-- | -- Module : Network.BitTorrent.Core.Node -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- (c) Daniel Gröber 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- A \"node\" is a client\/server listening on a UDP port -- implementing the distributed hash table protocol. The DHT is -- composed of nodes and stores the location of peers. BitTorrent -- clients include a DHT node, which is used to contact other nodes -- in the DHT to get the location of peers to download from using -- the BitTorrent protocol. -- {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Core.NodeInfo ( -- * Node ID NodeId , testIdBit , genNodeId -- ** Node distance , NodeDistance , distance -- * Node address , NodeAddr (..) -- * Node info , NodeInfo (..) , rank ) where import Control.Applicative import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON) import Data.Aeson.TH import Data.Bits import Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16 import Data.BEncode as BE import Data.Default import Data.Hashable import Data.Foldable import Data.IP import Data.List as L import Data.Monoid import Data.Ord import Data.Serialize as S import Data.String import Data.Typeable import Data.Word import Network import System.Entropy import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>)) import Text.PrettyPrint.Class import Data.Torrent.JSON import Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr (PeerAddr (..)) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node id -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO more compact representation ('ShortByteString's?) -- | Each node has a globally unique identifier known as the \"node -- ID.\" -- -- Normally, /this/ node id should be saved between invocations -- of the client software. newtype NodeId = NodeId ByteString deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, BEncode, FromJSON, ToJSON, Typeable) nodeIdSize :: Int nodeIdSize = 20 -- | Meaningless node id, for testing purposes only. instance Default NodeId where def = NodeId (BS.replicate nodeIdSize 0) instance Serialize NodeId where get = NodeId <$> getByteString nodeIdSize {-# INLINE get #-} put (NodeId bs) = putByteString bs {-# INLINE put #-} -- | ASCII encoded. instance IsString NodeId where fromString str | L.length str == nodeIdSize = NodeId (fromString str) | otherwise = error "fromString: invalid NodeId length" {-# INLINE fromString #-} -- | base16 encoded. instance Pretty NodeId where pretty (NodeId nid) = PP.text $ BC.unpack $ Base16.encode nid -- | Test if the nth bit is set. testIdBit :: NodeId -> Word -> Bool testIdBit (NodeId bs) i | fromIntegral i < nodeIdSize * 8 , (q, r) <- quotRem (fromIntegral i) 8 = testBit (BS.index bs q) r | otherwise = False {-# INLINE testIdBit #-} -- TODO WARN is the 'system' random suitable for this? -- | Generate random NodeID used for the entire session. -- Distribution of ID's should be as uniform as possible. -- genNodeId :: IO NodeId genNodeId = NodeId <$> getEntropy nodeIdSize {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node distance -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | In Kademlia, the distance metric is XOR and the result is -- interpreted as an unsigned integer. newtype NodeDistance = NodeDistance BS.ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Pretty NodeDistance where pretty (NodeDistance bs) = foldMap bitseq $ BS.unpack bs where listBits w = L.map (testBit w) (L.reverse [0..bitSize w - 1]) bitseq = foldMap (int . fromEnum) . listBits -- | distance(A,B) = |A xor B| Smaller values are closer. distance :: NodeId -> NodeId -> NodeDistance distance (NodeId a) (NodeId b) = NodeDistance (BS.pack (BS.zipWith xor a b)) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node address -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data NodeAddr a = NodeAddr { nodeHost :: !a , nodePort :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PortNumber } deriving (Eq, Typeable, Functor) $(deriveJSON omitRecordPrefix ''NodeAddr) instance Show a => Show (NodeAddr a) where showsPrec i NodeAddr {..} = showsPrec i nodeHost <> showString ":" <> showsPrec i nodePort instance Read (NodeAddr IPv4) where readsPrec i x = [ (fromPeerAddr a, s) | (a, s) <- readsPrec i x ] -- | @ instance Default (NodeAddr IPv4) where def = "" -- | KRPC compatible encoding. instance Serialize a => Serialize (NodeAddr a) where get = NodeAddr <$> get <*> get {-# INLINE get #-} put NodeAddr {..} = put nodeHost >> put nodePort {-# INLINE put #-} -- | Torrent file compatible encoding. instance BEncode a => BEncode (NodeAddr a) where toBEncode NodeAddr {..} = toBEncode (nodeHost, nodePort) {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode b = uncurry NodeAddr <$> fromBEncode b {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} instance Hashable a => Hashable (NodeAddr a) where hashWithSalt s NodeAddr {..} = hashWithSalt s (nodeHost, nodePort) {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Pretty ip => Pretty (NodeAddr ip) where pretty NodeAddr {..} = pretty nodeHost <> ":" <> pretty nodePort -- | Example: -- -- @nodePort \"\" == 6881@ -- instance IsString (NodeAddr IPv4) where fromString = fromPeerAddr . fromString fromPeerAddr :: PeerAddr a -> NodeAddr a fromPeerAddr PeerAddr {..} = NodeAddr { nodeHost = peerHost , nodePort = peerPort } {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node info -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data NodeInfo a = NodeInfo { nodeId :: !NodeId , nodeAddr :: !(NodeAddr a) } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) $(deriveJSON omitRecordPrefix ''NodeInfo) instance Eq a => Ord (NodeInfo a) where compare = comparing nodeId -- | KRPC 'compact list' compatible encoding: contact information for -- nodes is encoded as a 26-byte string. Also known as "Compact node -- info" the 20-byte Node ID in network byte order has the compact -- IP-address/port info concatenated to the end. instance Serialize a => Serialize (NodeInfo a) where get = NodeInfo <$> get <*> get put NodeInfo {..} = put nodeId >> put nodeAddr instance Pretty ip => Pretty (NodeInfo ip) where pretty NodeInfo {..} = pretty nodeId <> "@(" <> pretty nodeAddr <> ")" instance Pretty ip => Pretty [NodeInfo ip] where pretty = PP.vcat . PP.punctuate "," . L.map pretty -- | Order by closeness: nearest nodes first. rank :: Eq ip => NodeId -> [NodeInfo ip] -> [NodeInfo ip] rank nid = L.sortBy (comparing (distance nid . nodeId))