-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Torrent file contains metadata about files and folders but not -- content itself. The files are bencoded dictionaries. There is -- also other info which is used to help join the swarm. -- -- This module provides torrent metainfo serialization and info hash -- extraction. -- -- For more info see: -- , -- -- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Data.Torrent ( -- * InfoHash -- $infohash InfoHash(..) , textToInfoHash , longHex , shortHex -- * File layout -- ** FileInfo , FileOffset , FileSize , FileInfo (..) , fileLength , filePath , fileMD5Sum -- ** Layout info , LayoutInfo (..) , singleFile , multiFile , rootDirName , joinFilePath , isSingleFile , isMultiFile , suggestedName , contentLength , fileCount , blockCount -- ** Flat layout info , FileLayout , flatLayout , accumPositions , fileOffset -- ** Internal , sizeInBase -- * Pieces -- ** Attributes , PieceIx , PieceCount , PieceSize , minPieceSize , maxPieceSize , defaultPieceSize , PieceHash -- ** Piece data , Piece (..) , pieceSize , hashPiece -- ** Piece control , HashList (..) , PieceInfo (..) , pieceLength , pieceHashes , pieceCount -- ** Validation , pieceHash , checkPieceLazy -- * Info dictionary , InfoDict (..) , infohash , layoutInfo , pieceInfo , isPrivate #ifdef VERSION_bencoding , infoDictionary #endif -- * Torrent file , Torrent(..) -- ** Lenses , announce , announceList , comment , createdBy , creationDate , encoding , infoDict , publisher , publisherURL , signature -- ** Utils , nullTorrent , typeTorrent , torrentExt , isTorrentPath #ifdef VERSION_bencoding , fromFile , toFile #endif -- * Magnet -- $magnet-link , Magnet(..) , nullMagnet , simpleMagnet , detailedMagnet , parseMagnet , renderMagnet -- ** URN , URN (..) , NamespaceId , btih , infohashURN , parseURN , renderURN ) where import Prelude import Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Exception import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Crypto.Hash #ifdef VERSION_bencoding import Data.BEncode as BE import Data.BEncode.Types as BE #endif import Data.Bits #ifdef VERSION_bits_extras import Data.Bits.Extras #endif import qualified Data.ByteArray as Bytes import Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16 import Data.ByteString.Base32 as Base32 import Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (pack, unpack) import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Char import Data.Convertible import Data.Default import Data.Hashable as Hashable import Data.Int import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Serialize as S import Data.String import Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Text.Read import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Typeable import Network (HostName) import Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike import Network.HTTP.Types.URI import Network.URI import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P import Text.PrettyPrint as PP import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding ((<>),($$)) import System.FilePath import System.Posix.Types import Network.Address import Network.Kademlia.Routing {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Info hash -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO -- -- data Word160 = Word160 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 -- {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 -- {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 -- -- newtype InfoHash = InfoHash Word160 -- -- reason: bytestring have overhead = 8 words, while infohash have length 20 bytes -- $infohash -- -- Infohash is a unique identifier of torrent. -- | Exactly 20 bytes long SHA1 hash of the info part of torrent file. newtype InfoHash = InfoHash { getInfoHash :: BS.ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable) infoHashLen :: Int infoHashLen = 20 -- | Meaningless placeholder value. instance Default InfoHash where def = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789" -- | Hash raw bytes. (no encoding) instance Hashable InfoHash where hashWithSalt s (InfoHash ih) = hashWithSalt s ih {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} #ifdef VERSION_bencoding -- | Convert to\/from raw bencoded string. (no encoding) instance BEncode InfoHash where toBEncode = toBEncode . getInfoHash fromBEncode be = InfoHash <$> fromBEncode be #endif #if 0 instance TableKey KMessageOf InfoHash where toNodeId = either (error