-- | -- Module : Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- (c) Daniel Gröber 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- 'PeerAddr' is used to represent peer address. Currently it's -- just peer IP and peer port but this might change in future. -- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- for PortNumber instances module Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr ( -- * Peer address PeerAddr(..) , defaultPorts , peerSockAddr , peerSocket -- * Peer storage , PeerStore , Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr.lookup , Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr.insert ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON) import Data.Aeson.TH import Data.BEncode as BS import Data.BEncode.BDict (BKey) import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import Data.Char import Data.Default import Data.Hashable import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.IP import Data.List as L import Data.List.Split import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Serialize as S import Data.String import Data.Typeable import Data.Word import Network.Socket import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>)) import Text.PrettyPrint.Class import Text.Read (readMaybe) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP import Data.Torrent.InfoHash import Data.Torrent.JSON import Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerId {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Port number -----------------------------------------------------------------------} deriving instance ToJSON PortNumber deriving instance FromJSON PortNumber instance BEncode PortNumber where toBEncode = toBEncode . fromEnum fromBEncode = fromBEncode >=> portNumber where portNumber :: Integer -> BS.Result PortNumber portNumber n | 0 <= n && n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16) = pure $ fromIntegral n | otherwise = decodingError $ "PortNumber: " ++ show n instance Serialize PortNumber where get = fromIntegral <$> getWord16be {-# INLINE get #-} put = putWord16be . fromIntegral {-# INLINE put #-} instance Hashable PortNumber where hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . fromEnum {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Pretty PortNumber where pretty = PP.int . fromEnum {-# INLINE pretty #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IP addr -----------------------------------------------------------------------} class IPAddress i where toHostAddr :: i -> Either HostAddress HostAddress6 instance IPAddress IPv4 where toHostAddr = Left . toHostAddress {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} instance IPAddress IPv6 where toHostAddr = Right . toHostAddress6 {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} instance IPAddress IP where toHostAddr (IPv4 ip) = toHostAddr ip toHostAddr (IPv6 ip) = toHostAddr ip {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} deriving instance Typeable IP deriving instance Typeable IPv4 deriving instance Typeable IPv6 ipToBEncode :: Show i => i -> BValue ipToBEncode ip = BString $ BS8.pack $ show ip {-# INLINE ipToBEncode #-} ipFromBEncode :: Read a => BValue -> BS.Result a ipFromBEncode (BString (BS8.unpack -> ipStr)) | Just ip <- readMaybe (ipStr) = pure ip | otherwise = decodingError $ "IP: " ++ ipStr ipFromBEncode _ = decodingError $ "IP: addr should be a bstring" instance BEncode IP where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} instance BEncode IPv4 where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} instance BEncode IPv6 where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} -- | When 'get'ing an IP it must be 'isolate'd to the appropriate -- number of bytes since we have no other way of telling which -- address type we are trying to parse instance Serialize IP where put (IPv4 ip) = put ip put (IPv6 ip) = put ip get = do n <- remaining case n of 4 -> IPv4 <$> get 16 -> IPv6 <$> get _ -> fail "Wrong number of bytes remaining to parse IP" instance Serialize IPv4 where put = putWord32host . toHostAddress get = fromHostAddress <$> getWord32host instance Serialize IPv6 where put ip = put $ toHostAddress6 ip get = fromHostAddress6 <$> get instance Pretty IPv4 where pretty = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pretty #-} instance Pretty IPv6 where pretty = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pretty #-} instance Pretty IP where pretty = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pretty #-} instance Hashable IPv4 where hashWithSalt = hashUsing toHostAddress {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Hashable IPv6 where hashWithSalt s a = hashWithSalt s (toHostAddress6 a) instance Hashable IP where hashWithSalt s (IPv4 h) = hashWithSalt s h hashWithSalt s (IPv6 h) = hashWithSalt s h {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Peer addr -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO check semantic of ord and eq instances -- | Peer address info normally extracted from peer list or peer -- compact list encoding. data PeerAddr a = PeerAddr { peerId :: !