name: presence version: 0.0.1 cabal-version: >=1.2 build-type: Simple license: AllRightsReserved synopsis: XMPP Server which detects unix logins description: When users login to your localhost, their presence is detected and announced to connected xmpp clients. presence is a modern XMPP variant of the old Unix Talk program. Eventually, this will be expanded to become a peer-to-peer service allowing xmpp instant messaging between separate computers as well. And somewhere down the road, extended again to make use of Jingle to facilitate VOIP. author: Joe Crayne data-dir: "" executable presence buildable: True cpp-options: -DRENDERFLUSH c-sources: Presence/monitortty.c hs-source-dirs: . Presence ghc-prof-options: -DNOUTMP ghc-options: -O2 -fwarn-unused-binds -threaded build-depends: base, binary, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit (>=1.0.4), conduit-extra, containers, cpu, data-default, deepseq, directory, filepath, hinotify, mmorph, mtl, network, process, random, resourcet, stm, template-haskell, text (>=, time, transformers, unix, void, xml-conduit, xml-types main-is: xmppServer.hs other-modules: ByteStringOperators, ClientState, ConfigFiles, ConnectionKey, ConsoleWriter, Control.Concurrent.STM.StatusCache, Control.Concurrent.STM.UpdateStream, ControlMaybe, Data.BitSyntax, DNSCache, EventUtil, FGConsole, GetHostByAddr, LocalPeerCred, LockedChan, Logging, Nesting, Paths, PeerResolve, Server, SockAddr, SocketLike, TraversableT, UTmp, XMPPServer executable whosocket main-is: whosocket.hs hs-source-dirs: . Presence cpp-options: -DRENDERFLUSH ghc-options: -O2 -fwarn-unused-binds -threaded build-depends: base, binary, bytestring, containers, cpu, deepseq, directory, mtl, network, template-haskell, text (>=, unix other-modules: ByteStringOperators, ControlMaybe, Data.BitSyntax, LocalPeerCred, Logging, Paths, SockAddr, SocketLike, UTmp executable nalias2 main-is: nalias2.hs hs-source-dirs: . Presence ghc-options: -O2 -fwarn-unused-binds -threaded build-depends: base, text (>= other-modules: DNSCache, ControlMaybe, GetHostByAddr, SockAddr executable consolation main-is: consolation.hs hs-source-dirs: . Presence ghc-options: -O2 -fwarn-unused-binds -threaded cpp-options: -DRENDERFLUSH c-sources: Presence/monitortty.c build-depends: base, binary, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit (>=1.0.4), conduit-extra, containers, cpu, data-default, deepseq, directory, filepath, hinotify, mmorph, mtl, network, process, random, resourcet, stm, template-haskell, text (>=, time, transformers, unix, void, xml-conduit, xml-types main-is: xmppServer.hs other-modules: ByteStringOperators, ClientState, ConfigFiles, ConnectionKey, ConsoleWriter, Control.Concurrent.STM.StatusCache, Control.Concurrent.STM.UpdateStream, ControlMaybe, DNSCache, Data.BitSyntax, EventUtil, FGConsole, GetHostByAddr, LocalPeerCred, LockedChan, Logging, Nesting, Paths, PeerResolve, Server, SockAddr, SocketLike, TraversableT, UTmp, XMPPServer executable pwrite main-is: pwrite.hs hs-source-dirs: . Presence ghc-options: -O2 -fwarn-unused-binds -threaded build-depends: base, text (>= other-modules: ConnectionKey, Control.Concurrent.STM.StatusCache, Control.Concurrent.STM.UpdateStream, ControlMaybe, DNSCache, EventUtil, GetHostByAddr, LockedChan, Nesting, PeerResolve, Server, SockAddr, XMPPServer -- [ ] ConduitServer.hs:main = mainC -- [ ] Control/Concurrent/STM/StatusCache.hs:-- > main = do q <- atomically $ (== '(') (==')') -- [ ] Control/Concurrent/STM/UpdateStream.hs:-- > main = do -- [ ] Presence/Server.hs:-- > main = runResourceT $ do -- [ ] Presence/main.hs:main = do -- [x] consolation.hs:main = do -- [ ] nalias.hs:main = do -- [x] nalias2.hs:main = do -- [x] pwrite.hs:main = do -- [ ] simplechat.hs:main = do -- [ ] test-server.hs:main = do -- [x] whosocket.hs:main = do -- [x] xmppServer.hs:main = runResourceT $ do