msg) id . S.decode . S.encode where -- TODO unsafe coerse? msg = "tableKey: impossible" #endif -- | Convert to\/from raw bytestring. (no encoding) instance Serialize InfoHash where put (InfoHash ih) = putByteString ih {-# INLINE put #-} get = InfoHash <$> getBytes infoHashLen {-# INLINE get #-} -- | Convert to raw query value. (no encoding) instance QueryValueLike InfoHash where toQueryValue (InfoHash ih) = Just ih {-# INLINE toQueryValue #-} -- | Convert to base16 encoded string. instance Show InfoHash where show (InfoHash ih) = BC.unpack (Base16.encode ih) -- | Convert to base16 encoded Doc string. instance Pretty InfoHash where pPrint = text . show -- | Read base16 encoded string. instance Read InfoHash where readsPrec _ = readP_to_S $ do str <- replicateM (infoHashLen * 2) (satisfy isHexDigit) return $ InfoHash $ decodeIH str where decodeIH = BS.pack . L.map fromHex . pair fromHex (a, b) = read $ '0' : 'x' : a : b : [] pair (a : b : xs) = (a, b) : pair xs pair _ = [] -- | Convert raw bytes to info hash. instance Convertible BS.ByteString InfoHash where safeConvert bs | BS.length bs == infoHashLen = pure (InfoHash bs) | otherwise = convError "invalid length" bs -- | Parse infohash from base16\/base32\/base64 encoded string. instance Convertible Text InfoHash where safeConvert t | 20 == hashLen = pure (InfoHash hashStr) | 26 <= hashLen && hashLen <= 28 = case Base64.decode hashStr of Left msg -> convError ("invalid base64 encoding " ++ msg) t Right ihStr -> safeConvert ihStr | hashLen == 32 = case Base32.decode hashStr of Left msg -> convError msg t Right ihStr -> safeConvert ihStr | hashLen == 40 = let (ihStr, inv) = Base16.decode hashStr in if BS.length inv /= 0 then convError "invalid base16 encoding" t else safeConvert ihStr | otherwise = convError "invalid length" t where hashLen = BS.length hashStr hashStr = T.encodeUtf8 t -- | Decode from base16\/base32\/base64 encoded string. instance IsString InfoHash where fromString = either (error . prettyConvertError) id . safeConvert . T.pack ignoreErrorMsg :: Either a b -> Maybe b ignoreErrorMsg = either (const Nothing) Just -- | Tries both base16 and base32 while decoding info hash. -- -- Use 'safeConvert' for detailed error messages. -- textToInfoHash :: Text -> Maybe InfoHash textToInfoHash = ignoreErrorMsg . safeConvert -- | Hex encode infohash to text, full length. longHex :: InfoHash -> Text longHex = T.decodeUtf8 . Base16.encode . getInfoHash -- | The same as 'longHex', but only first 7 characters. shortHex :: InfoHash -> Text shortHex = T.take 7 . longHex {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File info -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Size of a file in bytes. type FileSize = FileOffset #ifdef VERSION_bencoding deriving instance BEncode FileOffset #endif -- | Contain metainfo about one single file. data FileInfo a = FileInfo { fiLength :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FileSize -- ^ Length of the file in bytes. -- TODO unpacked MD5 sum , fiMD5Sum :: !(Maybe BS.ByteString) -- ^ 32 character long MD5 sum of the file. Used by third-party -- tools, not by bittorrent protocol itself. , fiName :: !a -- ^ One or more string elements that together represent the -- path and filename. Each element in the list corresponds to -- either a directory name or (in the case of the last element) -- the filename. For example, the file: -- -- > "dir1/dir2/file.ext" -- -- would consist of three string elements: -- -- > ["dir1", "dir2", "file.ext"] -- } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable , Functor, Foldable ) makeLensesFor [ ("fiLength", "fileLength") , ("fiMD5Sum", "fileMD5Sum") , ("fiName" , "filePath" ) ] ''FileInfo instance NFData a => NFData (FileInfo a) where rnf FileInfo {..} = rnf fiName {-# INLINE rnf #-} #ifdef VERSION_bencoding instance BEncode (FileInfo [BS.ByteString]) where toBEncode FileInfo {..} = toDict $ "length" .=! fiLength .: "md5sum" .=? fiMD5Sum .: "path" .=! fiName .: endDict {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = fromDict $ do FileInfo <$>! "length" <*>? "md5sum" <*>! "path" {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} type Put a = a -> BDict -> BDict #endif #ifdef VERSION_bencoding putFileInfoSingle :: Data.Torrent.Put (FileInfo BS.ByteString) putFileInfoSingle FileInfo {..} cont = "length" .=! fiLength .: "md5sum" .=? fiMD5Sum .: "name" .