module Network.BitTorrent.Client.Handle ( -- * Handle Handle -- * Initialization , openTorrent , openMagnet , closeHandle -- * Control , start , pause , stop -- * Query , getHandle , HandleState , getState ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.List as L import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Torrent import Data.Torrent.InfoHash import Data.Torrent.Magnet import Network.BitTorrent.Client.Types import Network.BitTorrent.DHT as DHT import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange as Exchange import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker as Tracker {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Safe handle set manupulation -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Guarantees that we newer allocate the same handle twice. allocHandle :: InfoHash -> BitTorrent Handle -> BitTorrent Handle allocHandle ih m = do c @ Client {..} <- getClient liftIO $ modifyMVar clientTorrents $ \ handles -> do case HM.lookup ih handles of Just h -> return (handles, h) Nothing -> do h <- runBitTorrent c m return (HM.insert ih h handles, h) -- | freeHandle :: InfoHash -> BitTorrent () -> BitTorrent () freeHandle ih finalizer = do c @ Client {..} <- getClient liftIO $ modifyMVar_ clientTorrents $ \ handles -> do case HM.lookup ih handles of Nothing -> return handles Just _ -> do runBitTorrent c finalizer return (HM.delete ih handles) -- | lookupHandle :: InfoHash -> BitTorrent (Maybe Handle) lookupHandle ih = do Client {..} <- getClient handles <- liftIO $ readMVar clientTorrents return (HM.lookup ih handles) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialization -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Open a torrent in 'stop'ed state. Use 'nullTorrent' to open -- handle from 'InfoDict'. This operation do not block. openTorrent :: FilePath -> Torrent -> BitTorrent Handle openTorrent rootPath t @ Torrent {..} = do let ih = idInfoHash tInfoDict allocHandle ih $ do c @ Client {..} <- getClient tses <- liftIO $ Tracker.newSession ih (trackerList t) eses <- liftIO $ Exchange.newSession clientLogger (externalAddr c) rootPath tInfoDict return $ Handle { topic = ih , private = idPrivate tInfoDict , trackers = tses , exchange = eses } -- | Use 'nullMagnet' to open handle from 'InfoHash'. openMagnet :: FilePath -> Magnet -> BitTorrent Handle openMagnet rootPath uri @ Magnet {..} = error "openMagnet: not implemnted" -- | Stop torrent and destroy all sessions. You don't need to close -- handles at application exit, all handles will be automatically -- closed at 'Network.BitTorrent.Client.closeClient'. This operation -- may block. closeHandle :: Handle -> BitTorrent () closeHandle h @ Handle {..} = do freeHandle topic $ do stop h liftIO $ Exchange.closeSession exchange liftIO $ Tracker.closeSession trackers {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Control -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Start downloading, uploading and announcing this torrent. -- -- This operation is blocking, use -- 'Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.async' if needed. start :: Handle -> BitTorrent () start Handle {..} = do Client {..} <- getClient liftIO $ Tracker.notify trackerManager trackers Tracker.Started unless private $ do liftDHT $ DHT.insert topic (error "start") liftIO $ do peers <- askPeers trackerManager trackers print $ "got: " ++ show (L.length peers) ++ " peers" forM_ peers $ \ peer -> do Exchange.connect peer exchange -- | Stop downloading this torrent. pause :: Handle -> BitTorrent () pause _ = return () -- | Stop downloading, uploading and announcing this torrent. stop :: Handle -> BitTorrent () stop Handle {..} = do Client {..} <- getClient unless private $ do liftDHT $ DHT.delete topic (error "stop") liftIO $ Tracker.notify trackerManager trackers Tracker.Stopped {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Query -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data HandleState = Running | Paused | Stopped getHandle :: InfoHash -> BitTorrent Handle getHandle ih = do mhandle <- lookupHandle ih case mhandle of Nothing -> error "should we throw some exception?" Just h -> return h getState :: Handle -> IO HandleState getState = undefined