-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Blocks are used to transfer pieces. -- {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block ( -- * Block attributes BlockOffset , BlockCount , BlockSize , defaultTransferSize -- * Block index , BlockIx(..) , blockIxRange -- * Block data , Block(..) , blockIx , blockSize , blockRange , isPiece , leadingBlock -- * Block bucket , Bucket -- ** Query , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.null , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.full , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.size , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.spans -- ** Construction , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.empty , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.insert , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.insertLazy , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.merge , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.fromList -- ** Rendering , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.toPiece -- ** Debug , Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.valid ) where import Prelude hiding (span) import Control.Applicative import Data.ByteString as BS hiding (span) import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL hiding (span) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BS import Data.Default import Data.Monoid import Data.List as L hiding (span) import Data.Serialize as S import Data.Typeable import Numeric import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>)) import Text.PrettyPrint.Class import Data.Torrent.Piece {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Block attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Offset of a block in a piece in bytes. Should be multiple of -- the choosen block size. type BlockOffset = Int -- | Size of a block in bytes. Should be power of 2. -- -- Normally block size is equal to 'defaultTransferSize'. -- type BlockSize = Int -- | Number of block in a piece of a torrent. Used to distinguish -- block count from piece count. type BlockCount = Int -- | Widely used semi-official block size. Some clients can ignore if -- block size of BlockIx in Request message is not equal to this -- value. -- defaultTransferSize :: BlockSize defaultTransferSize = 16 * 1024 {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Index -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | BlockIx correspond. data BlockIx = BlockIx { -- | Zero-based piece index. ixPiece :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PieceIx -- | Zero-based byte offset within the piece. , ixOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BlockOffset -- | Block size starting from offset. , ixLength :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BlockSize } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) -- | First block in torrent. Useful for debugging. instance Default BlockIx where def = BlockIx 0 0 defaultTransferSize getInt :: S.Get Int getInt = fromIntegral <$> S.getWord32be {-# INLINE getInt #-} putInt :: S.Putter Int putInt = S.putWord32be . fromIntegral {-# INLINE putInt #-} instance Serialize BlockIx where {-# SPECIALIZE instance Serialize BlockIx #-} get = BlockIx <$> getInt <*> getInt <*> getInt {-# INLINE get #-} put BlockIx {..} = do putInt ixPiece putInt ixOffset putInt ixLength {-# INLINE put #-} instance Pretty BlockIx where pretty BlockIx {..} = ("piece = " <> int ixPiece <> ",") <+> ("offset = " <> int ixOffset <> ",") <+> ("length = " <> int ixLength) -- | Get location of payload bytes in the torrent content. blockIxRange :: (Num a, Integral a) => PieceSize -> BlockIx -> (a, a) blockIxRange piSize BlockIx {..} = (offset, offset + len) where offset = fromIntegral piSize * fromIntegral ixPiece + fromIntegral ixOffset len = fromIntegral ixLength {-# INLINE blockIxRange #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Block -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data Block payload = Block { -- | Zero-based piece index. blkPiece :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PieceIx -- | Zero-based byte offset within the piece. , blkOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BlockOffset -- | Payload bytes. , blkData :: !payload } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Typeable) -- | Payload is ommitted. instance Pretty (Block BL.ByteString) where pretty = pretty . blockIx {-# INLINE pretty #-} -- | Get size of block /payload/ in bytes. blockSize :: Block BL.ByteString -> BlockSize blockSize = fromIntegral . BL.length . blkData {-# INLINE blockSize #-} -- | Get block index of a block. blockIx :: Block BL.ByteString -> BlockIx blockIx = BlockIx <$> blkPiece <*> blkOffset <*> blockSize -- | Get location of payload bytes in the torrent content. blockRange :: (Num a, Integral a) => PieceSize -> Block BL.ByteString -> (a, a) blockRange piSize = blockIxRange piSize . blockIx {-# INLINE blockRange #-} -- | Test if a block can be safely turned into a piece. isPiece :: PieceSize -> Block BL.ByteString -> Bool isPiece pieceLen blk @ (Block i offset _) = offset == 0 && blockSize blk == pieceLen && i >= 0 {-# INLINE