=! fiName .: cont getFileInfoSingle :: BE.Get (FileInfo BS.ByteString) getFileInfoSingle = do FileInfo <$>! "length" <*>? "md5sum" <*>! "name" instance BEncode (FileInfo BS.ByteString) where toBEncode = toDict . (`putFileInfoSingle` endDict) {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = fromDict getFileInfoSingle {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} #endif instance Pretty (FileInfo BS.ByteString) where pPrint FileInfo {..} = "Path: " <> text (T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 fiName)) $$ "Size: " <> text (show fiLength) $$ maybe PP.empty ppMD5 fiMD5Sum where ppMD5 md5 = "MD5 : " <> text (show (Base16.encode md5)) -- | Join file path. joinFilePath :: FileInfo [BS.ByteString] -> FileInfo BS.ByteString joinFilePath = fmap (BS.intercalate "/") {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Layout info -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Original (found in torrent file) layout info is either: -- -- * Single file with its /name/. -- -- * Multiple files with its relative file /paths/. -- data LayoutInfo = SingleFile { -- | Single file info. liFile :: !(FileInfo BS.ByteString) } | MultiFile { -- | List of the all files that torrent contains. liFiles :: ![FileInfo [BS.ByteString]] -- | The /suggested/ name of the root directory in which to -- store all the files. , liDirName :: !BS.ByteString } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable) makeLensesFor [ ("liFile" , "singleFile" ) , ("liFiles" , "multiFile" ) , ("liDirName", "rootDirName") ] ''LayoutInfo instance NFData LayoutInfo where rnf SingleFile {..} = () rnf MultiFile {..} = rnf liFiles -- | Empty multifile layout. instance Default LayoutInfo where def = MultiFile [] "" #ifdef VERSION_bencoding getLayoutInfo :: BE.Get LayoutInfo getLayoutInfo = single <|> multi where single = SingleFile <$> getFileInfoSingle multi = MultiFile <$>! "files" <*>! "name" putLayoutInfo :: Data.Torrent.Put LayoutInfo putLayoutInfo SingleFile {..} = putFileInfoSingle liFile putLayoutInfo MultiFile {..} = \ cont -> "files" .=! liFiles .: "name" .=! liDirName .: cont instance BEncode LayoutInfo where toBEncode = toDict . (`putLayoutInfo` endDict) fromBEncode = fromDict getLayoutInfo #endif instance Pretty LayoutInfo where pPrint SingleFile {..} = pPrint liFile pPrint MultiFile {..} = vcat $ L.map (pPrint . joinFilePath) liFiles -- | Test if this is single file torrent. isSingleFile :: LayoutInfo -> Bool isSingleFile SingleFile {} = True isSingleFile _ = False {-# INLINE isSingleFile #-} -- | Test if this is multifile torrent. isMultiFile :: LayoutInfo -> Bool isMultiFile MultiFile {} = True isMultiFile _ = False {-# INLINE isMultiFile #-} -- | Get name of the torrent based on the root path piece. suggestedName :: LayoutInfo -> BS.ByteString suggestedName (SingleFile FileInfo {..}) = fiName suggestedName MultiFile {..} = liDirName {-# INLINE suggestedName #-} -- | Find sum of sizes of the all torrent files. contentLength :: LayoutInfo -> FileSize contentLength SingleFile { liFile = FileInfo {..} } = fiLength contentLength MultiFile { liFiles = tfs } = L.sum (L.map fiLength tfs) -- | Get number of all files in torrent. fileCount :: LayoutInfo -> Int fileCount SingleFile {..} = 1 fileCount MultiFile {..} = L.length liFiles -- | Find number of blocks of the specified size. If torrent size is -- not a multiple of block size then the count is rounded up. blockCount :: Int -> LayoutInfo -> Int blockCount blkSize ci = contentLength ci `sizeInBase` blkSize ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | File layout specifies the order and the size of each file in the -- storage. Note that order of files is highly important since we -- coalesce all the files in the given order to get the linear block -- address space. -- type FileLayout a = [(FilePath, a)] -- | Extract files layout from torrent info with the given root path. flatLayout :: FilePath -- ^ Root path for the all torrent files. -> LayoutInfo -- ^ Torrent content information. -> FileLayout FileSize -- ^ The all file paths prefixed with the given root. flatLayout prefixPath SingleFile { liFile = FileInfo {..} } = [(prefixPath BC.unpack fiName, fiLength)] flatLayout prefixPath MultiFile {..} = L.map mkPath liFiles where -- TODO use utf8 encoding in name mkPath FileInfo {..} = (_path, fiLength) where _path = prefixPath BC.unpack liDirName joinPath (L.map BC.unpack fiName) -- | Calculate offset of each file based on its length, incrementally. accumPositions :: FileLayout FileSize -> FileLayout (FileOffset, FileSize) accumPositions = go 0 where go !