> String nodesFileName netname = netname ++ "-nodes.json" saveNodes :: String -> DHT -> IO () saveNodes netname DHT{dhtBuckets} = do bkts <- atomically $ readTVar dhtBuckets let ns = map fst $ concat $ R.toList bkts bs = J.encode ns fname = nodesFileName netname L.writeFile fname bs loadNodes :: FromJSON ni => String -> IO [ni] loadNodes netname = do let fname = nodesFileName netname attempt <- tryIOError $ do J.decode <$> L.readFile fname >>= maybe (ioError $ userError "Nothing") return either (const $ return []) return attempt pingNodes :: String -> DHT -> IO Bool pingNodes netname DHT{dhtPing} = do let fname = nodesFileName netname attempt <- tryIOError $ do J.decode <$> L.readFile fname >>= maybe (ioError $ userError "Nothing") return case attempt of Left _ -> return False Right ns -> do fork $ do myThreadId >>= flip labelThread ("pinging."++fname) putStrLn $ "Forked "++show fname withTaskGroup 10 $ \g -> do mapTasks_ g (map dhtPing ns) putStrLn $ "Load finished "++show fname return True reportTable :: Show ni => BucketList ni -> [(String,String)] reportTable bkts = map (show *** show . fst) $ concat $ zipWith map (map (,) [0::Int ..]) $ R.toList $ bkts reportResult :: Show ni => String -> (r -> String) -> (tok -> Maybe String) -> Handle -> Either String ([ni],[r],tok) -> IO () reportResult meth showR showTok h (Left e) = hPutClient h e reportResult meth showR showTok h (Right (ns,rs,tok)) = do hPutClient h $ showReport report where report = intercalate [("","")] [ tok_r , node_r , result_r ] tok_r = maybe [] (pure . ("token:",)) $ showTok tok node_r = map ( ("n",) . show ) ns result_r | (meth=="node") = [] | otherwise = map ( (take 1 meth,) . showR ) rs data Session = Session { netname :: String , dhts :: Map.Map String DHT , externalAddresses :: IO [SockAddr] , signalQuit :: MVar () } clientSession s@Session{..} sock cnum h = do line <- map toLower . dropWhile isSpace <$> hGetLine h let (c,args) = second (dropWhile isSpace) $ break isSpace line cmd0 :: IO () -> IO () cmd0 action = action >> clientSession s sock cnum h switchNetwork dest = do hPutClient h ("Network: "++dest) clientSession s{netname=dest} sock cnum h case (c,args) of ("stop", _) -> do hPutClient h "Terminating DHT Daemon." hClose h putMVar signalQuit () ("quit", _) -> hPutClient h "" >> hClose h ("pid", _) -> cmd0 $ do pid <- getProcessID hPutClient h (show pid) ("external-ip", _) -> cmd0 $ do unlines . map show <$> externalAddresses >>= hPutClient h #ifdef THREAD_DEBUG ("threads", _) -> cmd0 $ do ts <- threadsInformation tm <- getCurrentTime let r = map (\PerThread{..} -> (show lbl,show (diffUTCTime tm startTime))) ts hPutClient h $ showReport r ("mem", s) -> cmd0 $ do case s of "gc" -> do hPutClient h "Performing garbage collection..." performMajorGC "" -> do is_enabled <- getGCStatsEnabled if is_enabled then do GCStats{..} <- getGCStats let r = [ ("bytesAllocated", show bytesAllocated) , ("numGcs", show numGcs) , ("maxBytesUsed", show maxBytesUsed) , ("numByteUsageSamples", show numByteUsageSamples) , ("cumulativeBytesUsed", show cumulativeBytesUsed) , ("bytesCopied", show bytesCopied) , ("currentBytesUsed", show currentBytesUsed) , ("currentBytesSlop", show currentBytesSlop) , ("maxBytesSlop", show maxBytesSlop) , ("peakMegabytesAllocated", show peakMegabytesAllocated) , ("mutatorCpuSeconds", show mutatorCpuSeconds) , ("mutatorWallSeconds", show mutatorWallSeconds) , ("gcCpuSeconds", show gcCpuSeconds) , ("gcWallSeconds", show gcWallSeconds) , ("cpuSeconds", show cpuSeconds) , ("wallSeconds", show wallSeconds) , ("parTotBytesCopied", show parTotBytesCopied) , ("parMaxBytesCopied", show parMaxBytesCopied) ] hPutClient h $ showReport r else hPutClient h "Run with +RTS -T to obtain live memory-usage information." _ -> hPutClient h "error." #endif ("ls", _) | Just DHT{dhtBuckets} <- Map.lookup netname dhts -> cmd0 $ do bkts <- atomically $ readTVar dhtBuckets let r = reportTable bkts hPutClient h $ showReport $ r ++ [ ("buckets", show $ R.shape bkts) , ("node-id", show $ thisNode bkts) , ("network", netname) ] ("ping", s) | Just DHT{dhtPing} <- Map.lookup netname dhts -> cmd0 $ do case readEither s of Right addr -> do result <- dhtPing addr let rs = [" ", show result] hPutClient h $ unlines rs Left er -> hPutClient h er ("g", s) | Just DHT{..