-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam T. 2013 -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Exchange ( -- * Block Block(..), BlockIx(..) -- * Event , Event(..) , P2P , runP2P, spawnP2P , awaitEvent, yieldEvent ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Fork.Class import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Data.Conduit as C import Data.Conduit.Cereal import Data.Conduit.Network import Data.Serialize as S import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding (($$)) import Network import Network.BitTorrent.Internal import Network.BitTorrent.Extension import Network.BitTorrent.Peer import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Protocol import Data.Bitfield as BF data Event = Available Bitfield | Want BlockIx | Fragment Block deriving Show {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Peer wire -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type PeerWire = ConduitM Message Message IO runPeerWire :: Socket -> PeerWire () -> IO () runPeerWire sock p2p = sourceSocket sock $= conduitGet S.get $= p2p $= conduitPut S.put $$ sinkSocket sock awaitMessage :: P2P Message awaitMessage = P2P (ReaderT (const go)) where go = await >>= maybe disconnect return yieldMessage :: Message -> P2P () yieldMessage msg = P2P $ ReaderT $ \se -> C.yield msg {----------------------------------------------------------------------- P2P monad -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | -- Exceptions: -- -- * SessionException: is visible only within one peer -- session. Use this exception to terminate P2P session, but not -- the swarm session. -- newtype P2P a = P2P { unP2P :: ReaderT PeerSession PeerWire a } deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad , MonadIO, MonadThrow, MonadActive , MonadReader PeerSession ) -- TODO instance for MonadFork runSession :: SwarmSession -> PeerAddr -> P2P () -> IO () runSession se addr p2p = handle isIOException $ withPeerSession se addr $ \(sock, pses) -> do runPeerWire sock (runReaderT (unP2P p2p) pses) where isIOException :: IOException -> IO () isIOException _ = return () -- | Run P2P session in the current thread. Normally you don't need this -- function in client application, except for debugging. runP2P :: SwarmSession -> PeerAddr -> P2P () -> IO () runP2P se addr p2p = waitVacancy se $ runSession se addr p2p -- | Run P2P session in forked thread. Might be used in listener or -- some other loop. Note that this function may block while waiting -- for a vacant place: use forkIO and runP2P instead. spawnP2P :: SwarmSession -> PeerAddr -> P2P () -> IO ThreadId spawnP2P se addr p2p = do enterSwarm se forkIO $ do runSession se addr p2p `finally` leaveSwarm se -- TODO unify this all using PeerConnection {- listenP2P :: SwarmSession -> P2P () -> IO PortNumber listenP2P _ _ = undefined chainP2P :: SwarmSession -> PeerConnection -> P2P () -> IO () -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Exceptions -----------------------------------------------------------------------} disconnect :: MonadThrow m => m a disconnect = monadThrow PeerDisconnected protocolError :: MonadThrow m => Doc -> m a protocolError = monadThrow . ProtocolError {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------------} peerWant :: P2P Bitfield peerWant = BF.difference <$> getClientBF <*> use bitfield clientWant :: P2P Bitfield clientWant = BF.difference <$> use bitfield <*> getClientBF peerOffer :: P2P Bitfield peerOffer = do sessionStatus <- use status if canDownload sessionStatus then clientWant else emptyBF clientOffer :: P2P Bitfield clientOffer = do sessionStatus <- use status if canUpload sessionStatus then peerWant else emptyBF revise :: P2P Bitfield revise = do want <- clientWant let peerInteresting = not (BF.null want) clientInterested <- use (status.clientStatus.interested) when (clientInterested /= peerInteresting) $ do yieldMessage $ if peerInteresting then Interested else NotInterested status.clientStatus.interested .= peerInteresting return want requireExtension :: Extension -> P2P () requireExtension required = do enabled <- asks enabledExtensions unless (required `elem` enabled) $ protocolError $ ppExtension required <+> "not enabled" -- haveMessage bf = do -- cbf <- undefined -- liftIO $ readIORef $ clientBitfield swarmSession -- if undefined -- ix `member` bf -- then nextEvent se -- else undefined -- return $ Available diff {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Exchange -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | -- +----------+---------+ -- | Leacher | Seeder | -- |----------+---------+ -- | Available| | -- | Want | Want | -- | Fragment | | -- +----------+---------+ -- -- -- properties: -- -- forall (Fragment block). isPiece block == True -- awaitEvent :: P2P Event awaitEvent = awaitMessage >>= go where go KeepAlive = awaitEvent go Choke = do status.peerStatus.choking .= True awaitEvent go Unchoke = do status.peerStatus.choking .= False offer <- peerOffer if BF.null offer then awaitEvent else return (Available offer) go Interested = do status.peerStatus.interested .= True awaitEvent go NotInterested = do status.peerStatus.interested .= False awaitEvent go (Have idx) = do new <- singletonBF idx bitfield %= BF.union new _ <- revise offer <- peerOffer if not (BF.null offer) then return (Available offer) else awaitEvent go (Bitfield bf) = do new <- adjustBF bf bitfield .= new _ <- revise offer <- peerOffer if not (BF.null offer) then return (Available offer) else awaitEvent go (Request bix) = do bf <- clientOffer if ixPiece bix `BF.member` bf then return (Want bix) else do -- check if extension is enabled -- yieldMessage (RejectRequest bix) awaitEvent go (Piece blk) = do -- this protect us from malicious peers and duplication wanted <- clientWant if blkPiece blk `BF.member` wanted then return (Fragment blk) else awaitEvent go (Cancel _) = do error "cancel message not implemented" go (Port _) = do requireExtension ExtDHT error "port message not implemented" go HaveAll = do requireExtension ExtFast bitfield <~ fullBF _ <- revise awaitEvent go HaveNone = do requireExtension ExtFast bitfield <~ emptyBF _ <- revise awaitEvent go (SuggestPiece idx) = do requireExtension ExtFast bf <- use bitfield if idx `BF.notMember` bf then Available <$> singletonBF idx else awaitEvent go (RejectRequest _) = do requireExtension ExtFast awaitEvent go (AllowedFast _) = do requireExtension ExtFast awaitEvent -- | -- @ -- +----------+---------+ -- | Leacher | Seeder | -- |----------+---------+ -- | Available| | -- | Want |Fragment | -- | Fragment | | -- +----------+---------+ -- @ -- yieldEvent :: Event -> P2P () yieldEvent (Available _ ) = undefined yieldEvent (Want bix) = do offer <- peerOffer if ixPiece bix `BF.member` offer then yieldMessage (Request bix) else return () yieldEvent (Fragment blk) = do offer <- clientOffer if blkPiece blk `BF.member` offer then yieldMessage (Piece blk) else return () --flushBroadcast :: P2P () --flushBroadcast = nextBroadcast >>= maybe (return ()) go -- where -- go = undefined checkPiece :: PieceLIx -> {-ByteString -> -} P2P Bool checkPiece = undefined