_ [] = [] go !offset ((n, s) : xs) = (n, (offset, s)) : go (offset + s) xs -- | Gives global offset of a content file for a given full path. fileOffset :: FilePath -> FileLayout FileOffset -> Maybe FileOffset fileOffset = L.lookup {-# INLINE fileOffset #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Divide and round up. sizeInBase :: Integral a => a -> Int -> Int sizeInBase n b = fromIntegral (n `div` fromIntegral b) + align where align = if n `mod` fromIntegral b == 0 then 0 else 1 {-# SPECIALIZE sizeInBase :: Int -> Int -> Int #-} {-# SPECIALIZE sizeInBase :: Integer -> Int -> Int #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Piece attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Zero-based index of piece in torrent content. type PieceIx = Int -- | Size of piece in bytes. Should be a power of 2. -- -- NOTE: Have max and min size constrained to wide used -- semi-standard values. This bounds should be used to make decision -- about piece size for new torrents. -- type PieceSize = Int -- | Number of pieces in torrent or a part of torrent. type PieceCount = Int defaultBlockSize :: Int defaultBlockSize = 16 * 1024 -- | Optimal number of pieces in torrent. optimalPieceCount :: PieceCount optimalPieceCount = 1000 {-# INLINE optimalPieceCount #-} -- | Piece size should not be less than this value. minPieceSize :: Int minPieceSize = defaultBlockSize * 4 {-# INLINE minPieceSize #-} -- | To prevent transfer degradation piece size should not exceed this -- value. maxPieceSize :: Int maxPieceSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 {-# INLINE maxPieceSize #-} toPow2 :: Int -> Int #ifdef VERSION_bits_extras toPow2 x = bit $ fromIntegral (leadingZeros (0 :: Int) - leadingZeros x) #else toPow2 x = bit $ fromIntegral (countLeadingZeros (0 :: Int) - countLeadingZeros x) #endif -- | Find the optimal piece size for a given torrent size. defaultPieceSize :: Int64 -> Int defaultPieceSize x = max minPieceSize $ min maxPieceSize $ toPow2 pc where pc = fromIntegral (x `div` fromIntegral optimalPieceCount) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Piece data -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type PieceHash = BS.ByteString hashsize :: Int hashsize = 20 {-# INLINE hashsize #-} -- TODO check if pieceLength is power of 2 -- | Piece payload should be strict or lazy bytestring. data Piece a = Piece { -- | Zero-based piece index in torrent. pieceIndex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PieceIx -- | Payload. , pieceData :: !a } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Functor, Typeable) instance NFData a => NFData (Piece a) where rnf (Piece a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b -- | Payload bytes are omitted. instance Pretty (Piece a) where pPrint Piece {..} = "Piece" <+> braces ("index" <+> "=" <+> int pieceIndex) -- | Get size of piece in bytes. pieceSize :: Piece BL.ByteString -> PieceSize pieceSize Piece {..} = fromIntegral (BL.length pieceData) -- | Get piece hash. hashPiece :: Piece BL.ByteString -> PieceHash hashPiece Piece {..} = Bytes.convert (hashlazy pieceData :: Digest SHA1) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Piece control -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | A flat array of SHA1 hash for each piece. newtype HashList = HashList { unHashList :: BS.ByteString } deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable #ifdef VERSION_bencoding , BEncode #endif ) -- | Empty hash list. instance Default HashList where def = HashList "" -- | Part of torrent file used for torrent content validation. data PieceInfo = PieceInfo { piPieceLength :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PieceSize -- ^ Number of bytes in each piece. , piPieceHashes :: !HashList -- ^ Concatenation of all 20-byte SHA1 hash values. } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable) -- | Number of bytes in each piece. makeLensesFor [("piPieceLength", "pieceLength")] ''PieceInfo -- | Concatenation of all 20-byte SHA1 hash values. makeLensesFor [("piPieceHashes", "pieceHashes")] ''PieceInfo instance NFData PieceInfo where rnf (PieceInfo a (HashList b)) = rnf a `seq` rnf b instance Default PieceInfo where def = PieceInfo 1 def #ifdef VERSION_bencoding putPieceInfo :: Data.Torrent.Put PieceInfo putPieceInfo PieceInfo {..} cont = "piece length" .=! piPieceLength .: "pieces" .