-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Routing ( -- * Routing table Table -- * Table attributes , BucketCount , BucketSize , NodeCount -- * Routing , Timestamp , Routing , runRouting -- * Query , thisId , shape , Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Routing.size , Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Routing.depth , K , Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Routing.kclosest , Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Routing.kclosestHash -- * Construction , Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Routing.nullTable , Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Routing.insert ) where import Control.Applicative as A import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.Function import Data.List as L hiding (insert) import Data.Maybe import Data.PSQueue as PSQ import Data.Serialize as S hiding (Result, Done) import Data.Time import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Word import GHC.Generics import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>)) import Text.PrettyPrint.Class import Data.Torrent.InfoHash import Network.BitTorrent.Core {- -- | Routing tree should contain key -> value pairs in this way: -- -- * More keys that near to our node key, and less keys that far -- from our node key. -- -- * Tree might be saturated. If this happen we can only update -- buckets, but we can't add new buckets. -- -- Instead of using ordinary binary tree and keep track is it -- following restrictions above (that's somewhat non-trivial) we -- store distance -> value keys. This lead to simple data structure -- that actually isomorphic to non-empty list. So we first map our -- keys to distances using our node ID and store them in tree. When -- we need to extract a pair we map distances to keys back, again -- using our node ID. This normalization happen in routing table. -- data Tree k v = Tip (Bucket k v) | Bin (Tree k v) (Bucket k v) empty :: Int -> Tree k v empty = Tip . Bucket.empty insert :: Applicative f => Bits k => (v -> f Bool) -> (k, v) -> Tree k v -> f (Tree k v) insert ping (k, v) = go 0 where go n (Tip bucket) | isFull bucket, (near, far) <- split n bucket = pure (Tip near `Bin` far) | otherwise = Tip <$> Bucket.insert ping (k, v) bucket go n (Bin near far) | k `testBit` n = Bin <$> pure near <*> Bucket.insert ping (k, v) far | otherwise = Bin <$> go (succ n) near <*> pure far -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routing monad -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type Timestamp = POSIXTime data Routing ip result = Full | Done result | GetTime ( Timestamp -> Routing ip result) | NeedPing (NodeAddr ip) ( Bool -> Routing ip result) | Refresh NodeId ([NodeInfo ip] -> Routing ip result) instance Functor (Routing ip) where fmap _ Full = Full fmap f (Done r) = Done ( f r) fmap f (GetTime g) = GetTime (fmap f . g) fmap f (NeedPing addr g) = NeedPing addr (fmap f . g) fmap f (Refresh nid g) = Refresh nid (fmap f . g) instance Monad (Routing ip) where return = Done Full >>= _ = Full Done r >>= m = m r GetTime f >>= m = GetTime $ \ t -> f t >>= m NeedPing a f >>= m = NeedPing a $ \ p -> f p >>= m Refresh n f >>= m = Refresh n $ \ i -> f i >>= m instance Applicative (Routing ip) where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Alternative (Routing ip) where empty = Full Full <|> m = m m <|> _ = m runRouting :: (Monad m, Eq ip) => (NodeAddr ip -> m Bool) -- ^ ping_node -> (NodeId -> m [NodeInfo ip]) -- ^ find_nodes -> m Timestamp -- ^ timestamper -> Routing ip f -- ^ action -> m (Maybe f) -- ^ result runRouting ping_node find_nodes timestamper = go where go Full = return (Nothing) go (Done r) = return (Just r) go (GetTime f) = do t <- timestamper go (f t) go (NeedPing addr f) = do pong <- ping_node addr go (f pong) go (Refresh nid f) = do infos <- find_nodes nid go (f infos) getTime :: Routing ip Timestamp getTime = GetTime return needPing :: NodeAddr ip -> Routing ip Bool needPing addr = NeedPing addr return refresh :: NodeId -> Routing ip [NodeInfo ip] refresh nid = Refresh nid return {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bucket -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Timestamp - last time this node is pinged. type NodeEntry ip = Binding (NodeInfo ip) Timestamp instance (Serialize k, Serialize v) => Serialize (Binding k v) where get = (:->) <$> get <*> get put (k :-> v) = put k >> put v -- TODO instance Pretty where -- | Most clients use this value for maximum bucket size. defaultBucketSize :: BucketSize defaultBucketSize = 20 -- | Bucket is also limited in its length — thus it's called k-bucket. -- When bucket becomes full we should split it in two lists by -- current span bit. Span bit is defined by depth in the routing -- table tree. Size of the bucket should be choosen such that it's -- very unlikely that all nodes in bucket fail within an hour of -- each other. -- type Bucket ip = PSQ (NodeInfo ip) Timestamp instance (Serialize k, Serialize v, Ord k, Ord v) => Serialize (PSQ k v) where get = PSQ.fromList <$> get put = put . PSQ.toList -- | Get the most recently changed node entry, if any. lastChanged :: Eq ip => Bucket ip -> Maybe (NodeEntry ip) lastChanged bucket | L.null timestamps = Nothing | otherwise = Just (L.maximumBy (compare `on` prio) timestamps) where timestamps = PSQ.toList bucket leastRecently :: Eq ip => Bucket ip -> Maybe (NodeEntry ip, Bucket ip) leastRecently = minView -- | Update interval, in seconds. delta :: NominalDiffTime delta = 15 * 60 -- | Max bucket size, in nodes. type Alpha = Int defaultAlpha :: Alpha defaultAlpha = 8 insertBucket :: Eq ip => Timestamp -> NodeInfo ip -> Bucket ip -> ip `Routing` Bucket ip insertBucket curTime info bucket -- just update timestamp if a node is already in bucket | Just _ <- PSQ.lookup info bucket = do return $ PSQ.insertWith max info curTime bucket -- update the all bucket if it is too outdated | Just (NodeInfo {..