-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Assembler is used to build pieces from blocks. In general -- 'Assembler' should be used to handle 'Transfer' messages when -- -- A block can have one of the following status: -- -- 1) /not allowed/: Piece is not in download set. 'null' and 'empty'. -- -- -- 2) /waiting/: (allowed?) Block have been allowed to download, -- but /this/ peer did not send any 'Request' message for this -- block. To allow some piece use -- 'Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Selector' and then 'allowedSet' -- and 'allowPiece'. -- -- 3) /inflight/: (pending?) Block have been requested but -- /remote/ peer did not send any 'Piece' message for this block. -- Related functions 'markInflight' -- -- 4) /pending/: (stalled?) Block have have been downloaded -- Related functions 'insertBlock'. -- -- Piece status: -- -- 1) /assembled/: (downloaded?) All blocks in piece have been -- downloaded but the piece did not verified yet. -- -- * Valid: go to completed; -- -- * Invalid: go to waiting. -- -- 2) /corrupted/: -- -- 3) /downloaded/: (verified?) A piece have been successfully -- verified via the hash. Usually the piece should be stored to -- the 'System.Torrent.Storage' and /this/ peer should send 'Have' -- messages to the /remote/ peers. -- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Assembler ( -- * Assembler Assembler -- * Query , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Assembler.null , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Assembler.size -- * Construction , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Assembler.empty , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Assembler.allowPiece -- * Debugging , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Assembler.valid ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.IP import Data.Torrent.Piece import Network.BitTorrent.Core import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block as B {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assembler -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type BlockRange = (BlockOffset, BlockSize) type PieceMap = IntMap data Assembler = Assembler { -- | A set of blocks that have been 'Request'ed but not yet acked. _inflight :: Map (PeerAddr IP) (PieceMap [BlockRange]) -- | A set of blocks that but not yet assembled. , _pending :: PieceMap Bucket -- | Used for validation of assembled pieces. , info :: PieceInfo } $(makeLenses ''Assembler) valid :: Assembler -> Bool valid = undefined data Result a = Completed (Piece a) | Corrupted PieceIx | NotRequested PieceIx | Overlapped BlockIx null :: Assembler -> Bool null = undefined size :: Assembler -> Bool size = undefined empty :: PieceInfo -> Assembler empty = Assembler M.empty IM.empty allowPiece :: PieceIx -> Assembler -> Assembler allowPiece pix a @ Assembler {..} = over pending (IM.insert pix bkt) a where bkt = B.empty (piPieceLength info) allowedSet :: (PeerAddr IP) -> Assembler -> [BlockIx] allowedSet = undefined --inflight :: PeerAddr -> BlockIx -> Assembler -> Assembler --inflight = undefined -- You should check if a returned by peer block is actually have -- been requested and in-flight. This is needed to avoid "I send -- random corrupted block" attacks. insert :: (PeerAddr IP) -> Block a -> Assembler -> Assembler insert = undefined {- insert :: Block a -> Assembler a -> (Assembler a, Maybe (Result a)) insert blk @ Block {..} a @ Assembler {..} = undefined {- = let (pending, mpiece) = inserta blk piecePending in (Assembler inflightSet pending pieceInfo, f <$> mpiece) where f p = undefined -- | checkPieceLazy pieceInfo p = Assembled p -- | otherwise = Corrupted ixPiece -} inflightPieces :: Assembler a -> [PieceIx] inflightPieces Assembler {..} = IM.keys piecePending completeBlocks :: PieceIx -> Assembler a -> [Block a] completeBlocks pix Assembler {..} = fromMaybe [] $ IM.lookup pix piecePending incompleteBlocks :: PieceIx -> Assembler a -> [BlockIx] incompleteBlocks = undefined nextBlock :: Assembler a -> Maybe (Assembler a, BlockIx) nextBlock Assembler {..} = undefined inserta :: Block a -> PieceMap [Block a] -> (PieceMap [Block a], Maybe (Piece a)) inserta = undefined -}