=! piPieceHashes .: cont getPieceInfo :: BE.Get PieceInfo getPieceInfo = do PieceInfo <$>! "piece length" <*>! "pieces" instance BEncode PieceInfo where toBEncode = toDict . (`putPieceInfo` endDict) fromBEncode = fromDict getPieceInfo #endif -- | Hashes are omitted. instance Pretty PieceInfo where pPrint PieceInfo {..} = "Piece size: " <> int piPieceLength slice :: Int -> Int -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString slice start len = BS.take len . BS.drop start {-# INLINE slice #-} -- | Extract validation hash by specified piece index. pieceHash :: PieceInfo -> PieceIx -> PieceHash pieceHash PieceInfo {..} i = slice (hashsize * i) hashsize (unHashList piPieceHashes) -- | Find count of pieces in the torrent. If torrent size is not a -- multiple of piece size then the count is rounded up. pieceCount :: PieceInfo -> PieceCount pieceCount PieceInfo {..} = BS.length (unHashList piPieceHashes) `quot` hashsize -- | Test if this is last piece in torrent content. isLastPiece :: PieceInfo -> PieceIx -> Bool isLastPiece ci i = pieceCount ci == succ i -- | Validate piece with metainfo hash. checkPieceLazy :: PieceInfo -> Piece BL.ByteString -> Bool checkPieceLazy pinfo @ PieceInfo {..} Piece {..} = (fromIntegral (BL.length pieceData) == piPieceLength || isLastPiece pinfo pieceIndex) && Bytes.convert (hashlazy pieceData :: Digest SHA1) == pieceHash pinfo pieceIndex {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Info dictionary -----------------------------------------------------------------------} {- note that info hash is actually reduntant field but it's better to keep it here to avoid heavy recomputations -} -- | Info part of the .torrent file contain info about each content file. data InfoDict = InfoDict { idInfoHash :: !InfoHash -- ^ SHA1 hash of the (other) 'DictInfo' fields. , idLayoutInfo :: !LayoutInfo -- ^ File layout (name, size, etc) information. , idPieceInfo :: !PieceInfo -- ^ Content validation information. , idPrivate :: !Bool -- ^ If set the client MUST publish its presence to get other -- peers ONLY via the trackers explicity described in the -- metainfo file. -- -- BEP 27: } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable) makeLensesFor [ ("idInfoHash" , "infohash" ) , ("idLayoutInfo", "layoutInfo") , ("idPieceInfo" , "pieceInfo" ) , ("idPrivate" , "isPrivate" ) ] ''InfoDict instance NFData InfoDict where rnf InfoDict {..} = rnf idLayoutInfo instance Hashable InfoDict where hashWithSalt = Hashable.hashUsing idInfoHash {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} -- | Hash lazy bytestring using SHA1 algorithm. hashLazyIH :: BL.ByteString -> InfoHash hashLazyIH = either (const (error msg)) id . safeConvert . (Bytes.convert :: Digest SHA1 -> BS.ByteString) . hashlazy where msg = "Infohash.hash: impossible: SHA1 is always 20 bytes long" #ifdef VERSION_bencoding -- | Empty info dictionary with zero-length content. instance Default InfoDict where def = infoDictionary def def False -- | Smart constructor: add a info hash to info dictionary. infoDictionary :: LayoutInfo -> PieceInfo -> Bool -> InfoDict infoDictionary li pinfo private = InfoDict ih li pinfo private where ih = hashLazyIH $ BE.encode $ InfoDict def li pinfo private getPrivate :: BE.Get Bool getPrivate = (Just True ==) <$>? "private" putPrivate :: Bool -> BDict -> BDict putPrivate False = id putPrivate True = \ cont -> "private" .=! True .: cont instance BEncode InfoDict where toBEncode InfoDict {..} = toDict $ putLayoutInfo idLayoutInfo $ putPieceInfo idPieceInfo $ putPrivate idPrivate $ endDict fromBEncode dict = (`fromDict` dict) $ do InfoDict ih <$> getLayoutInfo <*> getPieceInfo <*> getPrivate where ih = hashLazyIH (BE.encode dict) #endif ppPrivacy :: Bool -> Doc ppPrivacy privacy = "Privacy: " <> if privacy then "private" else "public" --ppAdditionalInfo :: InfoDict -> Doc --ppAdditionalInfo layout = PP.empty instance Pretty InfoDict where pPrint InfoDict {..} = pPrint idLayoutInfo $$ pPrint idPieceInfo $$ ppPrivacy idPrivate {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Torrent info -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO add torrent file validation -- | Metainfo about particular torrent. data Torrent = Torrent { tAnnounce :: !(Maybe URI) -- ^ The URL of the tracker. , tAnnounceList :: !(Maybe [[URI]]) -- ^ Announce list add multiple tracker support. -- -- BEP 12: , tComment :: !(Maybe Text) -- ^ Free-form comments of the author. , tCreatedBy :: !(Maybe Text) -- ^ Name and version of the program used to create the .torrent. , tCreationDate :: !