module Crypto.XEd25519 where import Control.Arrow import Data.Bits import Data.ByteArray as BA import Data.Memory.PtrMethods (memCopy) import Crypto.Hash import Crypto.ECC.Edwards25519 import Crypto.Error import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 as Ed25519 import Foreign.Marshal import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as X25519 import Crypto.XEd25519.FieldElement import Crypto.Nonce data SecretKey = SecretKey { secretScalar :: Scalar } data PublicKey = PublicKey Ed25519.PublicKey deriving Eq type Nonce = Nonce32 newtype EncodedPoint = EncodedPoint Point instance ByteArrayAccess SecretKey where length _ = 32 withByteArray (SecretKey scalar) = withByteArray (scalarEncode scalar :: Bytes) instance ByteArrayAccess PublicKey where length _ = 32 withByteArray (PublicKey edpub) = withByteArray edpub instance ByteArrayAccess EncodedPoint where length _ = 32 withByteArray (EncodedPoint pt) f = withByteArray (pointEncode pt :: Bytes) f data Signature = Signature EncodedPoint Scalar instance ByteArrayAccess Signature where length _ = 64 withByteArray (Signature pt scalar) f = withByteArray pt $ \ptptr -> do withByteArray (SecretKey scalar) $ \scalarptr -> do allocaBytes 64 $ \ptr -> do memCopy ptr ptptr 32 memCopy (ptr `plusPtr` 32) scalarptr 32 f (castPtr ptr) padding :: Bytes padding = 0xFE `BA.cons` BA.replicate 31 0xFF sign :: ByteArrayAccess dta => dta -> Nonce -> SecretKey -> PublicKey -> Signature sign dta nonce sec pub = Signature rB s where rB = ge_p3_tobytes $ ge_scalarmult_base r r = sc_reduce $ hashFinalize $ (`hashUpdate` padding) >>> (`hashUpdate` sec) >>> (`hashUpdate` dta) >>> (`hashUpdate` nonce) $ hashInit h = sc_reduce $ hashFinalize $ (`hashUpdate` rB) >>> (`hashUpdate` pub) >>> (`hashUpdate` dta) $ hashInit -- s = r + ha (mod q) s = sc_muladd h (secretScalar sec) r ge_p3_tobytes :: Point -> EncodedPoint ge_p3_tobytes = EncodedPoint ge_scalarmult_base :: Scalar -> Point ge_scalarmult_base = toPoint sc_muladd :: Scalar -> Scalar -> Scalar -> Scalar sc_muladd a b c = scalarAdd (scalarMul a b) c sc_reduce :: Digest SHA512 -> Scalar sc_reduce digest = x where CryptoPassed x = scalarDecodeLong digest -- ??? -- Scalar is internally, at least on 64bit machines, represented as 5 -- 56-bit words in little-endian order, each encoded as a Word64. sc_neg :: Scalar -> Scalar sc_neg = scalarMul sc_neg1 verify :: ByteArrayAccess dta => PublicKey -> dta -> Signature -> Bool verify pub dta signature = Ed25519.verify ed_pub dta ed_sig where CryptoPassed ed_pub = Ed25519.publicKey pub' CryptoPassed ed_sig = Ed25519.signature signature' -- Get the sign bit from the s part of the signature. sign_bit = BA.index signature 63 .&. 0x80 -- Set the sign bit to zero in the s part of the signature. signature' :: Bytes signature' = BA.copyAndFreeze signature $ \ptr -> do let at63 = plusPtr ptr 63 byte63 <- peek at63 poke at63 $ byte63 .&. (0x7F `asTypeOf` sign_bit) -- Restore the sign bit on the verification key, which should have 0 as its -- current sign bit. pub' :: Bytes pub' = BA.copyAndFreeze pub $ \ptr -> do let at31 = plusPtr ptr 31 byte31 <- peek at31 poke at31 $ (byte31 .&. 0x7F) .|. sign_bit -- typedef crypto_int32 fe[10]; -- -- fe means field element. Here the field is \Z/(2^255-19). -- An element t, entries t[0]...t[9], represents the integer -- t[0]+2^26 t[1]+2^51 t[2]+2^77 t[3]+2^102 t[4]+...+2^230 t[9]. -- Bounds on each t[i] vary depending on context. -- mont_pub_to_ed_pub toSigningKey :: X25519.PublicKey -> PublicKey toSigningKey mont_pub0 = PublicKey ed_pub where -- Read the public key as a field element mont_pub = fe_frombytes mont_pub0 -- Convert the Montgomery public key to a twisted Edwards public key fe_ONE = fe_1 -- Calculate the parameters (u - 1) and (u + 1) mont_pub_minus_one = fe_sub mont_pub fe_ONE mont_pub_plus_one0 = fe_add mont_pub fe_ONE -- Prepare inv(u + 1) mont_pub_plus_one = fe_invert mont_pub_plus_one0 -- Calculate y = (u - 1) * inv(u + 1) (mod p) ed_pub0 = fe_mul mont_pub_minus_one mont_pub_plus_one ed_pub = fe_tobytes ed_pub0 -- mont_priv_to_ed_pair toSigningKeyPair :: X25519.SecretKey -> (SecretKey,PublicKey) toSigningKeyPair mont_priv0 = (SecretKey ed_priv, PublicKey ed_pub) where -- Prepare a buffer for the twisted Edwards private key ed_priv1 = (throwCryptoError . scalarDecodeLong :: X25519.SecretKey -> Scalar) mont_priv0 -- Get the twisted edwards public key, including the sign bit ed_pub0 = ge_p3_tobytes $ ge_scalarmult_base ed_priv1 -- Save the sign bit for later sign_bit = (BA.index ed_pub0 31 `shiftR` 7) .&. 1 -- Force the sign bit to zero pub' :: Bytes pub' = BA.copyAndFreeze ed_pub0 $ \ptr -> do let at31 = plusPtr ptr 31 byte31 <- peek at31 poke at31 $ (byte31 .&. 0x7F) `asTypeOf` sign_bit CryptoPassed ed_pub = Ed25519.publicKey pub' -- Prepare the negated private key ed_priv_neg = sc_neg ed_priv1 -- Get the correct private key based on the sign stored above ed_priv = if sign_bit/=0 then ed_priv_neg else ed_priv1 -- sc_zero = throwCryptoError $ scalarDecodeLong (b::Bytes) -- where -- b = BA.pack $ encodeLittleEndian $ 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493 sc_neg1 :: Scalar sc_neg1 = throwCryptoError $ scalarDecodeLong (b::Bytes) where b = BA.pack $ encodeLittleEndian $ 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648492