(Maybe PeerId) -- | This is usually 'IPv4', 'IPv6', 'IP' or unresolved -- 'HostName'. , peerHost :: !a -- | The port the peer listenning for incoming P2P sessions. , peerPort :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PortNumber } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Functor) $(deriveJSON omitRecordPrefix ''PeerAddr) peer_ip_key, peer_id_key, peer_port_key :: BKey peer_ip_key = "ip" peer_id_key = "peer id" peer_port_key = "port" -- | The tracker's 'announce response' compatible encoding. instance (Typeable a, BEncode a) => BEncode (PeerAddr a) where toBEncode PeerAddr {..} = toDict $ peer_ip_key .=! peerHost .: peer_id_key .=? peerId .: peer_port_key .=! peerPort .: endDict fromBEncode = fromDict $ do peerAddr <$>! peer_ip_key <*>? peer_id_key <*>! peer_port_key where peerAddr = flip PeerAddr -- | The tracker's 'compact peer list' compatible encoding. The -- 'peerId' is always 'Nothing'. -- -- For more info see: -- -- TODO: test byte order instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (PeerAddr a) where put PeerAddr {..} = put peerHost >> put peerPort get = PeerAddr Nothing <$> get <*> get -- | @ instance Default (PeerAddr IPv4) where def = "" -- | @ instance Default (PeerAddr IP) where def = IPv4 <$> def -- | Example: -- -- @peerPort \"\" == 6881@ -- instance IsString (PeerAddr IPv4) where fromString str | [hostAddrStr, portStr] <- splitWhen (== ':') str , Just hostAddr <- readMaybe hostAddrStr , Just portNum <- toEnum <$> readMaybe portStr = PeerAddr Nothing hostAddr portNum | otherwise = error $ "fromString: unable to parse (PeerAddr IPv4): " ++ str instance Read (PeerAddr IPv4) where readsPrec i = RP.readP_to_S $ do ipv4 <- RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) return $ PeerAddr Nothing ipv4 port readsIPv6_port :: String -> [((IPv6, PortNumber), String)] readsIPv6_port = RP.readP_to_S $ do ip <- RP.char '[' *> (RP.readS_to_P reads) <* RP.char ']' _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> read <$> (RP.many1 $ RP.satisfy isDigit) <* RP.eof return (ip,port) instance IsString (PeerAddr IPv6) where fromString str | [((ip,port),"")] <- readsIPv6_port str = PeerAddr Nothing ip port | otherwise = error $ "fromString: unable to parse (PeerAddr IPv6): " ++ str instance IsString (PeerAddr IP) where fromString str | '[' `L.elem` str = IPv6 <$> fromString str | otherwise = IPv4 <$> fromString str -- | fingerprint + "at" + dotted.host.inet.addr:port -- TODO: instances for IPv6, HostName instance Pretty a => Pretty (PeerAddr a) where pretty PeerAddr {..} | Just pid <- peerId = pretty (fingerprint pid) <+> "at" <+> paddr | otherwise = paddr where paddr = pretty peerHost <> ":" <> text (show peerPort) instance Hashable a => Hashable (PeerAddr a) where hashWithSalt s PeerAddr {..} = s `hashWithSalt` peerId `hashWithSalt` peerHost `hashWithSalt` peerPort -- | Ports typically reserved for bittorrent P2P listener. defaultPorts :: [PortNumber] defaultPorts = [6881..6889] _resolvePeerAddr :: (IPAddress i) => PeerAddr HostName -> PeerAddr i _resolvePeerAddr = undefined _peerSockAddr :: PeerAddr IP -> (Family, SockAddr) _peerSockAddr PeerAddr {..} = case peerHost of IPv4 ipv4 -> (AF_INET, SockAddrInet peerPort (toHostAddress ipv4)) IPv6 ipv6 -> (AF_INET6, SockAddrInet6 peerPort 0 (toHostAddress6 ipv6) 0) peerSockAddr :: PeerAddr IP -> SockAddr peerSockAddr = snd . _peerSockAddr -- | Create a socket connected to the address specified in a peerAddr peerSocket :: SocketType -> PeerAddr IP -> IO Socket peerSocket socketType pa = do let (family, addr) = _peerSockAddr pa sock <- socket family socketType defaultProtocol connect sock addr return sock {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Peer storage -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO use more memory efficient representation -- | Storage used to keep track a set of known peers in client, -- tracker or DHT sessions. newtype PeerStore ip = PeerStore (HashMap InfoHash [PeerAddr ip]) -- | Empty store. instance Default (PeerStore a) where def = PeerStore HM.empty {-# INLINE def #-} -- | Monoid under union operation. instance Eq a => Monoid (PeerStore a) where mempty = def {-# INLINE mempty #-} mappend (PeerStore a) (PeerStore b) = PeerStore (HM.unionWith L.union a b) {-# INLINE mappend #-} -- | Can be used to store peers between invocations of the client -- software. instance Serialize (PeerStore a) where get = undefined put = undefined -- | Used in 'get_peers' DHT queries. lookup :: InfoHash -> PeerStore a -> [PeerAddr a] lookup ih (PeerStore m) = fromMaybe [] $ HM.lookup ih m -- | Used in 'announce_peer' DHT queries. insert :: Eq a => InfoHash -> PeerAddr a -> PeerStore a -> PeerStore a insert ih a (PeerStore m) = PeerStore (HM.insertWith L.union ih [a] m)