(Maybe POSIXTime) -- ^ Creation time of the torrent, in standard UNIX epoch. , tEncoding :: !(Maybe Text) -- ^ String encoding format used to generate the pieces part of -- the info dictionary in the .torrent metafile. , tInfoDict :: !InfoDict -- ^ Info about each content file. , tNodes :: !(Maybe [NodeAddr HostName]) -- ^ This key should be set to the /K closest/ nodes in the -- torrent generating client's routing table. Alternatively, the -- key could be set to a known good 'Network.Address.Node' -- such as one operated by the person generating the torrent. -- -- Please do not automatically add \"router.bittorrent.com\" to -- this list because different bittorrent software may prefer to -- use different bootstrap node. , tPublisher :: !(Maybe URI) -- ^ Containing the RSA public key of the publisher of the -- torrent. Private counterpart of this key that has the -- authority to allow new peers onto the swarm. , tPublisherURL :: !(Maybe URI) , tSignature :: !(Maybe BS.ByteString) -- ^ The RSA signature of the info dictionary (specifically, the -- encrypted SHA-1 hash of the info dictionary). } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) makeLensesFor [ ("tAnnounce" , "announce" ) , ("tAnnounceList", "announceList") , ("tComment" , "comment" ) , ("tCreatedBy" , "createdBy" ) , ("tCreationDate", "creationDate") , ("tEncoding" , "encoding" ) , ("tInfoDict" , "infoDict" ) , ("tPublisher" , "publisher" ) , ("tPublisherURL", "publisherURL") , ("tSignature" , "signature" ) ] ''Torrent instance NFData Torrent where rnf Torrent {..} = rnf tInfoDict #ifdef VERSION_bencoding -- TODO move to bencoding instance BEncode URI where toBEncode uri = toBEncode (BC.pack (uriToString id uri "")) {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode (BString s) | Just url <- parseURI (BC.unpack s) = return url fromBEncode b = decodingError $ "url <" ++ show b ++ ">" {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} --pico2uni :: Pico -> Uni --pico2uni = undefined -- TODO move to bencoding instance BEncode POSIXTime where toBEncode pt = toBEncode (floor pt :: Integer) fromBEncode (BInteger i) = return $ fromIntegral i fromBEncode _ = decodingError $ "POSIXTime" -- TODO to bencoding package instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} BEncode String where toBEncode = toBEncode . T.pack fromBEncode v = T.unpack <$> fromBEncode v instance BEncode Torrent where toBEncode Torrent {..} = toDict $ "announce" .=? tAnnounce .: "announce-list" .=? tAnnounceList .: "comment" .=? tComment .: "created by" .=? tCreatedBy .: "creation date" .=? tCreationDate .: "encoding" .=? tEncoding .: "info" .=! tInfoDict .: "nodes" .=? tNodes .: "publisher" .=? tPublisher .: "publisher-url" .=? tPublisherURL .: "signature" .=? tSignature .: endDict fromBEncode = fromDict $ do Torrent <$>? "announce" <*>? "announce-list" <*>? "comment" <*>? "created by" <*>? "creation date" <*>? "encoding" <*>! "info" <*>? "nodes" <*>? "publisher" <*>? "publisher-url" <*>? "signature" #endif (<:>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc name <:> v = name <> ":" <+> v (<:>?) :: Doc -> Maybe Doc -> Doc _ <:>? Nothing = PP.empty name <:>? (Just d) = name <:> d instance Pretty Torrent where pPrint Torrent {..} = "InfoHash: " <> pPrint (idInfoHash tInfoDict) $$ hang "General" 4 generalInfo $$ hang "Tracker" 4 trackers $$ pPrint tInfoDict where trackers = case tAnnounceList of Nothing -> text (show tAnnounce) Just xxs -> vcat $ L.map ppTier $ L.zip [1..] xxs where ppTier (n, xs) = "Tier #" <> int n <:> vcat (L.map (text . show) xs) generalInfo = "Comment" <:>? ((text . T.unpack) <$> tComment) $$ "Created by" <:>? ((text . T.unpack) <$> tCreatedBy) $$ "Created on" <:>? ((text . show . posixSecondsToUTCTime) <$> tCreationDate) $$ "Encoding" <:>? ((text . T.unpack) <$> tEncoding) $$ "Publisher" <:>? ((text . show) <$> tPublisher) $$ "Publisher URL" <:>? ((text . show) <$> tPublisherURL) $$ "Signature" <:>? ((text . show) <$> tSignature) #ifdef VERSION_bencoding -- | No files, no trackers, no nodes, etc... instance Default Torrent where def = nullTorrent def #endif -- | A simple torrent contains only required fields. nullTorrent :: InfoDict -> Torrent nullTorrent info = Torrent Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing info Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | Mime type of torrent files. typeTorrent :: BS.ByteString typeTorrent = "application/x-bittorrent" -- | Extension usually used for torrent