-- | -- Module : Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- (c) Daniel Gröber 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- 'PeerAddr' is used to represent peer address. Currently it's -- just peer IP and peer port but this might change in future. -- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- for PortNumber instances module Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr ( -- * Peer address PeerAddr(..) , defaultPorts , peerSockAddr , peerSocket -- * Peer storage ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.BEncode as BS import Data.BEncode.BDict (BKey) import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import Data.Char import Data.Default import Data.Hashable import Data.IP import Data.List as L import Data.List.Split import Data.Monoid import Data.Serialize as S import Data.String import Data.Typeable import Data.Word import Network.Socket import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>)) import Text.PrettyPrint.Class import Text.Read (readMaybe) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP --import Data.Torrent import Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerId {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Port number -----------------------------------------------------------------------} instance BEncode PortNumber where toBEncode = toBEncode . fromEnum fromBEncode = fromBEncode >=> portNumber where portNumber :: Integer -> BS.Result PortNumber portNumber n | 0 <= n && n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16) = pure $ fromIntegral n | otherwise = decodingError $ "PortNumber: " ++ show n instance Serialize PortNumber where get = fromIntegral <$> getWord16be {-# INLINE get #-} put = putWord16be . fromIntegral {-# INLINE put #-} instance Hashable PortNumber where hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . fromEnum {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Pretty PortNumber where pretty = PP.int . fromEnum {-# INLINE pretty #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IP addr -----------------------------------------------------------------------} class IPAddress i where toHostAddr :: i -> Either HostAddress HostAddress6 instance IPAddress IPv4 where toHostAddr = Left . toHostAddress {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} instance IPAddress IPv6 where toHostAddr = Right . toHostAddress6 {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} instance IPAddress IP where toHostAddr (IPv4 ip) = toHostAddr ip toHostAddr (IPv6 ip) = toHostAddr ip {-# INLINE toHostAddr #-} deriving instance Typeable IP deriving instance Typeable IPv4 deriving instance Typeable IPv6 ipToBEncode :: Show i => i -> BValue ipToBEncode ip = BString $ BS8.pack $ show ip {-# INLINE ipToBEncode #-} ipFromBEncode :: Read a => BValue -> BS.Result a ipFromBEncode (BString (BS8.unpack -> ipStr)) | Just ip <- readMaybe (ipStr) = pure ip | otherwise = decodingError $ "IP: " ++ ipStr ipFromBEncode _ = decodingError $ "IP: addr should be a bstring" instance BEncode IP where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} instance BEncode IPv4 where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} instance BEncode IPv6 where toBEncode = ipToBEncode {-# INLINE toBEncode #-} fromBEncode = ipFromBEncode {-# INLINE fromBEncode #-} -- | When 'get'ing an IP it must be 'isolate'd to the appropriate -- number of bytes since we have no other way of telling which -- address type we are trying to parse instance Serialize IP where put (IPv4 ip) = put ip put (IPv6 ip) = put ip get = do n <- remaining case n of 4 -> IPv4 <$> get 16 -> IPv6 <$> get _ -> fail "Wrong number of bytes remaining to parse IP" instance Serialize IPv4 where put = putWord32host . toHostAddress get = fromHostAddress <$> getWord32host instance Serialize IPv6 where put ip = put $ toHostAddress6 ip get = fromHostAddress6 <$> get instance Pretty IPv4 where pretty = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pretty #-} instance Pretty IPv6 where pretty = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pretty #-} instance Pretty IP where pretty = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pretty #-} instance Hashable IPv4 where hashWithSalt = hashUsing toHostAddress {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Hashable IPv6 where hashWithSalt s a = hashWithSalt s (toHostAddress6 a) instance Hashable IP where hashWithSalt s (IPv4 h) = hashWithSalt s h hashWithSalt s (IPv6 h) = hashWithSalt s h {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Peer addr -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO check semantic of ord and eq instances -- | Peer address info normally extracted from peer list or peer -- compact list encoding. data PeerAddr a = PeerAddr { peerId :: !