-- | -- Module : Network.Address -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- (c) Daniel Gröber 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Peer and Node addresses. -- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Network.Address ( -- * Address Address (..) , fromAddr , PortNumber , SockAddr -- ** IP , IPv4 , IPv6 , IP (..) , un4map , WantIP (..) , ipFamily , is4mapped , either4or6 -- * PeerId -- $peer-id , PeerId -- ** Generation , genPeerId , timestamp , entropy -- ** Encoding , azureusStyle , shadowStyle , defaultClientId , defaultVersionNumber -- * PeerAddr -- $peer-addr , PeerAddr(..) , defaultPorts , peerSockAddr , peerSocket -- * Node , NodeAddr (..) -- ** Id , testIdBit , bucketRange , genBucketSample , genBucketSample' -- * Fingerprint -- $fingerprint , Software (..) , Fingerprint (..) , libFingerprint , fingerprint -- * Utils , libUserAgent , sockAddrPort , setPort , getBindAddress ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Exception (onException) #ifdef VERSION_bencoding import Data.BEncode as BE import Data.BEncode.BDict (BKey) #endif import Data.Bits import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BS import Data.Char import Data.Convertible import Data.Default import Data.IP import Data.List as L import Data.List.Split as L import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes, mapMaybe) import Data.Monoid import Data.Hashable import Data.Ord import Data.Serialize as S import Data.String import Data.Time import Data.Typeable import Data.Version import Data.Word import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike import Network.Socket import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>)) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding ((<>),($$)) #if !MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) #endif import System.Entropy -- import Paths_bittorrent (version) instance Pretty UTCTime where pPrint = PP.text . show setPort :: PortNumber -> SockAddr -> SockAddr setPort port (SockAddrInet _ h ) = SockAddrInet port h setPort port (SockAddrInet6 _ f h s) = SockAddrInet6 port f h s setPort _ addr = addr {-# INLINE setPort #-} -- | Obtains the port associated with a socket address -- if one is associated with it. sockAddrPort :: SockAddr -> Maybe PortNumber sockAddrPort (SockAddrInet p _ ) = Just p sockAddrPort (SockAddrInet6 p _ _ _) = Just p sockAddrPort _ = Nothing {-# INLINE sockAddrPort #-} class (Eq a, Serialize a, Typeable a, Hashable a, Pretty a) => Address a where toSockAddr :: a -> SockAddr fromSockAddr :: SockAddr -> Maybe a fromAddr :: (Address a, Address b) => a -> Maybe b fromAddr = fromSockAddr . toSockAddr -- | Note that port is zeroed. instance Address IPv4 where toSockAddr = SockAddrInet 0 . toHostAddress fromSockAddr (SockAddrInet _ h) = Just (fromHostAddress h) fromSockAddr _ = Nothing -- | Note that port is zeroed. instance Address IPv6 where toSockAddr h = SockAddrInet6 0 0 (toHostAddress6 h) 0 fromSockAddr (SockAddrInet6 _ _ h _) = Just (fromHostAddress6 h) fromSockAddr _ = Nothing -- | Note that port is zeroed. instance Address IP where toSockAddr (IPv4 h) = toSockAddr h toSockAddr (IPv6 h) = toSockAddr h fromSockAddr sa = IPv4 <$> fromSockAddr sa <|> IPv6 <$> fromSockAddr sa data NodeAddr a = NodeAddr { nodeHost :: !a , nodePort :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PortNumber } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) instance Show a => Show (NodeAddr a) where showsPrec i NodeAddr {..} = showsPrec i nodeHost <> showString ":" <> showsPrec i nodePort instance Read (NodeAddr IPv4) where readsPrec i = RP.readP_to_S $ do ipv4 <- RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) return $ NodeAddr ipv4 port -- | @ instance Default (NodeAddr IPv4) where def = "" -- | KRPC compatible encoding. instance Serialize a => Serialize (NodeAddr a) where get = NodeAddr <$> get <*> get {-# INLINE get #-} put NodeAddr {..