files. torrentExt :: String torrentExt = "torrent" -- | Test if this path has proper extension. isTorrentPath :: FilePath -> Bool isTorrentPath filepath = takeExtension filepath == extSeparator : torrentExt #ifdef VERSION_bencoding -- | Read and decode a .torrent file. fromFile :: FilePath -> IO Torrent fromFile filepath = do contents <- BS.readFile filepath case BE.decode contents of Right !t -> return t Left msg -> throwIO $ userError $ msg ++ " while reading torrent file" -- | Encode and write a .torrent file. toFile :: FilePath -> Torrent -> IO () toFile filepath = BL.writeFile filepath . BE.encode #endif {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- URN -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Namespace identifier determines the syntactic interpretation of -- namespace-specific string. type NamespaceId = [Text] -- | BitTorrent Info Hash (hence the name) namespace -- identifier. Namespace-specific string /should/ be a base16\/base32 -- encoded SHA1 hash of the corresponding torrent /info/ dictionary. -- btih :: NamespaceId btih = ["btih"] -- | URN is pesistent location-independent identifier for -- resources. In particular, URNs are used represent torrent names -- as a part of magnet link, see 'Data.Torrent.Magnet.Magnet' for -- more info. -- data URN = URN { urnNamespace :: NamespaceId -- ^ a namespace identifier; , urnString :: Text -- ^ a corresponding -- namespace-specific string. } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Convertible URN InfoHash where safeConvert u @ URN {..} | urnNamespace /= btih = convError "invalid namespace" u | otherwise = safeConvert urnString -- | Make resource name for torrent with corresponding -- infohash. Infohash is base16 (hex) encoded. -- infohashURN :: InfoHash -> URN infohashURN = URN btih . longHex -- | Meaningless placeholder value. instance Default URN where def = infohashURN def ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Render URN to its text representation. renderURN :: URN -> Text renderURN URN {..} = T.intercalate ":" $ "urn" : urnNamespace ++ [urnString] instance Pretty URN where pPrint = text . T.unpack . renderURN instance Show URN where showsPrec n = showsPrec n . T.unpack . renderURN instance QueryValueLike URN where toQueryValue = toQueryValue . renderURN {-# INLINE toQueryValue #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a) _unsnoc [] = Nothing _unsnoc xs = Just (L.init xs, L.last xs) instance Convertible Text URN where safeConvert t = case T.split (== ':') t of uriScheme : body | T.toLower uriScheme == "urn" -> case _unsnoc body of Just (namespace, val) -> pure URN { urnNamespace = namespace , urnString = val } Nothing -> convError "missing URN string" body | otherwise -> convError "invalid URN scheme" uriScheme [] -> convError "missing URN scheme" t instance IsString URN where fromString = either (error . prettyConvertError) id . safeConvert . T.pack -- | Try to parse an URN from its text representation. -- -- Use 'safeConvert' for detailed error messages. -- parseURN :: Text -> Maybe URN parseURN = either (const Nothing) pure . safeConvert {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Magnet -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- $magnet-link -- -- Magnet URI scheme is an standard defining Magnet links. Magnet -- links are refer to resources by hash, in particular magnet links -- can refer to torrent using corresponding infohash. In this way, -- magnet links can be used instead of torrent files. -- -- This module provides bittorrent specific implementation of magnet -- links. -- -- For generic magnet uri scheme see: -- , -- -- -- Bittorrent specific details: -- -- -- TODO multiple exact topics -- TODO render/parse supplement for URI/query -- | An URI used to identify torrent. data Magnet = Magnet { -- | Torrent infohash hash. Can be used in DHT queries if no -- 'tracker' provided. exactTopic :: !InfoHash -- TODO InfoHash -> URN? -- | A filename for the file to download. Can be used to -- display name while waiting for metadata. , displayName :: Maybe Text -- | Size of the resource in bytes. , exactLength :: Maybe Integer -- | URI pointing to manifest, e.g. a list of further items. , manifest :: Maybe Text -- | Search string. , keywordTopic :: Maybe Text -- | A source to be queried after not being able to find and -- download the file in the bittorrent network in a defined -- amount of time. , acceptableSource :: Maybe URI -- | Direct link to the resource. , exactSource :: Maybe URI -- | URI to the tracker. , tracker :: Maybe URI -- | Additional or experimental parameters. , supplement :: Map Text Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable) instance QueryValueLike Integer where toQueryValue = toQueryValue . show instance QueryValueLike URI where toQueryValue = toQueryValue . show instance QueryLike Magnet where toQuery Magnet {..