} :-> lastSeen) <- lastChanged bucket , curTime - lastSeen > delta = do infos <- refresh nodeId refTime <- getTime let newBucket = L.foldr (\ x -> PSQ.insertWith max x refTime) bucket infos insertBucket refTime info newBucket -- update questionable nodes, if any; then try to insert our new node -- this case can remove bad nodes from bucket, so we can insert a new one | Just ((old @ NodeInfo {..} :-> leastSeen), rest) <- leastRecently bucket , curTime - leastSeen > delta = do pong <- needPing nodeAddr pongTime <- getTime let newBucket = if pong then PSQ.insert old pongTime bucket else rest insertBucket pongTime info newBucket -- bucket is good, but not full => we can insert a new node | PSQ.size bucket < defaultAlpha = do return $ PSQ.insert info curTime bucket -- bucket is full of good nodes => ignore new node | otherwise = A.empty insertNode :: Eq ip => NodeInfo ip -> Bucket ip -> ip `Routing` Bucket ip insertNode info bucket = do curTime <- getTime insertBucket curTime info bucket type BitIx = Word split :: Eq ip => BitIx -> Bucket ip -> (Bucket ip, Bucket ip) split i = (PSQ.fromList *** PSQ.fromList) . partition spanBit . PSQ.toList where spanBit entry = testIdBit (nodeId (key entry)) i {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table -----------------------------------------------------------------------} defaultBucketCount :: BucketCount defaultBucketCount = 20 data Table ip = Tip NodeId BucketCount (Bucket ip) | Zero (Table ip) (Bucket ip) | One (Bucket ip) (Table ip) deriving Generic instance Serialize NominalDiffTime where put = putWord32be . fromIntegral . fromEnum get = (toEnum . fromIntegral) <$> getWord32be -- | Normally, routing table should we saved between invocations of -- the client software. Note that you don't need store /this/ 'NodeId' -- since it is included in routing table. instance (Eq ip, Serialize ip) => Serialize (Table ip) -- | Shape of the table. instance Pretty (Table ip) where pretty = hcat . punctuate "," . L.map PP.int . shape -- | Empty table with specified /spine/ node id. nullTable :: Eq ip => NodeId -> Table ip nullTable nid = Tip nid defaultBucketCount PSQ.empty -- | Get the /spine/ node id. thisId :: Table ip -> NodeId thisId (Tip nid _ _) = nid thisId (Zero table _) = thisId table thisId (One _ table) = thisId table type BucketSize = Int type BucketCount = Int type NodeCount = Int -- | Internally, routing table is similar to list of buckets or a -- /matrix/ of nodes. This function returns the shape of the matrix. shape :: Table ip -> [BucketSize] shape (Tip _ _ bucket) = [PSQ.size bucket] shape (Zero t bucket) = PSQ.size bucket : shape t shape (One bucket t ) = PSQ.size bucket : shape t -- | Get number of nodes in the table. size :: Table ip -> NodeCount size = L.sum . shape -- | Get number of buckets in the table. depth :: Table ip -> BucketCount depth = L.length . shape lookupBucket :: NodeId -> Table ip -> Maybe (Bucket ip) lookupBucket nid = go 0 where go i (Zero table bucket) | testIdBit nid i = pure bucket | otherwise = go (succ i) table go i (One bucket table) | testIdBit nid i = go (succ i) table | otherwise = pure bucket go _ (Tip _ _ bucket) = pure bucket type K = Int -- | Used in 'find_node' queries. kclosest :: Eq ip => K -> NodeId -> Table ip -> [NodeInfo ip] kclosest k nid = L.map key . PSQ.toList . fromMaybe PSQ.empty . lookupBucket nid coerseId :: (Serialize a, Serialize b) => a -> b coerseId = either (error msg) id . S.decode . S.encode where msg = "coerseId: impossible" -- | Used in 'get_peers' queries. kclosestHash :: Eq a => Alpha -> InfoHash -> Table a -> [NodeInfo a] kclosestHash k nid t = kclosest k (coerseId nid) t {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routing -----------------------------------------------------------------------} splitTip :: Eq ip => NodeId -> BucketCount -> BitIx -> Bucket ip -> Table ip splitTip nid n i bucket | testIdBit nid i = (One zeros (Tip nid (pred n) ones)) | otherwise = (Zero (Tip nid (pred n) zeros) ones) where (zeros, ones) = split i bucket -- | Used in each query. insert :: Eq ip => NodeInfo ip -> Table ip -> ip `Routing` Table ip insert info @ NodeInfo {..} = go (0 :: BitIx) where go i (Zero table bucket) | testIdBit nodeId i = Zero table <$> insertNode info bucket | otherwise = (`Zero` bucket) <$> go (succ i) table go i (One bucket table ) | testIdBit nodeId i = One bucket <$> go (succ i) table | otherwise = (`One` table) <$> insertNode info bucket go i (Tip nid n bucket) | n == 0 = Tip nid n <$> insertNode info bucket | otherwise = Tip nid n <$> insertNode info bucket <|> go (succ i) (splitTip nid n i bucket)