} = put nodeHost >> put nodePort {-# INLINE put #-} -- | Example: -- -- @nodePort \"\" == 6881@ -- instance IsString (NodeAddr IPv4) where fromString str | [hostAddrStr, portStr] <- splitWhen (== ':') str , Just hostAddr <- readMaybe hostAddrStr , Just portNum <- toEnum <$> readMaybe portStr = NodeAddr hostAddr portNum | otherwise = error $ "fromString: unable to parse (NodeAddr IPv4): " ++ str instance Hashable a => Hashable (NodeAddr a) where hashWithSalt s NodeAddr {..} = hashWithSalt s (nodeHost, nodePort) {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Pretty ip => Pretty (NodeAddr ip) where pPrint NodeAddr {..} = pPrint nodeHost <> ":" <> pPrint nodePort instance Address PeerAddr where toSockAddr PeerAddr {..} = setPort peerPort $ toSockAddr peerHost fromSockAddr sa = PeerAddr Nothing <$> fromSockAddr sa <*> sockAddrPort sa {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Peer id -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- $peer-id -- -- 'PeerID' represent self assigned peer identificator. Ideally each -- host in the network should have unique peer id to avoid -- collisions, therefore for peer ID generation we use good entropy -- source. Peer ID is sent in /tracker request/, sent and received in -- /peer handshakes/ and used in DHT queries. -- -- TODO use unpacked Word160 form (length is known statically) -- | Peer identifier is exactly 20 bytes long bytestring. newtype PeerId = PeerId { getPeerId :: ByteString } deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable #ifdef VERSION_bencoding , BEncode #endif ) peerIdLen :: Int peerIdLen = 20 -- | For testing purposes only. instance Default PeerId where def = azureusStyle defaultClientId defaultVersionNumber "" instance Hashable PeerId where hashWithSalt = hashUsing getPeerId {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Serialize PeerId where put = putByteString . getPeerId get = PeerId <$> getBytes peerIdLen instance QueryValueLike PeerId where toQueryValue (PeerId pid) = Just pid {-# INLINE toQueryValue #-} instance IsString PeerId where fromString str | BS.length bs == peerIdLen = PeerId bs | otherwise = error $ "Peer id should be 20 bytes long: " ++ show str where bs = fromString str instance Pretty PeerId where pPrint = text . BC.unpack . getPeerId instance Convertible BS.ByteString PeerId where safeConvert bs | BS.length bs == peerIdLen = pure (PeerId bs) | otherwise = convError "invalid length" bs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Pad bytestring so it's becomes exactly request length. Conversion -- is done like so: -- -- * length < size: Complete bytestring by given charaters. -- -- * length = size: Output bytestring as is. -- -- * length > size: Drop last (length - size) charaters from a -- given bytestring. -- byteStringPadded :: ByteString -- ^ bytestring to be padded. -> Int -- ^ size of result builder. -> Char -- ^ character used for padding. -> BS.Builder byteStringPadded bs s c = BS.byteString (BS.take s bs) <> BS.byteString (BC.replicate padLen c) where padLen = s - min (BS.length bs) s -- | Azureus-style encoding have the following layout: -- -- * 1 byte : '-' -- -- * 2 bytes: client id -- -- * 4 bytes: version number -- -- * 1 byte : '-' -- -- * 12 bytes: random number -- azureusStyle :: ByteString -- ^ 2 character client ID, padded with 'H'. -> ByteString -- ^ Version number, padded with 'X'. -> ByteString -- ^ Random number, padded with '0'. -> PeerId -- ^ Azureus-style encoded peer ID. azureusStyle cid ver rnd = PeerId $ BL.toStrict $ BS.toLazyByteString $ BS.char8 '-' <> byteStringPadded cid 2 'H' <> byteStringPadded ver 4 'X' <> BS.char8 '-' <> byteStringPadded rnd 12 '0' -- | Shadow-style encoding have the following layout: -- -- * 1 byte : client id. -- -- * 0-4 bytes: version number. If less than 4 then padded with -- '-' char. -- -- * 15 bytes : random number. If length is less than 15 then -- padded with '0' char. -- shadowStyle :: Char -- ^ Client ID. -> ByteString -- ^ Version number. -> ByteString -- ^ Random number. -> PeerId -- ^ Shadow style encoded peer ID. shadowStyle cid ver rnd = PeerId $ BL.toStrict $ BS.toLazyByteString $ BS.char8 cid <> byteStringPadded ver 4 '-' <> byteStringPadded rnd 15 '0' -- | 'HS'- 2 bytes long client identifier. defaultClientId :: ByteString defaultClientId = "HS" -- | Gives exactly 4 bytes long version number for any version of the -- package. Version is taken from .cabal file. defaultVersionNumber :: ByteString defaultVersionNumber = BS.take 4 $ BC.pack $ foldMap show $ versionBranch myVersion where Fingerprint _ myVersion = libFingerprint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Gives 15 characters long decimal timestamp such that: -- -- * 6 bytes : first 6 characters from picoseconds obtained with %q. -- -- * 1 byte : character \'.\' for readability. -- -- * 9..* bytes: number of whole seconds since the Unix epoch -- (!)REVERSED. -- -- Can be used both with shadow and azureus style encoding. This -- format is used to make the ID's readable for debugging purposes. -- timestamp :: IO ByteString timestamp = (BC.pack . format) <$> getCurrentTime where format t = L.take 6 (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%q" t) ++ "." ++ L.take 9 (L.reverse (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" t)) -- | Gives 15 character long random bytestring. This is more robust -- method for generation of random part of peer ID than 'timestamp'. entropy :: IO ByteString entropy = getEntropy 15 -- NOTE: entropy generates incorrrect peer id -- | Here we use 'azureusStyle' encoding with the following args: -- -- * 'HS' for the client id; ('defaultClientId') -- -- * Version of the package for the version number; -- ('defaultVersionNumber') -- -- * UTC time day ++ day time for the random number. ('timestamp') -- genPeerId :: IO PeerId genPeerId = azureusStyle defaultClientId defaultVersionNumber <$> timestamp {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Peer Addr -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- $peer-addr -- -- 'PeerAddr' is used to represent peer address. Currently it's -- just peer IP and peer port but this might change in future. -- {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Port number -----------------------------------------------------------------------} #ifdef VERSION_bencoding instance BEncode PortNumber where toBEncode = toBEncode . fromEnum fromBEncode = fromBEncode >=> portNumber where portNumber :: Integer -> BE.Result PortNumber portNumber n | 0 <= n && n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16) = pure $ fromIntegral n | otherwise = decodingError $ "PortNumber: " ++ show n #endif {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IP addr -----------------------------------------------------------------------} class IPAddress i where toHostAddr :: i -> Either HostAddress HostAddress6 instance IPAddress IPv4 where toHostAddr = Left . toHostAddress {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} instance IPAddress IPv6 where toHostAddr = Right . toHostAddress6 {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} instance IPAddress IP where toHostAddr (IPv4 ip) = toHostAddr ip toHostAddr (IPv6 ip) = toHostAddr ip {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} deriving instance Typeable IP deriving instance Typeable IPv4 deriving instance Typeable IPv6 #ifdef VERSION_bencoding ipToBEncode :: Show i => i -> BValue ipToBEncode ip = BString $ BS8.pack $ show ip {-# INLINE ipToBEncode #-} ipFromBEncode :: Read a => BValue -> BE.Result a ipFromBEncode (BString (BS8.unpack -> ipStr)) | Just ip <- readMaybe (ipStr) = pure ip | otherwise = decodingError $ "IP: " ++ ipStr ipFromBEncode _ = decodingError $ "IP: addr should be a bstring" instance BEncode IP where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} instance BEncode IPv4 where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} instance BEncode IPv6 where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} #endif -- | Peer address info normally extracted from peer list or peer -- compact list encoding. data PeerAddr = PeerAddr { peerId :: !