{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Client ( -- * Options Options (..) -- * Client session , Client -- ** Session data , clientPeerId , clientListenerPort , allowedExtensions -- ** Session initialization , newClient , closeClient , withClient , simpleClient -- * BitTorrent monad , MonadBitTorrent (..) , BitTorrent , runBitTorrent , getClient -- * Handle , TorrentSource (..) , closeHandle , start , pause , stop ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Data.Default import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Maybe import Data.Text import Network import Data.Torrent import Data.Torrent.InfoHash import Data.Torrent.Magnet import Network.BitTorrent.Client.Types import Network.BitTorrent.Client.Handle import Network.BitTorrent.Core import Network.BitTorrent.DHT as DHT hiding (Options) import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker as Tracker hiding (Options) import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange as Exchange hiding (Options) import qualified Network.BitTorrent.Exchange as Exchange (Options(..)) data Options = Options { optFingerprint :: Fingerprint , optName :: Text , optPort :: PortNumber , optExtensions :: [Extension] , optNodeAddr :: NodeAddr IPv4 , optBootNode :: Maybe (NodeAddr IPv4) } instance Default Options where def = Options { optFingerprint = def , optName = "hs-bittorrent" , optPort = 6882 , optExtensions = [] , optNodeAddr = "" , optBootNode = Nothing } exchangeOptions :: PeerId -> Options -> Exchange.Options exchangeOptions pid Options {..} = Exchange.Options { optPeerAddr = PeerAddr (Just pid) (peerHost def) optPort , optBacklog = optBacklog def } --connHandler :: HashMap InfoHash Handle -> Handler connHandler tmap = undefined newClient :: Options -> LogFun -> IO Client newClient opts @ Options {..} logger = do pid <- genPeerId tmap <- newMVar HM.empty tmgr <- Tracker.newManager def (PeerInfo pid Nothing optPort) emgr <- Exchange.newManager (exchangeOptions pid opts) connHandler node <- do node <- startNode handlers def optNodeAddr logger runDHT node $ bootstrap (maybeToList optBootNode) return node return Client { clientPeerId = pid , clientListenerPort = optPort , allowedExtensions = toCaps optExtensions , trackerManager = tmgr , exchangeManager = emgr , clientNode = node , clientTorrents = tmap , clientLogger = logger } closeClient :: Client -> IO () closeClient Client {..} = do Exchange.closeManager exchangeManager Tracker.closeManager trackerManager DHT.stopNode clientNode return () -- closeNode clientNode withClient :: Options -> LogFun -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a withClient opts lf action = bracket (newClient opts lf) closeClient action -- | Run bittorrent client with default options and log to @stderr@. -- -- For testing purposes only. -- simpleClient :: BitTorrent () -> IO () simpleClient m = do runStderrLoggingT $ LoggingT $ \ logger -> do withClient def logger (`runBitTorrent` m) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Torrent identifiers -----------------------------------------------------------------------} class TorrentSource s where openHandle :: FilePath -> s -> BitTorrent Handle instance TorrentSource InfoHash where openHandle path ih = openMagnet path (nullMagnet ih) {-# INLINE openHandle #-} instance TorrentSource Magnet where openHandle = openMagnet {-# INLINE openHandle #-} instance TorrentSource InfoDict where openHandle path dict = openTorrent path (nullTorrent dict) {-# INLINE openHandle #-} instance TorrentSource Torrent where openHandle = openTorrent {-# INLINE openHandle #-} instance TorrentSource FilePath where openHandle contentDir torrentPath = do t <- liftIO $ fromFile torrentPath openTorrent contentDir t {-# INLINE openHandle #-}