} = [ ("xt", toQueryValue $ infohashURN exactTopic) , ("dn", toQueryValue displayName) , ("xl", toQueryValue exactLength) , ("mt", toQueryValue manifest) , ("kt", toQueryValue keywordTopic) , ("as", toQueryValue acceptableSource) , ("xs", toQueryValue exactSource) , ("tr", toQueryValue tracker) ] instance QueryValueLike Magnet where toQueryValue = toQueryValue . renderMagnet instance Convertible QueryText Magnet where safeConvert xs = do urnStr <- getTextMsg "xt" "exact topic not defined" xs infoHash <- convertVia (error "safeConvert" :: URN) urnStr return Magnet { exactTopic = infoHash , displayName = getText "dn" xs , exactLength = getText "xl" xs >>= getInt , manifest = getText "mt" xs , keywordTopic = getText "kt" xs , acceptableSource = getText "as" xs >>= getURI , exactSource = getText "xs" xs >>= getURI , tracker = getText "tr" xs >>= getURI , supplement = M.empty } where getInt = either (const Nothing) (Just . fst) . signed decimal getURI = parseURI . T.unpack getText p = join . L.lookup p getTextMsg p msg ps = maybe (convError msg xs) pure $ getText p ps magnetScheme :: URI magnetScheme = URI { uriScheme = "magnet:" , uriAuthority = Nothing , uriPath = "" , uriQuery = "" , uriFragment = "" } isMagnetURI :: URI -> Bool isMagnetURI u = u { uriQuery = "" } == magnetScheme -- | Can be used instead of 'parseMagnet'. instance Convertible URI Magnet where safeConvert u @ URI {..} | not (isMagnetURI u) = convError "this is not a magnet link" u | otherwise = safeConvert $ parseQueryText $ BC.pack uriQuery -- | Can be used instead of 'renderMagnet'. instance Convertible Magnet URI where safeConvert m = pure $ magnetScheme { uriQuery = BC.unpack $ renderQuery True $ toQuery m } instance Convertible String Magnet where safeConvert str | Just uri <- parseURI str = safeConvert uri | otherwise = convError "unable to parse uri" str ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Meaningless placeholder value. instance Default Magnet where def = Magnet { exactTopic = def , displayName = Nothing , exactLength = Nothing , manifest = Nothing , keywordTopic = Nothing , acceptableSource = Nothing , exactSource = Nothing , tracker = Nothing , supplement = M.empty } -- | Set 'exactTopic' ('xt' param) only, other params are empty. nullMagnet :: InfoHash -> Magnet nullMagnet u = Magnet { exactTopic = u , displayName = Nothing , exactLength = Nothing , manifest = Nothing , keywordTopic = Nothing , acceptableSource = Nothing , exactSource = Nothing , tracker = Nothing , supplement = M.empty } -- | Like 'nullMagnet' but also include 'displayName' ('dn' param). simpleMagnet :: Torrent -> Magnet simpleMagnet Torrent {tInfoDict = InfoDict {..}} = (nullMagnet idInfoHash) { displayName = Just $ T.decodeUtf8 $ suggestedName idLayoutInfo } -- | Like 'simpleMagnet' but also include 'exactLength' ('xl' param) and -- 'tracker' ('tr' param). -- detailedMagnet :: Torrent -> Magnet detailedMagnet t @ Torrent {tInfoDict = InfoDict {..}, tAnnounce} = (simpleMagnet t) { exactLength = Just $ fromIntegral $ contentLength idLayoutInfo , tracker = tAnnounce } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- parseMagnetStr :: String -> Maybe Magnet parseMagnetStr = either (const Nothing) Just . safeConvert renderMagnetStr :: Magnet -> String renderMagnetStr = show . (convert :: Magnet -> URI) instance Pretty Magnet where pPrint = PP.text . renderMagnetStr instance Show Magnet where show = renderMagnetStr {-# INLINE show #-} instance Read Magnet where readsPrec _ xs | Just m <- parseMagnetStr mstr = [(m, rest)] | otherwise = [] where (mstr, rest) = L.break (== ' ') xs instance IsString Magnet where fromString str = fromMaybe (error msg) $ parseMagnetStr str where msg = "unable to parse magnet: " ++ str -- | Try to parse magnet link from urlencoded string. Use -- 'safeConvert' to find out error location. -- parseMagnet :: Text -> Maybe Magnet parseMagnet = parseMagnetStr . T.unpack {-# INLINE parseMagnet #-} -- | Render magnet link to urlencoded string renderMagnet :: Magnet -> Text renderMagnet = T.pack . renderMagnetStr {-# INLINE renderMagnet #-}