(Maybe PeerId) -- | This is usually 'IPv4', 'IPv6', 'IP' or unresolved -- 'HostName'. , peerHost :: !IP -- | The port the peer listenning for incoming P2P sessions. , peerPort :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PortNumber } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable) #ifdef VERSION_bencoding peer_ip_key, peer_id_key, peer_port_key :: BKey peer_ip_key = "ip" peer_id_key = "peer id" peer_port_key = "port" -- | The tracker's 'announce response' compatible encoding. instance BEncode PeerAddr where toBEncode PeerAddr {..} = toDict $ peer_ip_key .=! peerHost .: peer_id_key .=? peerId .: peer_port_key .=! peerPort .: endDict fromBEncode = fromDict $ do peerAddr <$>! peer_ip_key <*>? peer_id_key <*>! peer_port_key where peerAddr = flip PeerAddr #endif -- | The tracker's 'compact peer list' compatible encoding. The -- 'peerId' is always 'Nothing'. -- -- For more info see: -- -- WARNING: Input must be exactly 6 or 18 bytes so that we can identify IP version. -- instance Serialize PeerAddr where put PeerAddr {..} = put peerHost >> put peerPort get = do cnt <- remaining PeerAddr Nothing <$> isolate (cnt - 2) get <*> get -- | @ instance Default PeerAddr where def = "" -- | Example: -- -- @peerPort \"\" == 6881@ -- instance IsString PeerAddr where fromString str | [hostAddrStr, portStr] <- splitWhen (== ':') str , Just hostAddr <- readMaybe hostAddrStr , Just portNum <- toEnum <$> readMaybe portStr = PeerAddr Nothing (IPv4 hostAddr) portNum | [((ip,port),"")] <- readsIPv6_port str = PeerAddr Nothing (IPv6 ip) port | otherwise = error $ "fromString: unable to parse IP: " ++ str instance Read PeerAddr where readsPrec i = RP.readP_to_S $ do ip <- IPv4 <$> ( RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) ) <|> IPv6 <$> ( RP.char '[' *> (RP.readS_to_P reads) <* RP.char ']' ) _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) return $ PeerAddr Nothing ip port readsIPv6_port :: String -> [((IPv6, PortNumber), String)] readsIPv6_port = RP.readP_to_S $ do ip <- RP.char '[' *> (RP.readS_to_P reads) <* RP.char ']' _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> read <$> (RP.many1 $ RP.satisfy isDigit) <* RP.eof return (ip,port) -- | fingerprint + "at" + dotted.host.inet.addr:port instance Pretty PeerAddr where pPrint PeerAddr {..} | Just pid <- peerId = pPrint (fingerprint pid) <+> "at" <+> paddr | otherwise = paddr where paddr = pPrint peerHost <> ":" <> text (show peerPort) instance Hashable PeerAddr where hashWithSalt s PeerAddr {..} = s `hashWithSalt` peerId `hashWithSalt` peerHost `hashWithSalt` peerPort -- | Ports typically reserved for bittorrent P2P listener. defaultPorts :: [PortNumber] defaultPorts = [6881..6889] _peerSockAddr :: PeerAddr -> (Family, SockAddr) _peerSockAddr PeerAddr {..} = case peerHost of IPv4 ipv4 -> (AF_INET, SockAddrInet peerPort (toHostAddress ipv4)) IPv6 ipv6 -> (AF_INET6, SockAddrInet6 peerPort 0 (toHostAddress6 ipv6) 0) peerSockAddr :: PeerAddr -> SockAddr peerSockAddr = snd . _peerSockAddr -- | Create a socket connected to the address specified in a peerAddr peerSocket :: SocketType -> PeerAddr -> IO Socket peerSocket socketType pa = do let (family, addr) = _peerSockAddr pa sock <- socket family socketType defaultProtocol connect sock addr return sock {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node info -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- $node-info -- -- A \"node\" is a client\/server listening on a UDP port -- implementing the distributed hash table protocol. The DHT is -- composed of nodes and stores the location of peers. BitTorrent -- clients include a DHT node, which is used to contact other nodes -- in the DHT to get the location of peers to download from using -- the BitTorrent protocol. -- asNodeId :: ByteString -> NodeId -- asNodeId bs = NodeId $ BS.take nodeIdSize bs {- -- | Test if the nth bit is set. testIdBit :: NodeId -> Word -> Bool testIdBit (NodeId bs) i | fromIntegral i < nodeIdSize * 8 , (q, r) <- quotRem (fromIntegral i) 8 = testBit (BS.index bs q) (7 - r) | otherwise = False -} testIdBit :: FiniteBits bs => bs -> Word -> Bool testIdBit bs i = testBit bs (fromIntegral (finiteBitSize bs - 1 - fromIntegral i)) {-# INLINE testIdBit #-} -- | Generate a random 'NodeId' within a range suitable for a bucket. To -- obtain a sample for bucket number /index/ where /is_last/ indicates if this -- is for the current deepest bucket in our routing table: -- -- > sample <- genBucketSample nid (bucketRange index is_last) genBucketSample :: ( FiniteBits nid , Serialize nid ) => nid -> (Int,Word8,Word8) -> IO nid genBucketSample n qmb = genBucketSample' getEntropy n qmb -- | Generalizion of 'genBucketSample' that accepts a byte generator -- function to use instead of the system entropy. genBucketSample' :: forall m dht nid. ( Applicative m , FiniteBits nid , Serialize nid ) => (Int -> m ByteString) -> nid -> (Int,Word8,Word8) -> m nid genBucketSample' gen self (q,m,b) | q <= 0 = either error id . S.decode <$> gen nodeIdSize | q >= nodeIdSize = pure self | otherwise = either error id . S.decode . build <$> gen (nodeIdSize - q + 1) where nodeIdSize = finiteBitSize (undefined :: nid) `div` 8 -- Prepends q bytes to modified input: -- applies mask m -- toggles bit b build tl = BS.init hd <> BS.cons (h .|. t) (BS.tail tl) where hd = BS.take q $ S.encode self h = xor b (complement m .&. BS.last hd) t = m .&. BS.head tl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Accepts a depth/index of a bucket and whether or not it is the last one, -- yields: -- -- count of leading bytes to be copied from your node id. -- -- mask to clear the extra bits of the last copied byte -- -- mask to toggle the last copied bit if it is not the last bucket -- -- Normally this is used with 'genBucketSample' to obtain a random id suitable -- for refreshing a particular bucket. bucketRange :: Int -> Bool -> (Int, Word8, Word8) bucketRange depth is_last = (q,m,b) where (q,r) = divMod ((if is_last then (+7) else (+8)) depth) 8 m = 2^(7-r) - 1 b = if is_last then 0 else 2^(7-r) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef VERSION_bencoding -- | Torrent file compatible encoding. instance BEncode a => BEncode (NodeAddr a) where toBEncode NodeAddr {..} = toBEncode (nodeHost, nodePort) {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode b = uncurry NodeAddr <$> fromBEncode b {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} #endif instance Hashable PortNumber where hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . fromEnum {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Pretty PortNumber where pPrint = PP.int . fromEnum {-# INLINE pPrint #-} instance Serialize PortNumber where get = fromIntegral <$> getWord16be {-# INLINE get #-} put = putWord16be . fromIntegral {-# INLINE put #-} instance Pretty IPv4 where pPrint = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pPrint #-} instance Pretty IPv6 where pPrint = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pPrint #-} instance Pretty IP where pPrint = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pPrint #-} -- | When 'get'ing an IP it must be 'isolate'd to the appropriate -- number of bytes since we have no other way of telling which -- address type we are trying to parse instance Serialize IP where put (IPv4 ip) = put ip put (IPv6 ip) = put ip get = do n <- remaining case n of 4 -> IPv4 <$> get 16 -> IPv6 <$> get _ -> fail (show n ++ " is the wrong number of remaining bytes to parse IP") instance Serialize IPv4 where put = putWord32host . toHostAddress get = fromHostAddress <$> getWord32host instance Serialize IPv6 where put ip = put $ toHostAddress6 ip get = fromHostAddress6 <$> get instance Hashable IPv4 where hashWithSalt = hashUsing toHostAddress {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Hashable IPv6 where hashWithSalt s a = hashWithSalt s (toHostAddress6 a) instance Hashable IP where hashWithSalt s (IPv4 h) = hashWithSalt s h hashWithSalt s (IPv6 h) = hashWithSalt s h ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fingerprint -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- $fingerprint -- -- 'Fingerprint' is used to identify the client implementation and -- version which also contained in 'Peer'. For exsample first 6 -- bytes of peer id of this this library are @-HS0100-@ while for -- mainline we have @M4-3-6--@. We could extract this info and -- print in human-friendly form: this is useful for debugging and -- logging. -- -- For more information see: -- -- -- -- NOTE: Do /not/ use this information to control client -- capabilities (such as supported enchancements), this should be -- done using 'Network.BitTorrent.Extension'! -- -- TODO FIXME version :: Version version = Version [0, 0, 0, 3] [] -- | List of registered client versions + 'IlibHSbittorrent' (this -- package) + 'IUnknown' (for not recognized software). All names are -- prefixed by \"I\" because some of them starts from lowercase letter -- but that is not a valid Haskell constructor name. -- data Software = IUnknown | IMainline | IABC | IOspreyPermaseed | IBTQueue | ITribler | IShadow | IBitTornado -- UPnP(!) Bit Torrent !??? -- 'U' - UPnP NAT Bit Torrent | IBitLord | IOpera | IMLdonkey | IAres | IArctic | IAvicora | IBitPump | IAzureus | IBitBuddy | IBitComet | IBitflu | IBTG | IBitRocket | IBTSlave | IBittorrentX | IEnhancedCTorrent | ICTorrent | IDelugeTorrent | IPropagateDataClient | IEBit | IElectricSheep | IFoxTorrent | IGSTorrent | IHalite | IlibHSbittorrent | IHydranode | IKGet | IKTorrent | ILH_ABC | ILphant | ILibtorrent | ILibTorrent | ILimeWire | IMonoTorrent | IMooPolice | IMiro | IMoonlightTorrent | INetTransport | IPando | IqBittorrent | IQQDownload | IQt4TorrentExample | IRetriever | IShareaza | ISwiftbit | ISwarmScope | ISymTorrent | Isharktorrent | ITorrentDotNET | ITransmission | ITorrentstorm | ITuoTu | IuLeecher | IuTorrent | IVagaa | IBitLet | IFireTorrent | IXunlei | IXanTorrent | IXtorrent | IZipTorrent deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) parseSoftware :: ByteString -> Software parseSoftware = f . BC.unpack where f "AG" = IAres f "A~" = IAres f "AR" = IArctic f "AV" = IAvicora f "AX" = IBitPump f "AZ" = IAzureus f "BB" = IBitBuddy f "BC" = IBitComet f "BF" = IBitflu f "BG" = IBTG f "BR" = IBitRocket f "BS" = IBTSlave f "BX" = IBittorrentX f "CD" = IEnhancedCTorrent f "CT" = ICTorrent f "DE" = IDelugeTorrent f "DP" = IPropagateDataClient f "EB" = IEBit f "ES" = IElectricSheep f "FT" = IFoxTorrent f "GS" = IGSTorrent f "HL" = IHalite f "HS" = IlibHSbittorrent f "HN" = IHydranode f "KG" = IKGet f "KT" = IKTorrent f "LH" = ILH_ABC f "LP" = ILphant f "LT" = ILibtorrent f "lt" = ILibTorrent f "LW" = ILimeWire f "MO" = IMonoTorrent f "MP" = IMooPolice f "MR" = IMiro f "ML" = IMLdonkey f "MT" = IMoonlightTorrent f "NX" = INetTransport f "PD" = IPando f "qB" = IqBittorrent f "QD" = IQQDownload f "QT" = IQt4TorrentExample f "RT" = IRetriever f "S~" = IShareaza f "SB" = ISwiftbit f "SS" = ISwarmScope f "ST" = ISymTorrent f "st" = Isharktorrent f "SZ" = IShareaza f "TN" = ITorrentDotNET f "TR" = ITransmission f "TS" = ITorrentstorm f "TT" = ITuoTu f "UL" = IuLeecher f "UT" = IuTorrent f "VG" = IVagaa f "WT" = IBitLet f "WY" = IFireTorrent f "XL" = IXunlei f "XT" = IXanTorrent f "XX" = IXtorrent f "ZT" = IZipTorrent f _ = IUnknown -- | Used to represent a not recognized implementation instance Default Software where def = IUnknown {-# INLINE def #-} -- | Example: @\"BitLet\" == 'IBitLet'@ instance IsString Software where fromString str | Just impl <- L.lookup str alist = impl | otherwise = error $ "fromString: not recognized " ++ str where alist = L.map mk [minBound..maxBound] mk x = (L.tail $ show x, x) -- | Example: @pPrint 'IBitLet' == \"IBitLet\"@ instance Pretty Software where pPrint = text . L.tail . show -- | Just the '0' version. instance Default Version where def = Version [0] [] {-# INLINE def #-} -- | For dot delimited version strings. -- Example: @fromString \"\" == Version [0, 1, 0, 2]@ -- instance IsString Version where fromString str | Just nums <- chunkNums str = Version nums [] | otherwise = error $ "fromString: invalid version string " ++ str where chunkNums = sequence . L.map readMaybe . L.linesBy ('.' ==) instance Pretty Version where pPrint = text . showVersion -- | The all sensible infomation that can be obtained from a peer -- identifier or torrent /createdBy/ field. data Fingerprint = Fingerprint Software Version deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Unrecognized client implementation. instance Default Fingerprint where def = Fingerprint def def {-# INLINE def #-} -- | Example: @\"BitComet-1.2\" == ClientInfo IBitComet (Version [1, 2] [])@ instance IsString Fingerprint where fromString str | _ : ver <- _ver = Fingerprint (fromString impl) (fromString ver) | otherwise = error $ "fromString: invalid client info string" ++ str where (impl, _ver) = L.span ((/=) '-') str instance Pretty Fingerprint where pPrint (Fingerprint s v) = pPrint s <+> "version" <+> pPrint v -- | Fingerprint of this (the bittorrent library) package. Normally, -- applications should introduce its own fingerprints, otherwise they -- can use 'libFingerprint' value. -- libFingerprint :: Fingerprint libFingerprint = Fingerprint IlibHSbittorrent version -- | HTTP user agent of this (the bittorrent library) package. Can be -- used in HTTP tracker requests. libUserAgent :: String libUserAgent = render (pPrint IlibHSbittorrent <> "/" <> pPrint version) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For torrent file -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO collect information about createdBy torrent field -- renderImpl :: ClientImpl -> Text -- renderImpl = T.pack . L.tail . show -- -- renderVersion :: Version -> Text -- renderVersion = undefined -- -- renderClientInfo :: ClientInfo -> Text -- renderClientInfo ClientInfo {..} = renderImpl ciImpl <> "/" <> renderVersion ciVersion -- -- parseClientInfo :: Text -> ClientImpl -- parseClientInfo t = undefined -- code used for generation; remove it later on -- -- mkEnumTyDef :: NM -> String -- mkEnumTyDef = unlines . map (" | I" ++) . nub . map snd -- -- mkPars :: NM -> String -- mkPars = unlines . map (\(code, impl) -> " f \"" ++ code ++ "\" = " ++ "I" ++ impl) -- -- type NM = [(String, String)] -- nameMap :: NM -- nameMap = -- [ ("AG", "Ares") -- , ("A~", "Ares") -- , ("AR", "Arctic") -- , ("AV", "Avicora") -- , ("AX", "BitPump") -- , ("AZ", "Azureus") -- , ("BB", "BitBuddy") -- , ("BC", "BitComet") -- , ("BF", "Bitflu") -- , ("BG", "BTG") -- , ("BR", "BitRocket") -- , ("BS", "BTSlave") -- , ("BX", "BittorrentX") -- , ("CD", "EnhancedCTorrent") -- , ("CT", "CTorrent") -- , ("DE", "DelugeTorrent") -- , ("DP", "PropagateDataClient") -- , ("EB", "EBit") -- , ("ES", "ElectricSheep") -- , ("FT", "FoxTorrent") -- , ("GS", "GSTorrent") -- , ("HL", "Halite") -- , ("HS", "libHSnetwork_bittorrent") -- , ("HN", "Hydranode") -- , ("KG", "KGet") -- , ("KT", "KTorrent") -- , ("LH", "LH_ABC") -- , ("LP", "Lphant") -- , ("LT", "Libtorrent") -- , ("lt", "LibTorrent") -- , ("LW", "LimeWire") -- , ("MO", "MonoTorrent") -- , ("MP", "MooPolice") -- , ("MR", "Miro") -- , ("MT", "MoonlightTorrent") -- , ("NX", "NetTransport") -- , ("PD", "Pando") -- , ("qB", "qBittorrent") -- , ("QD", "QQDownload") -- , ("QT", "Qt4TorrentExample") -- , ("RT", "Retriever") -- , ("S~", "Shareaza") -- , ("SB", "Swiftbit") -- , ("SS", "SwarmScope") -- , ("ST", "SymTorrent") -- , ("st", "sharktorrent") -- , ("SZ", "Shareaza") -- , ("TN", "TorrentDotNET") -- , ("TR", "Transmission") -- , ("TS", "Torrentstorm") -- , ("TT", "TuoTu") -- , ("UL", "uLeecher") -- , ("UT", "uTorrent") -- , ("VG", "Vagaa") -- , ("WT", "BitLet") -- , ("WY", "FireTorrent") -- , ("XL", "Xunlei") -- , ("XT", "XanTorrent") -- , ("XX", "Xtorrent") -- , ("ZT", "ZipTorrent") -- ] -- TODO use regexps -- | Tries to extract meaningful information from peer ID bytes. If -- peer id uses unknown coding style then client info returned is -- 'def'. -- fingerprint :: PeerId -> Fingerprint fingerprint pid = either (const def) id $ runGet getCI (getPeerId pid) where getCI = do