(Maybe PeerId) -- | This is usually 'IPv4', 'IPv6', 'IP' or unresolved -- 'HostName'. , peerHost :: !a -- | The port the peer listenning for incoming P2P sessions. , peerPort :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PortNumber } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Functor) peer_ip_key, peer_id_key, peer_port_key :: BKey peer_ip_key = "ip" peer_id_key = "peer id" peer_port_key = "port" -- | The tracker's 'announce response' compatible encoding. instance (Typeable a, BEncode a) => BEncode (PeerAddr a) where toBEncode PeerAddr {..} = toDict $ peer_ip_key .=! peerHost .: peer_id_key .=? peerId .: peer_port_key .=! peerPort .: endDict fromBEncode = fromDict $ do peerAddr <$>! peer_ip_key <*>? peer_id_key <*>! peer_port_key where peerAddr = flip PeerAddr -- | The tracker's 'compact peer list' compatible encoding. The -- 'peerId' is always 'Nothing'. -- -- For more info see: -- -- TODO: test byte order instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (PeerAddr a) where put PeerAddr {..} = put peerHost >> put peerPort get = PeerAddr Nothing <$> get <*> get -- | @ instance Default (PeerAddr IPv4) where def = "" -- | @ instance Default (PeerAddr IP) where def = IPv4 <$> def -- | Example: -- -- @peerPort \"\" == 6881@ -- instance IsString (PeerAddr IPv4) where fromString str | [hostAddrStr, portStr] <- splitWhen (== ':') str , Just hostAddr <- readMaybe hostAddrStr , Just portNum <- toEnum <$> readMaybe portStr = PeerAddr Nothing hostAddr portNum | otherwise = error $ "fromString: unable to parse (PeerAddr IPv4): " ++ str instance Read (PeerAddr IPv4) where readsPrec i = RP.readP_to_S $ do ipv4 <- RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) return $ PeerAddr Nothing ipv4 port readsIPv6_port :: String -> [((IPv6, PortNumber), String)] readsIPv6_port = RP.readP_to_S $ do ip <- RP.char '[' *> (RP.readS_to_P reads) <* RP.char ']' _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> read <$> (RP.many1 $ RP.satisfy isDigit) <* RP.eof return (ip,port) instance IsString (PeerAddr IPv6) where fromString str | [((ip,port),"")] <- readsIPv6_port str = PeerAddr Nothing ip port | otherwise = error $ "fromString: unable to parse (PeerAddr IPv6): " ++ str instance IsString (PeerAddr IP) where fromString str | '[' `L.elem` str = IPv6 <$> fromString str | otherwise = IPv4 <$> fromString str -- | fingerprint + "at" + dotted.host.inet.addr:port -- TODO: instances for IPv6, HostName instance Pretty a => Pretty (PeerAddr a) where pretty PeerAddr {..} | Just pid <- peerId = pretty (fingerprint pid) <+> "at" <+> paddr | otherwise = paddr where paddr = pretty peerHost <> ":" <> text (show peerPort) instance Hashable a => Hashable (PeerAddr a) where hashWithSalt s PeerAddr {..} = s `hashWithSalt` peerId `hashWithSalt` peerHost `hashWithSalt` peerPort -- | Ports typically reserved for bittorrent P2P listener. defaultPorts :: [PortNumber] defaultPorts = [6881..6889] _resolvePeerAddr :: (IPAddress i) => PeerAddr HostName -> PeerAddr i _resolvePeerAddr = undefined _peerSockAddr :: PeerAddr IP -> (Family, SockAddr) _peerSockAddr PeerAddr {..} = case peerHost of IPv4 ipv4 -> (AF_INET, SockAddrInet peerPort (toHostAddress ipv4)) IPv6 ipv6 -> (AF_INET6, SockAddrInet6 peerPort 0 (toHostAddress6 ipv6) 0) peerSockAddr :: PeerAddr IP -> SockAddr peerSockAddr = snd . _peerSockAddr -- | Create a socket connected to the address specified in a peerAddr peerSocket :: SocketType -> PeerAddr IP -> IO Socket peerSocket socketType pa = do let (family, addr) = _peerSockAddr pa sock <- socket family socketType defaultProtocol connect sock addr return sock