isPiece #-} -- | First block in the piece. leadingBlock :: PieceIx -> BlockSize -> BlockIx leadingBlock pix blockSize = BlockIx { ixPiece = pix , ixOffset = 0 , ixLength = blockSize } {-# INLINE leadingBlock #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bucket -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type Pos = Int type ChunkSize = Int -- | A sparse set of blocks used to represent an /in progress/ piece. data Bucket = Nil | Span {-# UNPACK #-} !ChunkSize !Bucket | Fill {-# UNPACK #-} !ChunkSize !Builder !Bucket instance Show Bucket where showsPrec i Nil = showString "" showsPrec i (Span s xs) = showString "Span " <> showInt s <> showString " " <> showsPrec i xs showsPrec i (Fill s _ xs) = showString "Fill " <> showInt s <> showString " " <> showsPrec i xs -- | INVARIANT: 'Nil' should appear only after 'Span' of 'Fill'. nilInvFailed :: a nilInvFailed = error "Nil: bucket invariant failed" valid :: Bucket -> Bool valid = check Nothing where check Nothing Nil = False -- see 'nilInvFailed' check (Just _) _ = True check prevIsSpan (Span sz xs) = prevIsSpan /= Just True && -- Span n (NotSpan .. ) invariant sz > 0 && -- Span is always non-empty check (Just True) xs check prevIsSpan (Fill sz b xs) = prevIsSpan /= Just True && -- Fill n (NotFill .. ) invariant sz > 0 && -- Fill is always non-empty check (Just False) xs instance Pretty Bucket where pretty Nil = nilInvFailed pretty bkt = go bkt where go Nil = PP.empty go (Span sz xs) = "Span" <+> PP.int sz <+> go xs go (Fill sz b xs) = "Fill" <+> PP.int sz <+> go xs -- | Smart constructor: use it when some block is /deleted/ from -- bucket. span :: ChunkSize -> Bucket -> Bucket span sz (Span sz' xs) = Span (sz + sz') xs span sz xxs = Span sz xxs {-# INLINE span #-} -- | Smart constructor: use it when some block is /inserted/ to -- bucket. fill :: ChunkSize -> Builder -> Bucket -> Bucket fill sz b (Fill sz' b' xs) = Fill (sz + sz') (b <> b') xs fill sz b xxs = Fill sz b xxs {-# INLINE fill #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bucket queries -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | /O(1)/. Test if this bucket is empty. null :: Bucket -> Bool null Nil = nilInvFailed null (Span _ Nil) = True null _ = False {-# INLINE null #-} -- | /O(1)/. Test if this bucket is complete. full :: Bucket -> Bool full Nil = nilInvFailed full (Fill _ _ Nil) = True full _ = False {-# INLINE full #-} -- | /O(n)/. Total size of the incompleted piece. size :: Bucket -> PieceSize size Nil = nilInvFailed size bkt = go bkt where go Nil = 0 go (Span sz xs) = sz + go xs go (Fill sz _ xs) = sz + go xs -- | /O(n)/. List incomplete blocks to download. If some block have -- size more than the specified 'BlockSize' then block is split into -- smaller blocks to satisfy given 'BlockSize'. Small (for -- e.g. trailing) blocks is not ignored, but returned in-order. spans :: BlockSize -> Bucket -> [(BlockOffset, BlockSize)] spans expectedSize = go 0 where go _ Nil = [] go off (Span sz xs) = listChunks off sz ++ go (off + sz) xs go off (Fill sz _ xs) = go (off + sz) xs listChunks off restSize | restSize <= 0 = [] | otherwise = (off, blkSize) : listChunks (off + blkSize) (restSize - blkSize) where blkSize = min expectedSize restSize {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bucket contstruction -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | /O(1)/. A new empty bucket capable to alloof specified size. empty :: PieceSize -> Bucket empty sz | sz < 0 = error "empty: Bucket size must be a non-negative value" | otherwise = Span sz Nil {-# INLINE empty #-} insertSpan :: Pos -> BS.ByteString -> ChunkSize -> Bucket -> Bucket insertSpan !pos !bs !span_sz !xs = let pref_len = pos fill_len = span_sz - pos `min` BS.length bs suff_len = (span_sz - pos) - fill_len in mkSpan pref_len $ fill fill_len (byteString (BS.take fill_len bs)) $ mkSpan suff_len $ xs where mkSpan 0 xs = xs mkSpan sz xs = Span sz xs -- | /O(n)/. Insert a strict bytestring at specified position. -- -- Best case: if blocks are inserted in sequential order, then this -- operation should take /O(1)/. -- insert :: Pos -> BS.ByteString -> Bucket -> Bucket insert _ _ Nil = nilInvFailed insert dstPos bs bucket = go 0 bucket where intersects curPos sz = dstPos >= curPos && dstPos <= curPos + sz go _ Nil = Nil go curPos (Span sz xs) | intersects curPos sz = insertSpan (dstPos - curPos) bs sz xs | otherwise = span sz (go (curPos + sz) xs) go curPos bkt @ (Fill sz br xs) | intersects curPos sz = bkt | otherwise = fill sz br (go (curPos + sz) xs) fromList :: PieceSize -> [(Pos, BS.ByteString)] -> Bucket fromList s = L.foldr (uncurry Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.insert) (Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.empty s) -- TODO zero-copy insertLazy :: Pos -> BL.ByteString -> Bucket -> Bucket insertLazy pos bl = Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block.insert pos (BL.toStrict bl) -- | /O(n)/. merge :: Bucket -> Bucket -> Bucket merge = error "Bucket.merge: not implemented" -- | /O(1)/. toPiece :: Bucket -> Maybe BL.ByteString toPiece Nil = nilInvFailed toPiece (Fill _ b Nil) = Just (toLazyByteString b) toPiece _ = Nothing