-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- This modules provides all necessary machinery to work with -- bitfields. Bitfields are used to keep track indices of complete -- pieces either peer have or client have. -- -- There are also commonly used piece seletion algorithms -- which used to find out which one next piece to download. -- Selectors considered to be used in the following order: -- -- * Random first - at the start. -- -- * Rarest first selection - performed to avoid situation when -- rarest piece is unaccessible. -- -- * /End game/ seletion - performed after a peer has requested all -- the subpieces of the content. -- -- Note that BitTorrent applies the strict priority policy for -- /subpiece/ or /blocks/ selection. -- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Bitfield ( -- * Bitfield PieceIx , PieceCount , Bitfield -- * Construction , haveAll , haveNone , have , singleton , interval , adjustSize -- * Query -- ** Cardinality , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Bitfield.null , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Bitfield.full , haveCount , totalCount , completeness -- ** Membership , member , notMember , findMin , findMax , isSubsetOf -- ** Availability , complement , Frequency , frequencies , rarest -- * Combine , insert , union , intersection , difference -- * Conversion , toList , fromList -- * Serialization , fromBitmap , toBitmap -- * Piece selection , Selector , selector , strategyClass , strictFirst , strictLast , rarestFirst , randomFirst , endGame ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM import Data.IntervalSet (IntSet) import qualified Data.IntervalSet as S import qualified Data.IntervalSet.ByteString as S import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Monoid import Data.Ratio import Data.Torrent -- TODO cache some operations -- | Bitfields are represented just as integer sets but with -- restriction: the each set should be within given interval (or -- subset of the specified interval). Size is used to specify -- interval, so bitfield of size 10 might contain only indices in -- interval [0..9]. -- data Bitfield = Bitfield { bfSize :: !PieceCount , bfSet :: !IntSet } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- Invariants: all elements of bfSet lie in [0..bfSize - 1]; instance Monoid Bitfield where {-# SPECIALIZE instance Monoid Bitfield #-} mempty = haveNone 0 mappend = union mconcat = unions {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Construction -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | The empty bitfield of the given size. haveNone :: PieceCount -> Bitfield haveNone s = Bitfield s S.empty -- | The full bitfield containing all piece indices for the given size. haveAll :: PieceCount -> Bitfield haveAll s = Bitfield s (S.interval 0 (s - 1)) -- | Insert the index in the set ignoring out of range indices. have :: PieceIx -> Bitfield -> Bitfield have ix Bitfield {..} | 0 <= ix && ix < bfSize = Bitfield bfSize (S.insert ix bfSet) | otherwise = Bitfield bfSize bfSet singleton :: PieceIx -> PieceCount -> Bitfield singleton ix pc = have ix (haveNone pc) -- | Assign new size to bitfield. FIXME Normally, size should be only -- decreased, otherwise exception raised. adjustSize :: PieceCount -> Bitfield -> Bitfield adjustSize s Bitfield {..} = Bitfield s bfSet -- | NOTE: for internal use only interval :: PieceCount -> PieceIx -> PieceIx -> Bitfield interval pc a b = Bitfield pc (S.interval a b) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Query -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Test if bitifield have no one index: peer do not have anything. null :: Bitfield -> Bool null Bitfield {..} = S.null bfSet -- | Test if bitfield have all pieces. full :: Bitfield -> Bool full Bitfield {..} = S.size bfSet == bfSize -- | Count of peer have pieces. haveCount :: Bitfield -> PieceCount haveCount = S.size . bfSet -- | Total count of pieces and its indices. totalCount :: Bitfield -> PieceCount totalCount = bfSize -- | Ratio of /have/ piece count to the /total/ piece count. -- -- > forall bf. 0 <= completeness bf <= 1 -- completeness :: Bitfield -> Ratio PieceCount completeness b = haveCount b % totalCount b inRange :: PieceIx -> Bitfield -> Bool inRange ix Bitfield {..} = 0 <= ix && ix < bfSize member :: PieceIx -> Bitfield -> Bool member ix bf @ Bitfield {..} | ix `inRange` bf = ix `S.member` bfSet | otherwise = False notMember :: PieceIx -> Bitfield -> Bool notMember ix bf @ Bitfield {..} | ix `inRange` bf = ix `S.notMember` bfSet | otherwise = True -- | Find first available piece index. findMin :: Bitfield -> PieceIx findMin = S.findMin . bfSet {-# INLINE findMin #-} -- | Find last available piece index. findMax :: Bitfield -> PieceIx findMax = S.findMax . bfSet {-# INLINE findMax #-} -- | Check if all pieces from first bitfield present if the second bitfield isSubsetOf :: Bitfield -> Bitfield -> Bool isSubsetOf a b = bfSet a `S.isSubsetOf` bfSet b {-# INLINE isSubsetOf #-} -- | Resulting bitfield includes only missing pieces. complement :: Bitfield -> Bitfield complement Bitfield {..