leading <- BS.w2c <$> getWord8 case leading of '-' -> Fingerprint <$> getAzureusImpl <*> getAzureusVersion 'M' -> Fingerprint <$> pure IMainline <*> getMainlineVersion 'e' -> Fingerprint <$> getBitCometImpl <*> getBitCometVersion 'F' -> Fingerprint <$> getBitCometImpl <*> getBitCometVersion c -> do c1 <- BS.w2c <$> S.lookAhead getWord8 if c1 == 'P' then do _ <- getWord8 Fingerprint <$> pure IOpera <*> getOperaVersion else Fingerprint <$> pure (getShadowImpl c) <*> getShadowVersion getMainlineVersion = do str <- BC.unpack <$> getByteString 7 let mnums = L.filter (not . L.null) $ L.linesBy ('-' ==) str return $ Version (fromMaybe [] $ sequence $ L.map readMaybe mnums) [] getAzureusImpl = parseSoftware <$> getByteString 2 getAzureusVersion = mkVer <$> getByteString 4 where mkVer bs = Version [fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe $ BC.unpack bs] [] getBitCometImpl = do bs <- getByteString 3 S.lookAhead $ do _ <- getByteString 2 lr <- getByteString 4 return $ if lr == "LORD" then IBitLord else if bs == "UTB" then IBitComet else if bs == "xbc" then IBitComet else def getBitCometVersion = do x <- getWord8 y <- getWord8 return $ Version [fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y] [] getOperaVersion = do str <- BC.unpack <$> getByteString 4 return $ Version [fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe str] [] getShadowImpl 'A' = IABC getShadowImpl 'O' = IOspreyPermaseed getShadowImpl 'Q' = IBTQueue getShadowImpl 'R' = ITribler getShadowImpl 'S' = IShadow getShadowImpl 'T' = IBitTornado getShadowImpl _ = IUnknown decodeShadowVerNr :: Char -> Maybe Int decodeShadowVerNr c | '0' < c && c <= '9' = Just (fromEnum c - fromEnum '0') | 'A' < c && c <= 'Z' = Just ((fromEnum c - fromEnum 'A') + 10) | 'a' < c && c <= 'z' = Just ((fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a') + 36) | otherwise = Nothing getShadowVersion = do str <- BC.unpack <$> getByteString 5 return $ Version (catMaybes $ L.map decodeShadowVerNr str) [] -- | Given a string specifying a port (numeric or service name) -- and a flag indicating whether you want to support IPv6, this -- function will return a SockAddr to bind to. If the input -- is not understood as a port number, zero will be set in order -- to ask the system for an unused port. -- -- TODO: Also interpret local ip address specifications in the input -- string. getBindAddress :: String -> Bool -> IO SockAddr getBindAddress listenPortString enabled6 = do -- Bind addresses for localhost xs <- getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints {addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE] })) Nothing (Just listenPortString) `onException` return [] -- We prefer IPv6 because that can also handle connections from IPv4 -- clients... let (x6s,x4s) = partition (\s -> addrFamily s == AF_INET6) xs listenAddr = case if enabled6 then x6s++x4s else x4s of AddrInfo { addrAddress = addr } : _ -> addr _ -> if enabled6 then SockAddrInet6 (parsePort listenPortString) 0 iN6ADDR_ANY 0 else SockAddrInet (parsePort listenPortString) iNADDR_ANY where parsePort s = fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe s return listenAddr -- | True if the argument is an IPv4-mapped address with prefix ::FFFF:0:0/96 -- as defined in RFC 4291. is4mapped :: IPv6 -> Bool is4mapped ip | [0,0,0,0,0,0xffff,_,_] <- fromIPv6 ip = True | otherwise = False un4map :: IPv6 -> Maybe IPv4 un4map ip | [0,0,0,0,0,0xffff,x,y] <- fromIPv6 ip = Just $ toIPv4 $ L.map (.&. 0xFF) [x `shiftR` 8, x, y `shiftR` 8, y ] | otherwise = Nothing ipFamily :: IP -> WantIP ipFamily ip = case ip of IPv4 _ -> Want_IP4 IPv6 a | is4mapped a -> Want_IP4 | otherwise -> Want_IP6 either4or6 :: SockAddr -> Either SockAddr SockAddr either4or6 a4@(SockAddrInet port addr) = Left a4 either4or6 a6@(SockAddrInet6 port _ addr _) | Just ip4 <- (fromSockAddr a6 >>= un4map) = Left (setPort port $ toSockAddr ip4) | otherwise = Right a6 data WantIP = Want_IP4 | Want_IP6 | Want_Both deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord, Show)