} <- Map.lookup netname dhts -> cmd0 $ do -- arguments: method -- nid -- (optional dest-ni) self <- atomically $ thisNode <$> readTVar dhtBuckets let (method,xs) = break isSpace $ dropWhile isSpace s (nidstr,ys) = break isSpace $ dropWhile isSpace xs destination = dropWhile isSpace ys goQuery qry = either (hPutClient h . ("Bad search target: "++)) (goTarget qry) $ dhtParseId nidstr goTarget DHTQuery{..} nid = go nid >>= reportResult method qshowR qshowTok h where go | null destination = fmap Right . qhandler self | otherwise = case readEither destination of Right ni -> fmap (maybe (Left "Timeout.") Right) . flip (searchQuery qsearch) ni Left e -> const $ return $ Left ("Bad destination: "++e) maybe (hPutClient h ("Unsupported method: "++method)) goQuery $ Map.lookup method dhtQuery ("save", _) | Just dht <- Map.lookup netname dhts -> cmd0 $ do saveNodes netname dht hPutClient h $ "Saved " ++ nodesFileName netname ++ "." ("load", _) | Just dht <- Map.lookup netname dhts -> cmd0 $ do b <- pingNodes netname dht if b then hPutClient h $ "Pinging " ++ nodesFileName netname ++ "." else hPutClient h $ "Failed: " ++ nodesFileName netname ++ "." (n, _) | n `elem` Map.keys dhts -> switchNetwork n _ -> cmd0 $ hPutClient h "error." readExternals :: [TVar (BucketList Mainline.NodeInfo)] -> IO [SockAddr] readExternals vars = do as <- atomically $ mapM (fmap (Mainline.nodeAddr . selfNode) . readTVar) vars -- TODO: Filter to only global addresses? return as defaultPort = "6881" main = do args <- getArgs p <- case take 2 (dropWhile (/="-p") args) of ["-p",port] | not ("-" `isPrefixOf` port) -> return port ("-p":_) -> error "Port not specified! (-p PORT)" _ -> return defaultPort addr <- getBindAddress p True{- ipv6 -} (bt,btR,swarms) <- Mainline.newClient addr quitBt <- forkListener bt tox <- return $ error "TODO: Tox.newClient" quitTox <- return $ return () -- TODO: forkListener tox let mainlineDHT bkts = DHT { dhtBuckets = bkts btR , dhtPing = Mainline.ping bt , dhtQuery = Map.fromList [ ("node", DHTQuery (Mainline.nodeSearch bt) (\ni -> fmap Mainline.unwrapNodes . Mainline.findNodeH btR ni . flip Mainline.FindNode (Just Mainline.Want_Both)) show (const Nothing)) , ("peer", DHTQuery (Mainline.peerSearch bt) (\ni -> fmap Mainline.unwrapPeers . Mainline.getPeersH btR swarms ni . flip Mainline.GetPeers (Just Mainline.Want_Both) . (read . show)) -- TODO: InfoHash -> NodeId show (Just . show)) ] , dhtParseId = readEither :: String -> Either String Mainline.NodeId } dhts = Map.fromList [ ("bt4", mainlineDHT Mainline.routing4) , ("bt6", mainlineDHT Mainline.routing6) ] waitForSignal <- do signalQuit <- newEmptyMVar let session = clientSession $ Session { netname = "bt4" -- initial default DHT , dhts = dhts -- all DHTs , signalQuit = signalQuit , externalAddresses = readExternals [ Mainline.routing4 btR , Mainline.routing6 btR ] } srv <- streamServer (withSession session) (SockAddrUnix "dht.sock") return $ do () <- takeMVar signalQuit quitListening srv let bkts4 = Mainline.routing4 btR btSaved4 <- loadNodes "bt4" :: IO [Mainline.NodeInfo] putStrLn $ "Loaded "++show (length btSaved4)++" nodes for bt4." fallbackNodes4 <- Mainline.bootstrapNodes Mainline.Want_IP4 fork $ do myThreadId >>= flip labelThread "bootstrap.Mainline4" bootstrap (Mainline.nodeSearch bt) bkts4 (Mainline.ping bt) btSaved4 fallbackNodes4 saveNodes "bt4" (dhts Map.! "bt4") btSaved6 <- loadNodes "bt6" putStrLn $ "Loaded "++show (length btSaved6)++" nodes for bt6." let bkts6 = Mainline.routing6 btR fallbackNodes6 <- Mainline.bootstrapNodes Mainline.Want_IP6 fork $ do myThreadId >>= flip labelThread "bootstrap.Mainline6" bootstrap (Mainline.nodeSearch bt) bkts6 (Mainline.ping bt) btSaved6 fallbackNodes6 saveNodes "bt6" (dhts Map.! "bt6") hPutStr stderr $ showReport $ map (("bootstrap (IPv4)",) . show) fallbackNodes4 ++ map (("bootstrap (IPv6)",) . show) fallbackNodes6 waitForSignal quitBt quitTox