} = Bitfield { bfSet = uni `S.difference` bfSet , bfSize = bfSize } where Bitfield _ uni = haveAll bfSize {-# INLINE complement #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Availability -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Frequencies are needed in piece selection startegies which use -- availability quantity to find out the optimal next piece index to -- download. type Frequency = Int -- TODO rename to availability -- | How many times each piece index occur in the given bitfield set. frequencies :: [Bitfield] -> Vector Frequency frequencies [] = V.fromList [] frequencies xs = runST $ do v <- VM.new size VM.set v 0 forM_ xs $ \ Bitfield {..} -> do forM_ (S.toList bfSet) $ \ x -> do fr <- VM.read v x VM.write v x (succ fr) V.unsafeFreeze v where size = maximum (map bfSize xs) -- TODO it seems like this operation is veeery slow -- | Find least available piece index. If no piece available return -- 'Nothing'. rarest :: [Bitfield] -> Maybe PieceIx rarest xs | V.null freqMap = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ fst $ V.ifoldr' minIx (0, freqMap V.! 0) freqMap where freqMap = frequencies xs minIx :: PieceIx -> Frequency -> (PieceIx, Frequency) -> (PieceIx, Frequency) minIx ix fr acc@(_, fra) | fr < fra && fr > 0 = (ix, fr) | otherwise = acc {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Combine -----------------------------------------------------------------------} insert :: PieceIx -> Bitfield -> Bitfield insert pix bf @ Bitfield {..} | 0 <= pix && pix < bfSize = Bitfield { bfSet = S.insert pix bfSet , bfSize = bfSize } | otherwise = bf -- | Find indices at least one peer have. union :: Bitfield -> Bitfield -> Bitfield union a b = {-# SCC union #-} Bitfield { bfSize = bfSize a `max` bfSize b , bfSet = bfSet a `S.union` bfSet b } -- | Find indices both peers have. intersection :: Bitfield -> Bitfield -> Bitfield intersection a b = {-# SCC intersection #-} Bitfield { bfSize = bfSize a `min` bfSize b , bfSet = bfSet a `S.intersection` bfSet b } -- | Find indices which have first peer but do not have the second peer. difference :: Bitfield -> Bitfield -> Bitfield difference a b = {-# SCC difference #-} Bitfield { bfSize = bfSize a -- FIXME is it reasonable? , bfSet = bfSet a `S.difference` bfSet b } -- | Find indices the any of the peers have. unions :: [Bitfield] -> Bitfield unions = {-# SCC unions #-} foldl' union (haveNone 0) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Serialization -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | List all /have/ indexes. toList :: Bitfield -> [PieceIx] toList Bitfield {..} = S.toList bfSet -- | Make bitfield from list of /have/ indexes. fromList :: PieceCount -> [PieceIx] -> Bitfield fromList s ixs = Bitfield { bfSize = s , bfSet = S.splitGT (-1) $ S.splitLT s $ S.fromList ixs } -- | Unpack 'Bitfield' from tightly packed bit array. Note resulting -- size might be more than real bitfield size, use 'adjustSize'. fromBitmap :: ByteString -> Bitfield fromBitmap bs = {-# SCC fromBitmap #-} Bitfield { bfSize = B.length bs * 8 , bfSet = S.fromByteString bs } {-# INLINE fromBitmap #-} -- | Pack a 'Bitfield' to tightly packed bit array. toBitmap :: Bitfield -> Lazy.ByteString toBitmap Bitfield {..} = {-# SCC toBitmap #-} Lazy.fromChunks [intsetBM, alignment] where byteSize = bfSize `div` 8 + if bfSize `mod` 8 == 0 then 0 else 1 alignment = B.replicate (byteSize - B.length intsetBM) 0 intsetBM = S.toByteString bfSet {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Piece selection -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type Selector = Bitfield -- ^ Indices of client /have/ pieces. -> Bitfield -- ^ Indices of peer /have/ pieces. -> [Bitfield] -- ^ Indices of other peers /have/ pieces. -> Maybe PieceIx -- ^ Zero-based index of piece to request -- to, if any. selector :: Selector -- ^ Selector to use at the start. -> Ratio PieceCount -> Selector -- ^ Selector to use after the client have -- the C pieces. -> Selector -- ^ Selector that changes behaviour based -- on completeness. selector start pt ready h a xs = case strategyClass pt h of SCBeginning -> start h a xs SCReady -> ready h a xs SCEnd -> endGame h a xs data StartegyClass = SCBeginning | SCReady | SCEnd deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) strategyClass :: Ratio PieceCount -> Bitfield -> StartegyClass strategyClass threshold = classify . completeness where classify c | c < threshold = SCBeginning | c + 1 % numerator c < 1 = SCReady -- FIXME numerator have is not total count | otherwise = SCEnd -- | Select the first available piece. strictFirst :: Selector strictFirst h a _ = Just $ findMin (difference a h) -- | Select the last available piece. strictLast :: Selector strictLast h a _ = Just $ findMax (difference a h) -- | rarestFirst :: Selector rarestFirst h a xs = rarest (map (intersection want) xs) where want = difference h a -- | In average random first is faster than rarest first strategy but -- only if all pieces are available. randomFirst :: Selector randomFirst = do -- randomIO error "randomFirst" endGame :: Selector endGame = strictLast