{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Session.Metadata ( -- * Transfer state Status , nullStatus -- * State updates , Updates , runUpdates -- * Piece transfer control , scheduleBlock , resetPending , cancelPending , pushBlock ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Default import Data.List as L import Data.Tuple import Data.BEncode as BE import Data.Torrent as Torrent import Network.BitTorrent.Address import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block as Block import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Message as Message hiding (Status) -- | Current transfer status. data Status = Status { _pending :: [(PeerAddr IP, PieceIx)] , _bucket :: Bucket } makeLenses ''Status instance Default Status where def = error "default status" -- | Create a new scheduler for infodict of the given size. nullStatus :: Int -> Status nullStatus ps = Status [] (Block.empty ps) type Updates = ReaderT (PeerAddr IP) (State Status) runUpdates :: MVar Status -> PeerAddr IP -> Updates a -> IO a runUpdates v a m = modifyMVar v (return . swap . runState (runReaderT m a)) scheduleBlock :: Updates (Maybe PieceIx) scheduleBlock = do addr <- ask bkt <- use bucket case spans metadataPieceSize bkt of [] -> return Nothing ((off, _ ) : _) -> do let pix = off `div` metadataPieceSize pending %= ((addr, pix) :) return (Just pix) cancelPending :: PieceIx -> Updates () cancelPending pix = pending %= L.filter ((pix ==) . snd) resetPending :: Updates () resetPending = do addr <- ask pending %= L.filter ((addr ==) . fst) parseInfoDict :: BS.ByteString -> InfoHash -> Result InfoDict parseInfoDict chunk topic = case BE.decode chunk of Right (infodict @ InfoDict {..}) | topic == idInfoHash -> return infodict | otherwise -> Left "broken infodict" Left err -> Left $ "unable to parse infodict " ++ err -- todo use incremental parsing to avoid BS.concat call pushBlock :: Torrent.Piece BS.ByteString -> InfoHash -> Updates (Maybe InfoDict) pushBlock Torrent.Piece {..} topic = do addr <- ask p <- use pending when ((addr, pieceIndex) `L.notElem` p) $ error "not requested" cancelPending pieceIndex bucket %= Block.insert (metadataPieceSize * pieceIndex) pieceData b <- use bucket case toPiece b of Nothing -> return Nothing Just chunks -> case parseInfoDict (BL.toStrict chunks) topic of Right x -> do pending .= [] return (Just x) Left e -> do pending .= [] bucket .= Block.empty (Block.size b) return Nothing